Jeez, Space... if you can't figure out that art
IS subjective then there is utterly no hope for you. Seriously, you are far gone and out...
What anyone likes or loves, whether it be music, films, paintings, sculptures, food, places they have travelled to, people they have met, etc etc ******* etc... it's about the eye of the beholder and what strikes a chord in their heart. Not one absolute opinion from someone so arrogant that they think that was they say 'goes'...
'every single song ever recorded is good'... YES, in someones eyes, whether it be One Direction, Cliff Richard, Celine Dion, pick your bad act of choice. You're from the US, thought you lot believed in freedom of speech and, by definition, opinion?
I've tried to be nice to you, man, at a genuine risk of falling out with long-term friends from this forum who were far more offended by your bullshit than I was... your posts have now fallen into utter idiocy and I don't care what happens now. All the best, pal.