Justin mentions it in the Documentary if my memory serves
Thank you Dilla, for mentioning the above. I had no idea that that bit of trivia made it into Matt Reid's NMA documentary!
This is going to sound really silly, stupid and strange, to probably the majority of folk here, but I still haven't seen it. But that's not what makes it odd, though. Truth is, I bought a proper copy of the NMA documentary when it was released, but I'm SO afraid to sit down and watch it. I was one of the original ones begging for some kind of NMA film to be made, that I have since become terrified, mortified even, of watching it. I know, I know, doesn't make any sense... well, to me neither!
I'm afraid of what I might see, of what I might feel... and 'GOD' knows I
will feel, and profoundly so. I just know I'm going to sit there weeping, I just know it... I can feel it, sensed it from day one. And it's ok if I do weep, it's something I'm very, very used to. But I have to be ready for it, otherwise it will break me. I also fear that it's going to trigger massive
volumes of further questions for the band. Some folk might remember, I ask way too many questions as it is! What then, when there's no chance of having the questions answered?

If and when I finally muster up the courage to watch the documentary, I want it to be when I'm alone, by myself. The last thing I need is to explain to whomever walks in the room as to why I might be weeping while watching a rock documentary... then either get yelled or laughed at by them. I want peace when I finally watch it, no disturbances. I want to love it, to savour it, to have it light up my mind, lift up my soul, flood my heart, and bring intense and immense joy, happiness, love... instead of heartbreak.

It appears, I have way too many high hopes

great expectations.