well, this is an unnecessary thread but i think also, it would be unnecessary to delete it. i think it would be like trying to undo it, to just close your eyes and think the outside disappears too.
as i said earlier and others too, the best way to deal with it is to choose not to be bothered with it. space started this and he (or she) is only speaking for him (or her)self. you can try to convince him, discuss with him (or her) why the opinions expressed are stupid or dumb or just self repeating tedios things, or you can just shake your head and concentrate on other things.
i don't feel bothered, or to say, i just very often shake my head and feel confused about how other peoples brains work. but it would be too much to delete the thread.
space is the biggest nma fan out there, so her or she thinks, so what? i don't care. i don't believe it. there are so many good arguements here and some folks are very patient and others aren't, trying to sort things out. this is a discussion board and i think you cannot delete stupidity.
this is surely not representative at all about nma fans. this is what happens if you share thoughts anonymly on the internet. to me it's like being on a gig, and people are talking and being loud in quiet passages. i feel angry and hateful in those moments and cannot understand this rude behaviour, but people are different and there are thousands of them at that moment. and the most of them do not talk. so i choose to let it go and also see it from that point of view, that there are more dedicated passionly folks with manners.
the thread can be deleted, i don't care. i just wanted to share my little two cents.
and btw, if someone not familiar with the music of nma (this is what it's all about, or not ?) confuses some unimportant words on a forum with the art and music of the group and with the overall fanbase, and on that bases the decision not gong to listen, then i don't care eather. it's stupid too, in my eyes.