Author Topic: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...  (Read 2920 times)


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #75 on: April 29, 2019, 10:29:04 PM »
Well I thought the battle scene was epic. And it had to end with a battle of good v evil. It was apparently made deliberately dark to add to the confusion and for the viewer to experience the confusion. Im not sure thats the end of the Night King tbh. To quick and too easy. Cersei has still to get her come uppance. Methinks at the hand of Jamie.
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #76 on: April 30, 2019, 01:12:22 AM »
It was apparently made deliberately dark to add to the confusion and for the viewer to experience the confusion
Nah, if you know anything about movies, big epic action scenes are often done in darkness to save money and time. Far cheaper and easier to film a big scene in darkness. Instead of ten thousand troops, one need only show fifty -- the rest will be hidden by darkness

Other reason why darkness is used is filmmakers actually think that adds to tension and excitement. It doesn't. It only adds confusion. Half the time I didn't know if I was watching The Hound or Tyrion. That's how poorly directed and shot last night's episode was.

Go watch ZULU. The ultimate battles scenes are in that film and it proves that the best battle scenes are shot in brilliant daylight. Below is what "Game Of Thrones" should have done, but "Game Of Thrones" lacked the balls to do it.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #77 on: May 01, 2019, 05:28:19 PM »
Well I thought it was rather marvelous  ;D A battle at night in the north with added snowstorm : just as I'd imagined really

Claustrophobic battle scenes, dance of the dragons, some pretty cool blood and gut deaths and that annoying little Mormont girl died AND got turned  :D

The Dothraki charge was brilliantly done - atmospheric and such a hard hitting moment, far better than showing close up fighting as there was so much of that still to come.

Sam - so many fine fine qualities but fighting in a battle really isn't one of them  ;D Mind you was nice for setting up Edds death.

Beric - gone but that voice not forgotten.

Melisandra - she had to turn up sooner or later and I think it closed her character arc rather well.

Theon - had to happen and rather touching I thought.

Bran - really what is the point? I assume the "I have to go now" stuff will be explained and there will be a reason behind it (and him) but at the moment all a bit nothing really.

Night King - not such a hard ass after all  :D And killed in a distinct echo of his creation  ;)

Arya - Yay  ;D ;D ;D ;D go girl  :-* Actually long foreshadowed in hindsight and I thought the episode was excellent for her showing both the deadly killer side and the still vulnerable young woman.

Many other bits in the episode that a rewatch at some point is in order. As to what now well there can't be much of an army left so some political shenanigans to come no doubt
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #78 on: May 01, 2019, 06:21:53 PM »
Well I thought it was rather marvelous
Well, you must be part feline, born with eyes that can see in the dark.
For the rest of us humans, we couldn't tell Arya from a dragon.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #79 on: May 01, 2019, 06:24:04 PM »
Well I thought it was rather marvelous
Well, you must be part feline, born with eyes that can see in the dark.
For the rest of us humans, we couldn't tell Arya from a dragon.

nah I just eat lots of carrots  :-*
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #80 on: May 01, 2019, 07:08:29 PM »

nah I just eat lots of carrots  :-*
I'm going to try that for next week's episode. Maybe I'll be able to tell if I am watching "Game Of Thrones" or a TV set that isn't turned on.

Pop Quiz:
Question: Is this TV set turned on or is it a scene from last week's "Game Of Thrones" battle?

Answer: a scene from GOT

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #81 on: May 01, 2019, 07:41:20 PM »
I'm going to try that for next week's episode.

Do it ! Come into the light baby you know you want to  :)
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #82 on: May 01, 2019, 08:11:18 PM »
Crank the brightness up to 11
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #83 on: May 01, 2019, 10:44:26 PM »
Crank the brightness up to 11
Uhh, the show is white enough to begin with.
How this show was never boycotted is a mystery to me.


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #84 on: May 13, 2019, 05:01:31 PM »
Well last week's show went unspoken can't see this weeks getting the same treatment.
A huge twist of expected n unexpected. Now we watch as the city burns . A few plot holes but 1 of the best episodes ever. 
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #85 on: May 13, 2019, 06:02:57 PM »
1 of the best episodes ever.
It was a great episode.
What worries me is that it was so great and pivotal that the final episode won't be able to match it. We can only be disappointed next week.


