Well, I'm going to FULL ON SPOILERS, so spoiler-y that they will make the milk in your fridge curdle if you even read any further...
Still here! Good!
Well, that didn't go the way I thought it would! And, quite frankly, I'm rather pleased. I mentioned in a previous post that I'd been watching early episodes and missed the way it was a low-key show about nasty people doing nasty things to each other with no big CGI sequences... now I loved this episode but seeing as the whole 'army of dead people' thing seems to be over (or is it?

) I'm looking forward to getting back to what made me fall in love with the show in the first place. I'd rather see a full- on Cersei / Jamie / Tyrion confrontation that hundreds of CGI things doing computer-y stuff. Is that just me?
That said, there were some magnificent moments, not least the Dothraki getting wiped out, not with a massive action scene but them running off into the distance... then simple silence falling and their flame-y swords being quietly extinguished.
There were a few awful deaths though, not least for me young Lyanna Mormont (those bone-cracking sound effects?

), Beric (saved both Arya and The Hound? Fuckin' LEGEND!) and, of course, poor old Theon, wonderfully played by Alfie Allen... the only thing worse that ever happened to him was his real-life sister Lily Allen writing this song about him, terrible song, but rather funny video...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr2Grfi3lFgOh, and of course, Jorah (or Ser Friendzone as I insist on calling him because it amuses me)... we always knew that was coming but it didn't hurt any less. Although the slightly evil part of me does somewhat wish that, as he died, she could have whispered in his ear 'you do realise that if you'd have tried just a LITTLE bit harder, I probably would have shagged you...'

Aw, you all know already that I'm a terrible person.
Seeing as all this stuff is out of the way now, truly looking forward to the rest of the series.