When a hurricane hits a piece of land I don't think nature really cares whether it destroys weeds or flowers.
So if humans are parasites or not doesn't really matter; nature changes. Indeed that is what defines the existence of nature - change.
But saying we accept the pessimistic view as humans as parasites - the most successful viruses by their very nature mutate and adapt to their environment and make it their own.
Peoples idea of nature is very relative - if somebody wanted to knock down a beautiful historic 18th century palace there would be an outcry. But I bet there was no outcry in the first place for the fields and woodland it replaced. It will be the same when The Shard in London starts to date and crumble. For me Angry Planet is in that tradition of songs/stories lamenting how things were once better and are now less so.
So I don't think anyone mourns the death of a star, unless it's their own.
Hurricanes are part and parcel of the Earths systems and processes, it is only humans who impart a judgement as to whether that is a good or bad occurrence, indeed for every "negative" effect as perceived by us there will be another "positive" one relating to the biological/ecological/geological systems surely? In the same way that for a natural forest (i.e. untouched by human management) Fire is an essential part of the cycle required to clear space for the next generation of trees, to supply essential nutrients and provide habitat/food for other lifeforms. Furthermore there are flora species whose seeds require burning in order to germinate. So yes change is an essential part of Nature but I don't quite get how it is the definition of Nature's existence.
Nice point about successful viruses though

Afraid I can't agree with you on the 18th century palace - I bet that the Farmers, Woodland workers and Livestock herders were seriously pissed off when their livelihoods were taken away .......... As for how the end of The Shard will be viewed when the time comes, well it probably depends on how strong the attachment grows in the intervening years and how much value is placed on the building.
Maybe nobody does give a monkeys about a star dying unless it's their own - but we ain't about to kill a star. Make it unfit for human life quite possibly but kill it, I don't think so.
Whichever way you look at it, Angry Planet is a damn fine song though