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #86 on: May 13, 2019, 07:25:51 PM »
Think we're in for a big twist or 2 next week,, yes of course there won't be the action of this week. It's gonna be more story line based , surely dani has to go after that
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #87 on: May 13, 2019, 07:48:41 PM »
Well last week's show went unspoken can't see this weeks getting the same treatment.
A huge twist of expected n unexpected. Now we watch as the city burns . A few plot holes but 1 of the best episodes ever.

Yup, just finished watching it.  Proper spectacular but, as you said, a few plot holes and a few characters being out of, er, 'character'.

I need to watch it again before I can properly process it, but a few random and daft thoughts...

C'mon Jon.  Dany just wanted a 'naughty cuddle', one that might have made her think 'hmm, perhaps if SOMEONE loves me, perhaps I won't burn thousands of people to death?' ... who cares if she's your Auntie?  She's Emilia Clarke, FFS! Women, eh?  ;D

Um, isn't The Iron Throne in The Red Keep at Kings Landing?  So, after years of The Iron Throne being the ultimate prize, can we assume that it's melted or crushed by now?

Jon might be able to kill a bunch of people with a few slick moves, but surely his 'War is Hell' face must be getting tired by now...

Tyrion is the only surviving Lannister, so I hugely hope that Bronn (one my fave GOT characters) will return next episode and say' Alright... where's me fuckin' castle, you cvnt?'   :D

Joking aside... I think that disposing of so many characters in this episode has (quite rightly) narrowed the cast down to the core members, ones who may (or may not) eventually rule Westeros.  Can't wait to see how it ends up in the final episode.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #88 on: May 14, 2019, 05:10:34 PM »
Well last week's show went unspoken can't see this weeks getting the same treatment.
A huge twist of expected n unexpected. Now we watch as the city burns . A few plot holes but 1 of the best episodes ever.

Yep  :)

Thought it was excellent, plot holes notwithstanding and these are inevitable really given they are trying to wrap up such a huge saga. And having watched 8 series by now we should be able to fill in the blanks ourselves.

Dany going nut nuts was brilliant  :D Foreshadowed all the way back from s2 (i think) in the House of the Undying and many more times since. I personally didn't feel it was a stretch at all - insanity runs in her blood and also given all that's happened in the last few episodes I thought it quite likely she would flip. For me the giveaway was Missandei's last word : Dracarys.

As for the battle. carnage and chaos: brilliantly done, really got a sense of the horrific nature of sacking a city and seeing Drogon go full destroy mode was a payoff I've been waiting since he hatched  ;D

The Golden Company were good weren't they  ;D ;D ;D I quite liked that  :)

Jamie & Cersei : I thought this was quite a good way for them to go - alone with nothing left while their world came crashing down around them.

Cleganebowl was not something I was particularly invested in but it was great to get a few last class line from the Hound and also I thought his last conversation with Arya was quite touching  :'(  :D

As for Arya I felt it quite true that in the face of all that destruction and mayhem her "ninja" training didn't really add to much - she couldn't even save a mother and child. Interesting that she came upon a white horse - symbolically representative of death?

I'm sure I've missed a lot out  ::) but hey ho  :)

Not sure where this goes next week and how it all ends up. Seems like Jon or Arya will try to off Dany but whether that succeeds or not who knows  :-\  I have a hunch that the end will just be a new cycle of the game beginning: nothing really ever changes.
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #89 on: May 14, 2019, 09:40:34 PM »

Just had a thought about Arya riding off on that white horse.. a horse that was fully saddled and not remotely bothered by the death and destruction around it and she accepts it and rides off on it... it's something I could read two ways. 

Now we're getting into bible references here, which probably have no part in GOT(!) but, according to the New Testament, the "white" horse carried the rider Conquest while the "pale" horse carried the rider Death.  I think that both descriptions of this 'miraculous horse' might fit that scene.  So, Arya will either ride in and save the day (yay!) or she's gone and won't be back in the last episode.  Sadface.

I've got the idea that Arya actually died... hey, she was right in the line of fire when Dany's dragon's blew everything up and she survived because she, ahem, 'ducked around a corner'?   :-\  Hence the 'death horse' concept...  :'(

But what the heck, those are just my usual rambling thoughts.  Let's see what the final episode brings!