Author Topic: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...  (Read 2871 times)

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #90 on: May 16, 2019, 07:21:36 PM »
Ooh I like your thinking there MR  :) although a dead Arya is a bit sad  :'(  Might be a "bit deep man" for GOT in the last episode though  ;D

I thought that the white horse might be one that the leader of the Golden Company was riding but can't think why that would be important ! Have also read  a theory that Bran warged into the horse to save Arya but that seems a bit pants to me  ;D

Can't quite believe all the fuss and nonsense about the episode online nor the fact that apparently 400,000 people have signed a petition to have season 8 remade  :o  ;D ;D ;D ;D Jeez peeps get over yourselves  ::)
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #91 on: May 16, 2019, 07:30:41 PM »
Ooh I like your thinking there MR  :) although a dead Arya is a bit sad  :'(  Might be a "bit deep man" for GOT in the last episode though  ;D

I thought that the white horse might be one that the leader of the Golden Company was riding but can't think why that would be important ! Have also read  a theory that Bran warged into the horse to save Arya but that seems a bit pants to me  ;D

Can't quite believe all the fuss and nonsense about the episode online nor the fact that apparently 400,000 people have signed a petition to have season 8 remade  :o  ;D ;D ;D ;D Jeez peeps get over yourselves  ::)

Yeah, I was astonished by that as well.  Their sense of entitlement must be visible from outer space.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #92 on: May 16, 2019, 07:36:50 PM »
Just found this - will leave it here for any GOT & Metallica fans .....

Most excellent  8) 8) ;D ;D ;D
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #93 on: May 16, 2019, 07:42:11 PM »
And I will raise you 'Tyrion tries to negotiate with John Cleese'...


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #94 on: May 20, 2019, 08:21:47 PM »
So it's bran the broken, well who seen that apart from him . Jon kills Dani n ends up in castle black.
Ayra sails west.
Tyrion remains the hand with bron head of coin .

Feel a bit empty now it's all done, always hate the end of a good box set it feels like a death in the family.
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #95 on: May 20, 2019, 09:33:38 PM »
For such a grim, nihilistic series, the ending was insanely upbeat.
All enemies (Cersei, white walkers, Khaleesi) soundly defeated; good guys won it all.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #96 on: May 21, 2019, 07:00:29 PM »
Feel a bit empty now it's all done,

Yeah - after 9 years  :o

There's no way that any ending for a long running show that had became stupidly successful and that had outpaced the original source material was ever going to please everyone. Personally I quite liked it. Of course as previously stated with this truncated season we had to fill in a few blanks ourselves but that shouldn't be a problem.

Quite a few call backs to previous seasons and characters again (kudos to Ser Davos and the grammar he learnt from Stannis  ;D ) but what did happen with the donkey and honeycomb in a bar ?  :D

Quite an iconic shot of Danaerys with the Dragon wings behind her at the top of the steps going all fascist would be world conqueror - obvious then that her time was short  ;D and Drogon destroying the throne was pretty cool too  8)

Yeah ok so the Starks got happy endings all round - even Jon who seemed more at home in the far north than anywhere else AND there was the reuniting with Ghost which welled me up a bit (stupid or what getting all emotional about a CGI fantasy animal  ;D ) quite pleased that Jon took out Daeanarys though - lots of peed off House Targaryen fans about he he he  :)

So yeah, can't please everyone and of course it didn't but I thought it worked well and the final shots beyond the wall with the first green shoots spring as Jon and the wildlings faded into the woods was a good close - I thought I heard words to the theme song as they walked off but didn't catch it, p'raps I made that bit up  ;D
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #97 on: May 21, 2019, 07:58:31 PM »

Well, I thought it was a pretty decent finale... yes, we can nitpick about certain points (Jon standing a few feet away from a jet of flame hot enough to melt iron?  Surely that would have taken off most of his curly locks and left him a bit crispy around the edges?)...

And of course we all saw Jon killing Dany coming.  I never thought much of Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington as actors, but they both played a blinder in the last couple of episodes.  And Dany's story is probably the most tragic in GOT.  I'm going to cut and paste a bit from The Guardian's review because I can't put it any better and I don't want to rewrite it to try and sound more clever than I actually am... 

A girl raised on stories and dreams who survived tragedy and birthed three dragons from her dead husband’s fire. It’s the story of how that girl became a woman who believed that she alone could change the world, but who never realised that what she was really proposing was razing it to dust and ashes. Who never grasped that it’s not enough to say you are good and expect everyone to join your cause, or that liberation and conquering are two sides of the same coin. And who, most importantly, never understood that Westeros was not really hers but a half-glimpsed dream of what might have been.


As Anna said, I'm totally OK with the surviving Stark kids getting somewhat happy endings!  In fact, I was surprised about how funny this episode sometimes was!  Not least the bits where Sam tried to bring democracy to Westeros, Edmure learning precisely ****-all over the whole of the series, Davos exasperatedly saying 'not sure if I get a vote but...'  and that final meeting of the council where, after all the death and destruction, it resorts to silly bickering around a table...   ;D

So GOT is over, let's hope the multiple proposed spin-off series might transpire and be something like as good.  As Pol said, it's an odd thing when something as silly as a TV show leaves you feeling a bit saddened but when you've been really enjoying something for nine years, surely it's only natural to feel a bit bereft? 

Oh, and apparently the online poll from those fuckin' over-entitled idiots who DEMAND a remake of this season is up to a million and a half of these losers, I would dearly love the makers of GOT to post something like...

'Hi, Game Of Thrones 'fans'...

Nope.  Get the f uck over yourselves.  You didn't like it, suck it up, buttercup.  Tens of millions of $$$s will not be spent because something didn't meet your expectations.  I mean, did you actually think that it would happen?  What in the actual F UCK is wrong with you?

Yours sincerely, everyone here at Game Of Thrones. xx'


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #98 on: May 21, 2019, 08:12:37 PM »
I read on BBC online today that a prequel is already under way being filmed in Belfast.............having never watched it don't know if this is a good or bad thing..........


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #99 on: May 24, 2019, 07:49:56 PM »
I also felt disappointed with the last episode. Too much of a feel good factor after so much death and destruction. Jon is a Targaryen and possibly fire proof, so maybe Drogon couldn't burn him.
Tonight, as you stare at the ceiling again
With your lover turning away
Disappointment closing in
Like the walls... and you try...
You try to talk about love
And they put their arms around you
But you still feel all alone
Wonder why...