Author Topic: So... tell us a joke!  (Read 13498 times)


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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2015, 09:11:11 PM »
A bloke isn't feeling very well, so he goes to the doctors. After a thorough examination, the doctor stands away from him and frowns. The bloke says, "What's the matter with me then doc?"
The doctor frowns again and then says, "I'm afraid you've got yellow fever."
The bloke says, "Is that bad?"
The doctor says, "It's normally curable, but I'm afraid you have a very rare strain of it. It's called 'Yellow 665' and I'm sorry to have to tell you that you'll be dead in three days."
On his way home, the blokes mind is in a whirl. He can't stop thinking, "I've got 'Yellow 665', I've got 'Yellow 665'. Oh no, I'VE GOT 'YELLOW 665'"
He gets home and his wife says, "How's your day been?"
He says, "I went to the doctors. I've got 'Yellow 665', I'll be dead in three days!"
His wife says, "That's terrible. You need something to take your mind off that. Why don't you come to the bingo with me tonight?"
So later on they are at bingo. They play for four corners. The bloke wins it. Twenty quid. They play for a line. The bloke wins it. A hundred quid. They play full house. He wins again. One thousand pounds. They play for the national jackpot which hasn't been won for two years. He wins it. One hundred and four thousand pounds!
The bingo caller gets him up on stage and in front of a packed, cheering house says, "I just want to shake the hand of the luckiest man I've ever met."
The bloke looks at him and says, "
Me!? Lucky!? I've got 'Yellow 665'!!!"
And the bingo caller says,

"F#ck me! You've won the raffle as well!"


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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #31 on: November 14, 2015, 07:40:29 PM »
An old one apparently....
There is a field of bulls and a field of cows divided by a railway track. One day a train goes past. All the cows fall over, while the bulls only shake a bit. This happens everytime a train goes by.
One day, one of the cows who has been watching this, calls one of the bulls over.
"Excuse me" said the cow. " How is it that when a train goes by, we all fall over but you, being pretty much the same size, just shake a bit?"
"Thats easy" came the reply. "Everyone knows that We Bulls wobble, but they don't fall down".

Thank you. Im here all week. Well a bit. Do try the veal.

(Fairly confident that anyone under 40 wont get it lol)
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen

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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2015, 07:51:21 PM »
An old one apparently....
There is a field of bulls and a field of cows divided by a railway track. One day a train goes past. All the cows fall over, while the bulls only shake a bit. This happens everytime a train goes by.
One day, one of the cows who has been watching this, calls one of the bulls over.
"Excuse me" said the cow. " How is it that when a train goes by, we all fall over but you, being pretty much the same size, just shake a bit?"
"Thats easy" came the reply. "Everyone knows that We Bulls wobble, but they don't fall down".

Thank you. Im here all week. Well a bit. Do try the veal.

(Fairly confident that anyone under 40 wont get it lol)

I get it.  ;)

I never liked Weebles.  Self-righteous little bastards.



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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #33 on: November 14, 2015, 07:58:41 PM »
I only had one that I remember. Never quite sure what the point was!!
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen


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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #34 on: November 14, 2015, 09:36:50 PM »
I got three;

"I've just deleted all the Germans I know off my phone, and now it's a Hans Free!"  ;D

"A man has a pet snail, and he thought the shell on it's back was a bit heavy. So it could get around faster he took the shell off, but it didn't work. All it did was make it a lot more sluggish".  ;D

"A caveman wanted to know where the sun came from. So he decided to sit up all night to see and then it dawned on him!"  ;D


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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2015, 09:50:39 PM »
This thread is a welcome relief! Laughing out loud at Drummy B, MR and ldopas  ;D
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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2015, 09:46:17 PM »
Bad feet run in my family


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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2015, 07:15:40 PM »
Two fish in a tank.

One says to the other, how do you drive this thing?

"Ruffling feathers" Founded 1971


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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #40 on: November 25, 2015, 07:32:07 PM »
Went and seen a fortune teller today.
He started laughing at me
So I punched him
I always like to strike a happy medium
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?


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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #42 on: November 25, 2015, 08:52:05 PM »
I backed a horse today, it was twenty to one finished at a quarter past two

Mr Cooper
"Ruffling feathers" Founded 1971

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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #43 on: December 08, 2015, 10:49:11 PM »
How many amoebas does it take to screw in a light bulb? One, no two! No four! eight!


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Re: So... tell us a joke!
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2015, 11:53:42 AM »
Ain't heard some of these since school!

One me daughter keeps telling -

Why did the banana go to the doctors?
Because it wasn't peeling well

I still like -
A man walks into a bar - Ouch!

Two oranges walking down the road.
One says to the other "Where do you live mate"
To which the other answers "Fu*k me a talking orange"