All this nastiness is starting to make me reconsider following this band. It's really causing me to go into a deep depression and making me even more angry and withdrawn from people. It doesn't matter because I left and am posting here. 
No,not about you.
I don't come here that often and neither am I a regular in the FB group you mention.I read more than I post, too - so, how can I put is just very hard to judge.
To me, as an "outsider" (=not getting involved very much), a lot of what is going on seems harmless enough - but sometimes it seems there is a "history", and that might make these seemingly innocent posts hurtful to you and others, of course.
But maybe a lot of it is also this always lingering issue of how easily things can be misread on the internet where you can't look other people in the face or hear the tone of their voice. And, as you have mentioned before, people have a different sense of humour everywhere and sometimes others just don't "get" that something you have written was in no way meant as an insult.
But of course it is also true that, if you feel hurt, those are real feelings - in a large internet group things just tend to get out of hand so very quickly.
Still, it would be a crying shame if you let a few people ruin your love for this band, please don't let that happen.
Ignore those who hurt you, keep in mind that it really may be unintentional - and stick to the good bits.