Author Topic: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here  (Read 5472 times)

Master Ray

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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2015, 09:34:43 PM »
... nutters ...

Nutter? Do you mind  ;D Ok so I may have been a bit wobbly over the last few decades but I thought the magic Pink pills had finally sorted me out  :D

Hey Ray - Do keep up old chap didn't you realise time has all gone a bit "wibbly-wobbly". I think it's something to do with the space-time continuum but you'd have to ask a Timelord  ;D  ;D

Or ask Picard...



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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2015, 09:40:54 PM »
I would be interested to know how many times 'Space' has been to a live gig in the last 10 years ?
Alright, cat out of the bag time.

Answer to how many times I have seen NMA live in the past ten years? None.
Answer to how many times I have seen NMA live at all? None.

And I am/was an outrageously avid concert goer. Man, I saw The Clash at those classic New York City Bonds shows in Times Square EIGHT times! I've seen just about every band under the sun. From Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons to Public Image when Keith Levene was on guitar!

But with New Model Army the thing is this -- no one I know, absolutely no one I know has ever heard of New Model Army. I'll go to a movie alone, a restaurant alone, but I ain't going to a concert alone. And a New Model Army show (or any concert) wouldn't exactly be a great place to bring a date who is unfamiliar with the band. So I, a concert-goer extraordinaire have never seen them live.

I don't know exactly how many times the band has played New York City. I really don't think it is too often. (And, yeah, I remember the incident in the early '80s when the band couldn't get work visas to play here in New York. "No artistic value." That incident got me heavily into New Model Army. Wow, this band must be really politically strident and dangerous.)

Thing is now I don't think I will ever see them live. I am not too keen on hearing material from "Carnival" or "Eight" played. I missed out on the days when "Space" was being played (oh, I love that song).  I can live with that regret.


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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2015, 10:24:01 PM »

Seen them live five times:

- Marquee, London - 1985
- Phillipshalle, Germany - 1990
- Bizarre Festival, Germany - 1996
- Astoria, London - 2003
- Koln Palladium, Germany - 2006

Plus I will be seeing the band live in December of 2014.
That's six times seeing NMA live.

Really looking forward to going to the 2014 Christmas shows. Going to be tough, but I will be doing London, Nottingham, Paris, Cologne and Amsterdam all in one night. All in one night! Reason four why I am "The Biggest New Model Army Fan" here.


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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2015, 11:41:11 PM »
It doesn't even matter to me. I don't really think "The biggest fan" even exists.
Even if you never see them live but love them... it's very possible to be just as passionate as a person who has seen them 500 times.

It really means nothing.
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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2015, 06:23:13 AM »
Sorry Space - I got you by a mile.

Back in 2003, at my invitation, Justin and Michael came to Nashville to jam at local club called The End.  It was just me, the band, a couple blokes from Alabama, a couple of young girls from Vanderbilt, and a small gathering of "The Family".  I talked to Justin and Tommy (was too scared of Dean and Michael).  During the jam session, I collaborated with them on almost every song; adding lead and backing vocals along with the percussion of two hands clanging together.  For that show, I did something I've never done for any other band: I put out poster all over Nashville, heralding the first coming of NMA.  Thanking me for the invitation, Tommy said that I'd have to travel to Chicago if I ever wanted to see the band again; there would be no second coming in Nashville.

Then, in 2010, I met the boys for a weekend in NY (your hometown).  We laughed and played our asses off.  Again, I collaborated with them on every song.  Although I never wrote a whole song with them, I changed many of the words on the just about every song we sang those two nights (it must have been the beers I had, you know how us US drinkers are).  Justin and I even went to Coney Island together on one of the days (ok, so not together, but on the same day).

So there.


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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2015, 07:46:20 PM »
Just a small contribution- I don't post much, just hang around and giggle a bit about all the posts you guys throw around. It's hilarious at times! But I go to NMA shows and I love the band.

There can be only one to compete for the title of biggest NMA fan. It has to be Ceri Monger.

He has a NMA-tattoo. He danced in the moshpit. Now he plays in the band. He is credited for songwriting on an official NMA album, which is arguably one of the best in their career. He might even be on this forum!

So there you go. Or doesn't it count actually being in the band you love so much?  :D
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 07:52:59 PM by goaliekas »

Master Ray

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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #21 on: April 09, 2015, 07:48:41 PM »
Just a small contribution- I don't post much, just hang around and giggle a bit about all the posts you guys throw around. It's hilarious at times! But I go to NMA shows and I love the band.

