Hey Ron - glad you found this show. Whilst it's dismissed as "tits and dragons" by many of our "betters" its a damn fine show mixing a very loose interpretation of The War of the Roses with the fantasy genre. Obviously an awful lot from the books gets missed out otherwise they would have to run for a million series (GRRM is very wordy

). Have to say I think a lot of the critics are misplaced because I think the imagined medieval setting probably was somewhat "tits and dragons"

Anyway ...
Yes I've seen that with Arya holding Littlefingers dagger and wonder how that happens. As you say if "no-one" finds out about the shenanigans from him with Sansa then it' probably won't be pretty

As for Danerys and that throne she is seen sitting on well I think we need to look at the family home of the Targaryens more than the Iron Throne.
Not sure how far up yo date you are so hope I ain't spoilt bugger all here.