A bloke isn't feeling very well, so he goes to the doctors. After a thorough examination, the doctor stands away from him and frowns. The bloke says, "What's the matter with me then doc?"
The doctor frowns again and then says, "I'm afraid you've got yellow fever."
The bloke says, "Is that bad?"
The doctor says, "It's normally curable, but I'm afraid you have a very rare strain of it. It's called 'Yellow 665' and I'm sorry to have to tell you that you'll be dead in three days."
On his way home, the blokes mind is in a whirl. He can't stop thinking, "I've got 'Yellow 665', I've got 'Yellow 665'. Oh no, I'VE GOT 'YELLOW 665'"
He gets home and his wife says, "How's your day been?"
He says, "I went to the doctors. I've got 'Yellow 665', I'll be dead in three days!"
His wife says, "That's terrible. You need something to take your mind off that. Why don't you come to the bingo with me tonight?"
So later on they are at bingo. They play for four corners. The bloke wins it. Twenty quid. They play for a line. The bloke wins it. A hundred quid. They play full house. He wins again. One thousand pounds. They play for the national jackpot which hasn't been won for two years. He wins it. One hundred and four thousand pounds!
The bingo caller gets him up on stage and in front of a packed, cheering house says, "I just want to shake the hand of the luckiest man I've ever met."
The bloke looks at him and says, "
Me!? Lucky!? I've got 'Yellow 665'!!!"
And the bingo caller says,
"F#ck me! You've won the raffle as well!"