There can be only one to compete for the the title of biggest NMA fan. It has to be Ceri Monger.

He has a NMA-tattoo. He danced in the moshpit. Now he plays in the band. He is credited for songwriting on an official NMA album, which is arguably one of the best in their career.

So there you go. Or doesn't it count actually being in the band you love so much?  :D

Oh, bloody YES!

This debate just got won.

(Unless, Goaliekas, you are actually Ceri, in which case, hmm, that's a bit attention-seeking, mate...)


« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 07:55:00 PM by Master Ray »


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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2015, 07:59:25 PM »
Couldn't play a single note of bass to save my life! Lots of air-drumming though...  ::)

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2015, 08:17:15 PM »
Just a small contribution- I don't post much, just hang around and giggle a bit about all the posts you guys throw around. It's hilarious at times! But I go to NMA shows and I love the band.

There can be only one to compete for the title of biggest NMA fan. It has to be Ceri Monger.

He has a NMA-tattoo. He danced in the moshpit. Now he plays in the band. He is credited for songwriting on an official NMA album, which is arguably one of the best in their career. He might even be on this forum!

So there you go. Or doesn't it count actually being in the band you love so much?  :D

And there you go ! Nicely done  :-*

Space - you just got your arse right royally kicked sunshine  ;D

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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2015, 08:21:11 PM »
We shall rebuild space - bigger better stronger, is that what you Americans call a can of whoop ass lol
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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2015, 09:12:20 PM »
The debate is not won because the title belongs to nobody. Just because soemone has connections does not mean they love the music more than someone who does not.  I can not belive grown adults are taking this seriously.
It's ******* ridiculous. 

  This conversation was had in the past. No fans are bigger and better fans than any others. If you think so, then you are wrong.

Now: this has pissed me off and not because of Space. Because of people who actual are making this a bragging competition.
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2015, 09:30:14 PM »
  I can not belive grown adults are taking this seriously.

Good - because no-one else is  >:(

Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't

Master Ray

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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2015, 09:44:57 PM »
Has anyone else noticed that Space usually posts something, kicks up a bit of a stink (like someone farting in a room then leaving to leave everyone else to deal with it), posts a couple more times and then buggers off, only to start up another 'controversial'  ::) thread...?


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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2015, 10:09:28 PM »
There can be only one to compete for the title of biggest NMA fan. It has to be Ceri Monger.

He has a NMA-tattoo. He danced in the moshpit. Now he plays in the band.

And there you go ! Nicely done  :-*

Space - you just got your arse right royally kicked sunshine  ;D

Absolutely not.

1. Ceri had his bass before he joined the band while I bought a guitar because of the band;
2. Ceri lives in Europe, he didn't buy a region free DVD player like I did in order to watch NMA videos;
3. Ceri is credited on one song ("Happy To Be Here"), I am on two ("Inheritance" and "Caslen")

Clearly Space is the bigger NMA fan.


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Re: OK, Let's Do It...Who Is The Biggest NMA Fan Here
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2015, 10:13:27 PM »
Has anyone else noticed that Space usually posts something, kicks up a bit of a stink (like someone farting in a room then leaving to leave everyone else to deal with it), posts a couple more times and then buggers off, only to start up another 'controversial'  ::) thread...?

Yes mate. I commented on such before. to quote myself,,, ---

Re: Top Five NMA Guitar Riffs?

"Round and round we go. I have to say, you are very good at this Space. Start a topic, sometimes sensible, let it run, then start insulting other peoples opinions till it starts to turn sour, then start up another. Presumably if people take the time to pick out five songs with their favourite guitar riffs, you will then tell how wrong they are for making such a choice, and your list is the best. Songs other people pick -- you could do better on your guitar. After all you are better at moderating this forum, can list people who should not be on it, can improve NMA songs with your guitar work, and now have the answers to NMA's management structure and if followed your guidance could become a "successful" band.

I would like to advise my fellow forum members not to bother with this topic. If you do, your choice of five, the songs in the eyes of Space will be "too long" or sound too "hippie", just wrong because Space is always right. Given time Space may  get bored and find another forum to troll for his amusement. "

That was on Feb 11th, nothing has changed. The game goes on and we are all the players