Just passing through looking for something else but saw this so will post a quick reply.
It was 1992 to 1995. Although I could have carried on for a while after that, it was all a little intense, so I stopped. The album we did wasn't great, but the live work was fun, and three years of tours with them was a unique experience. I'd always liked The Damned, and when I got a call from Rat asking if I was interested I couldn't really say no. I never felt I belonged to it like I did with New Model Army. Looking back, the NMA years are the part of my career I'm most proud of.
Pants weren't a ska band, we were, and indeed still are on occasion, a pub rock band, doing rock/metal versions of twee pop songs for laughs. I did play with a 9-piece ska band, a 7-piece country and western band, a classical quartet, a punk band and a psychedelic band, among others. I like to do odd projects from time to time, and odd bits of session work here and there.
I still play, though not as much as I used to. I've been writing a bit recently and diversifying into other instruments, harmonica, melodica, ukulele, cello, violin and drums, and working a lot with old hardware synths and samplers. I have a small rehearsal and recording studio with a lot of gear in it.
I restore old British comic art for Titan Books, write articles for comic magazines, and have done a few projects with Irish comics author Garth Ennis, but that's a hobby and doesn't really pay the bills.
Never had anything to do with agriculture, although I grew up in farming country and live in a little farming village now. I did train as a paramedic, then went and got a degree at 40, and now work in NHS Education at the Open University in Oxford.
Oh, and I was in some documentary or other a couple of years ago...