There isn't an NMA song that I do not like, thus far. I'll take in anyone of 'em
songs... straight-up, LOUD & OFTEN please.

What really does it for me, though, is the voice, in particular
that voice... HIS voice. It's the first thing I ever
loved about the band, the music. (somewhat embarrassed soft lol), I went years without even knowing who or what the singer even looked like! Only ever saw the 'White Coats' video once by chance, where one cannot decipher who the mysterious man was that owned
that voice.
It wasn't until my first time viewing NMA's video for '51st State', that I got hooked for better or worse. It was that extreme close-up scene where he's in the truck, and parted those gorgeous, big, plump, soft, kissable lips, opened up his mouth... and that was it, I was a goner. I was like OMG! 'Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?' Who is this gorgeous being! lol, and it didn't help any that he rocked a rather sublime strapping mean physique either, ahhh Christ! Those fcukin' leather clad days. lol, could not believe such beauty really and truly existed? I was rendered speechless, gobsmacked, dumbfounded, to say the least!
Fcuk vampires, I thought, for they've got nothin' on this guy.. nothing on HIM... ohhh, what a HYMmmN. Still oozes it in spades, as far as I'm concerned. S-P-A-D-E-S!! ! 'Yea-ahhh, baby'... As that notorious international man of mystery, Mr. Austin Powers would quite often exclaim.I much preferred the way things naturally took place, though... flourished, grew. For it worked out just like some gorgeous, breathless, wild and crazy dream. What can I say, but that I am completely taken in by it, utterly gobsmacked and forever drawn to
it. I don't know what 'GOD' put in there when he built the man, or if he gets it from his mum or from his dad, but fcukin' hell did the LORD almighty know what HE
('GOD') was doing or what!! It's the
bees knees, as they say over them waters, over

Getting somewhat back on topic. There has always be just one line, in one single song, that
always made me feel unsettled, makes me feel uneasy, worried even - especially because he still sings it to this day. I'm not going to name it, but whomever really cares, I will tell you this... the song is from the very first full length recording NMA ever released, and, he sings it in the first person. Can't help but think to myself
'How could someone, so young, sing words so' alarming, devastating, sad, terrifying? It's actually quite heartbreaking to hear him utter those few words, that one line. Often makes me stop and wonder what was going through his mind the day he penned it, as well as, what's still going on internally, that he feels propelled to sing it even as an older, mature man - every now and then.

And there you have it, well... sort of, anyhow. xOx Ooo