OK, this made me smile / laugh in kind of a bitter way...
All those papers who supported The Tories and threw a great big smear campaign against Labour, thus pushing the easily-led politically naïve folks to vote Conservative ... the last few days, they've ALL had front-page headlines about massive NHS problems, that awful poverty we have and what disgusting things the Bankers are doing...
FFS, WHO do you think let's them get away with it? Oh, yes, those same Tories that you liked so much...
I give you this...

I thought the video was hilarious.
Though on a more serious note you wrote;
easily-led politically naïve folks to vote Conservative.
Personally I think this has been one of the tragic things about this campaign, the rude statements made about people who vote for parties we do not disagree with and didn't vote for. Ie what you put there, and others say like UKIP voters are "racists", Labour voters are for the "work shy" and so on.
I think we do the mass a disservice. But more than that, it stops us for looking at WHY people vote the way they do and the underlying issues that concern people. If we think that people who vote for one party are because they were "scared into it", or "stupid" or "protesting", I think we will miss the real reasons it happens. Personally I think only three parties understood somewhat why people voted for them and that is Tory, Green and SNP. UKIP think it was for their manifesto, but it was for immigration as they have diddly shit economic policy. Labour and the Lib Dems are still trying to figure it out.
I don't know about you, but I read all the parties manifestos, every page. And it's very interesting to find what they really want, rather than what they say.
Apologies for going serious for a mo, but must get that off my chest.