Author Topic: new album your hopes  (Read 3971 times)


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New album musical hopes and dreams...
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2019, 08:08:14 PM »
Uh, I hope it's loaded with sad songs, failing that, then love songs.  Always been a sucker for those.  8)

Hopefully there's a nice chunk of tunes featuring all 5 guys on vocal (at the very same time), harmonizing beautifully.  It is solely my opinion that, never in the entire history of New Model Army has there ever been a better group of singers, than there is with this most current line-up of the band - Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Dean, Mr. White, Mr. Gill, Mr. Monger... truly!

I am of the belief that if they set their guts, hearts, minds to it, they could put even bands such as The Beach Boys to shame.  This time 'round, these guys, as a whole-force-unto-itself can sing.  All 5 of their voices meld / fuse so incredibly well together.  I don't think that that has ever happened before within NMA.  Best be taking advantage of this blessing, while the moment is still here.  So, that's what I'll be lookin' to hear... their voices, more so now than ever before, on the up coming new NMA album, 'From Here'.

Hope they've recognised their own potential, capabilities, sensibilities, as a vocal unit in unison, vocal force unto itself.   Less than 3 months to go, now!  Woo-hoo!  So excited !!  :D   
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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2019, 01:21:49 PM »
I hope I'll be surprised in a positive way


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2019, 05:01:09 PM »
I hope it will be less uneven and a bit more inspired than "Winter"!  ;)
Please come back to catchy choruses and melodies!


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2019, 05:13:38 PM »
Think it might in some parts at least be a " heavy "  rock album. Hey I'm only going by the 30 sec sampler . The bass was heavy the drums a bit different n Marshalls guitar slightly stoner / Sabbath all pinned on to Justin's acoustic, what are others views
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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2019, 07:27:42 PM »

Well, obviously we all know jackshit but from the album teaser, i'm suspecting something a bit more groovy and... 'slinky', if that means anything.  Less big verse / chorus / verse, more about the bass and drums... and I'm always up for a band who put out an album that's about the rhythm with everything else piled over it, especially when there's a rhythm section as great as the one they've got right now!

But, as I said, we've got very little to go on at this point.  Perhaps if a full track 'drops' (as 'da kids' say nowadays), we might have a better idea?


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2019, 09:12:44 AM »
The two snippets sound quite different. The instrumental one sounds very raw and direct and the bit of Setting Sun sounds quite layered and more polished. It reminds me a bit of Space. So judging from that it might be quite a mix of styles and sounds. Sounds promising so far.


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2019, 11:13:32 AM »
The little snippets we have been given sound good so far. Looking forward to yet another strong album.
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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #37 on: June 02, 2019, 09:45:27 PM »
We've had an opportunity to hear "Watch And Learn" during the Camden Rocks Festival gig. When Dean took the Gibson I though they would play "Autumn". Suprisingly it was the completely new track. Massive, not exactly tuned, stright forward. I have to get used to it. 8)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2019, 09:47:04 PM by Marcin D. »


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WANTED: new song "Watch and Learn" spoilers...
« Reply #38 on: June 02, 2019, 11:06:03 PM »
We've had an opportunity to hear  "Watch And Learn"  during the Camden Rocks Festival gig.  When Dean took the Gibson I though they would play "Autumn".  Surprisingly it was the completely new track.  Massive, not exactly tuned, straight forward.  I have to get used to it. 8)

Damn, an 'I knew this would happen' kinda lol... This new song 'Watch and Learn', is going to be dogging me for days, now.  Sounds as though we can expect some dissonance then, via this particular song especially?  Is that correct?  I wouldn't know, as I've not heard either a note or word of it yet.  ???

How would you guys describe the pace, is it tribal, fast and thunderous OR somewhat jangly, melodic and mid-range mellow?  ???
What are the lyrics like... piercing, dark and heavy OR a little brighter, happier, hopeful.  ???

Aaack!  desperate lol, help a poor git (me) out.  At this point, I've got nothin' to go on, to go by,  :-\  for cryin' out loud.  Nil.  Nada.  Niente.  'Just anything... Just anyone...'  Please.   :-[
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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2019, 04:13:49 AM »
no idea
but want to keep the surpsise and hear nothing until i will not put my vynil on................


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2019, 12:56:29 AM »
want to keep the surpsise and hear nothing until i put my vynil on................

Why listen to a teaser? These people know they are going to buy the album...why ruin any surprises? Man, just silly and pointless.

An album is still a work of art. You take it in as it is intended to be taken in. Beginning to end. Not in silly snippets two months before.


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2019, 07:30:22 AM »
I hope it's not like BDAW.


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I don't mind a heads-up on a few of the lyrics, the teasers and hearing the new material live, before the album is released, SO long as the precious recorded official album versions (of the new songs) are NOT leaked before the actual release date.  There's always enough of a difference between the live and recorded versions of NMA songs, in which case the new songs would still have an important, thrilling, element of surprise, edge, when the record finally drops.  I'm so sorry folk here feel quite differently.  :-[
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I don't mind a heads-up on a few of the lyrics, the teasers ...
But why? You are going to be able to hear the album in 45 days or so. You really can't hold out so you can hear it as it is intended to be heard? Not snippets; rather a full listening experience, surprises and all.

I will get the album the day it comes out and I will settle in and give it a completely fresh listen. You folks here already know much about it. Hell, you are not even excited about the new album. I guess you are looking forward to the album New Model Army will release in 2021...not the one coming in August.


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2019, 09:48:30 PM »
It's not about snips , sure I played the official teaser a few times listened to the live track.  It's about the album dropping thru the letter box n sticking on the turntable enjoying the art n getting excited about the live dates . We all see trailers for movies , check live vids for gigs does it change anything for me No .
What we got anyway 30 secs of teasers n a poorly recorded live track from probably 40mins or so .
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