Author Topic: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...  (Read 2895 times)

Master Ray

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #60 on: April 20, 2019, 09:42:02 PM »
Hey Anna!  Big love to you and Keren as always! xx  Thanks for getting back to me.

Your thoughts are as excellent as ever and I have very little to add until we have a new episode to play with.  Although a couple of random things...

Yes, Bronn won't do it.  Or I'll be just as disappointed in that great character as I would be if Ted Hastings turns out to be a bent copper.   ;D  As to that Cersei / Bronn thing that some people might be wondering what the hell we're going on about... apparently Lena Headey and Jerome Flynn used to date in the 2000's, it all went rather bad and now they can't stand to be in the same room as each other, much less perform a scene.  Yes, you would think that they would be more professional... but remember the scene from the last episode of s7?  Where the ice zombie fella was brought in front of Cersei and Bronn took Pod to one side and said 'Let's go for a drink...' or something?  Wouldn't it have more sense to have Bronn backing up his mates? 

Melisandre... one of those characters I just can't get a grip on.  Which makes her one of the more intriguing ones... although another vagina smoke baby demon thing would be interesting.   ;)

And my dream ending for the next episode... Jamie goes to apologise to Bran in his bedroom in some tall tower, fully aware of the consequences, walks in without knocking... and finds him having it off with Sansa.  And then chucks him out of the window again, shouting 'you hypocritical little bastard!'.   ;D

Looking forward to the next episode, be sure to post back! x


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #61 on: April 22, 2019, 10:57:28 AM »
A quick no spoilers on episode 2 . I'll choose a few lyrics.
There waiting round here for something to happen.
It's just a kiss away.
Secrets that we share.

I'll let everyone catch up. 
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #62 on: April 22, 2019, 11:43:10 AM »
I think Bronns role is perfectly clear. He always was and will be a mercenary and never was interested in deep frienships but in the outcome of the highest bidder. And at the moment is is Cercei he serves

And hey, calm before the storm. Wasn't that a very moody episode. A last farewell to old friends we accompanied for so many seasons to some of them we definitly have to say goodbye with the beginning of the next episode.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2019, 11:47:07 AM by MaoLee »

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #63 on: April 22, 2019, 06:33:20 PM »
There waiting round here for something to happen.

 :D ... they won't really want it when it rolls round to greet them

I think Bronns role is perfectly clear. He always was and will be a mercenary and never was interested in deep frienships but in the outcome of the highest bidder. And at the moment is is Cercei he serves

yeah you're probably right - just wishful thinking on my part but then Tyrion always promised to pay double what Cersei does  :)

I really enjoyed that episode


Arya & Gendry - how sweet  :-* but it felt a little wrong after "knowing" Arya since she was a little girl

That Lady Mormont really  gets on my tits : I hope she dies next week  ;D

Bran - The things we do for love  :D he's saving Jamie for something special and a rather telling to comment in the weirwood about how do you know there is an after?. Interesting that we didn't see any of the conversation between Bran & Tyrion, maybe something there to crop up in the future.

Ser Davos & that Shireen lookalike was a bit odd. Just a little throwback or indicative of something else?

Theon - redemption arc surely almost complete.

Dany & Jon aka Aegon - she didn't like that did she  ;D

Ghost - nice to see him but he seems to have shrunk a bit  :o

As MaoLee says - lots of deaths next week and possibly some reanimations too. Any bets on who?

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #64 on: April 22, 2019, 07:01:24 PM »
The ayra scene was defo creepy and wrong, yeah I know she is of age now but still wrong .
Strange there was no night king with the army of the dead .
My money is on the hound being the main person to get the chop first. 
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Master Ray

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #65 on: April 22, 2019, 07:45:42 PM »

Bloody lovely episode.  One of my favourites ever.  Because some might think of GOT as being a big fantasy show about ice zombies and dragons and big SFX stuff, but I re-watched the very first series not so long ago.  Apart from the very start and the very end, there's was little of the big fantasy stuff about it.  It was a grim and gritty show about the power play between various families / 'houses' in medieval-inspired times.  With excellent actors, superb and somewhat slow-moving scripts and great dialogue.  This is what this episode offered me, a throwback to those early days and a proper 'calm before the storm' before the next episode, which will doubtlessly look like a Hollywood blockbuster thing.  Not complaining about that, should be a lot of fun!  But just as the last episode was about reconnecting these great characters, this one deepened that idea and provided us with even more moving scenes.  C'mon, Brienne getting knighted and looking tearfully happy about it?   :'(

Which leads me to my next point... several characters looked to the future with much happiness... are we so savvy to the usual ways of television and their damn 'foreshadowing' that we automatically assume that it's an immediate death sentence?  Brienne, happy with her knighting, Grey Worm and Missendei making plans to run away together, Pod getting recognition for his many online are already assuming that they're all royally fucked.   ;)  Maybe the GOT creators are more savvy than us and are bluffing?  Just a thought!

Now, one thing that seems to be freaking people out all over the internet is the Arya sex scene.  Yes, I suppose I also felt a little bit like a father who accessed his teenage daughters Instagram account  ;D but at the same time, FFS!  Maisie Williams is 22 years old!  There was no actual nudity (pretty sure she was wearing a body stocking, unless she actually has nipple-less breasts!) she's one of the biggest stars of the show and it seems like she had control over what was shown.  She's an adult woman but, if you go online and read certain comment, you'd have thought she was 16 and coerced into it by slimy HBO execs.   ::)

(Also, it might be a big plot point... Arya might now be pregnant... could have implications?)

In summary, some of my favourite movie / TV scenes are all about great actors delivering great dialogue in great scenes.  This episode delivered much of that, in spades.  Loved it.

Hope it made sense, posted it after a nice pub-garden-afternoon kind of thing...  ;)


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #66 on: April 22, 2019, 10:38:44 PM »
Cheers Anna. Cleary Ive read some crap somewhere. Well this was a bit of a love-in episode for me. Everyones kissed and made up and old enemy's are now friends. I could theorise about who is going to do what but Ill just let it play out I think. Genuinely emjoyed this one more than the first. Fantastic show and I'll be sorry to see the end of it.
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #67 on: April 27, 2019, 05:41:26 AM »

As MaoLee says - lots of deaths next week and possibly some reanimations too. Any bets on who?

Could be anyone who died but wasn't burned so far.

Maybe Hodor, Littlefinger, Catelyn, the headless Ned Stark, Jannis Baratheon, Ramsey Bolton, Uncle Benjen

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #68 on: April 28, 2019, 01:42:55 PM »
Yeah I think we might see zombie Hodor and perhaps Catelyn Stark as a nod to the Lady Stoneheart book character who never made it to the screen. I think there might be an older stark down in them crypts too which may not be a good thing - there was far too many comments about how safe it is down there . . . . .

Theon, Greyworm, Brienne , Edd, Ser Jorah and Ser Davos to say goodbye but any could be raised up again by the Night King : Greyworm to kill Missandei p'raps  :o

we'll soon find out  :)
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #69 on: April 29, 2019, 03:10:29 PM »
And in the end - at least 3 episode before the show ends - things never turn out the way you expect.  :D


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #70 on: April 29, 2019, 06:00:57 PM »
Fckn hell  - who seen all of that coming  so soon . Amazing brilliant episode so many twists. Keeping it spoiler free for now .
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #71 on: April 29, 2019, 06:07:50 PM »
Maybe the undead tapped in many plotholes but everything else war far away from brilliant. OK, for the standards of TV-Shows this show is extraordinary, for sure, but storytelling got a bit lame the last 2 or 3 seasons and all of the surviving maincharakters had an easy way not to die since then.

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #72 on: April 29, 2019, 07:47:18 PM »

Well, I'm going to FULL ON SPOILERS, so spoiler-y that they will make the milk in your fridge curdle if you even read any further...




Still here!  Good!

Well, that didn't go the way I thought it would!  And, quite frankly, I'm rather pleased.  I mentioned in a previous post that I'd been watching early episodes and missed the way it was a low-key show about nasty people doing nasty things to each other with no big CGI sequences... now I loved this episode but seeing as the whole 'army of dead people' thing seems to be over (or is it?   :o ) I'm looking forward to getting back to what made me fall in love with the show in the first place.  I'd rather see a full- on Cersei / Jamie / Tyrion confrontation that hundreds of CGI things doing computer-y stuff.  Is that just me? 

That said, there were some magnificent moments, not least the Dothraki getting wiped out, not with a massive action scene but them running off into the distance... then simple silence falling and their flame-y swords being quietly extinguished.

There were a few awful deaths though, not least for me young Lyanna Mormont  (those bone-cracking sound effects?  :-[), Beric (saved both Arya and The Hound? Fuckin' LEGEND!) and, of course, poor old Theon, wonderfully played by Alfie Allen... the only thing worse that ever happened to him was his real-life sister Lily Allen writing this song about him, terrible song, but rather funny video...

Oh, and of course, Jorah (or Ser Friendzone as I insist on calling him because it amuses me)... we always knew that was coming but it didn't hurt any less.  Although the slightly evil part of me does somewhat wish that, as he died, she could have whispered in his ear 'you do realise that if you'd have tried just a LITTLE bit harder, I probably would have shagged you...'   :-[  Aw, you all know already that I'm a terrible person.

Seeing as all this stuff is out of the way now, truly looking forward to the rest of the series.


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #73 on: April 29, 2019, 08:50:06 PM »
Eh what about the mother fkn night king getting taking down (by a wee girl) but we knew that was gonna happen sooner or later.  Very surprised he didn't last another cpl of episodes. Anyway on to real fight for the throne .
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #74 on: April 29, 2019, 09:59:57 PM »
Be season is rather drab.

1. first two episodes were just place setting episodes. Nothing happened, just setting things in place. That could have been done in one episode.

2. there were far better battle scenes in previous seasons. Last night's battle was severely hampered by lighting. Yes, a night scene saves money on special effects, but at the cost of leaving the audience confused. Half the time we couldn't even tell who was who. Did you know which dragon was which? Lighting, atrocious editing led to much confusion and therefore a very unsatisfying episode. This was to be the big moment of the entire series. The thing we've waited for since the very first episode. Dragons at battle, man vs. the dead....what a let down.

3.(Spoiler alert for those who haven't scene the battle yet) if all it takes was a little girl and a small dagger to end the entire series' big threat...was it really a big threat? You know WWII wasn't ended by a girl with a knife. It took years and ultimately the ultimate weapon - the A bomb. Stab the Night King and all is well? What a cop out.