Author Topic: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...  (Read 3627 times)


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2016, 09:11:57 AM »
Aside from the actual music, the booklet packaging is of the highest quality, normal CD cases are so dull and can get scratched/damaged so easily so it is good to see a fair amount of love and care has gone into this as with previous recent releases.

My only gripe would be I need my reading glasses to read the lyrics easier.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained......

Viv Savage

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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #31 on: August 30, 2016, 09:48:07 AM »
The lyrics are up on the website now as well, so glasses not needed  ;)


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #32 on: August 30, 2016, 12:04:22 PM »
At first listen I thought "hm, don't know" (especially Beginning and Burn the Castle) but it's getting better and better. Wasn't even sure if I like the artwork when I first saw it but it goes perfectly well with the music.

As for the lyrics: Didn't really manage to make sense of them yet but I love reading that "handwriting by me." sentence again (do most of the albums have it or is that just on some? I don't own them all so I don't know ) Missed it in between dog and wolf. Yes of course it's harder to read but it suits the lyrics better and is more personal.

And: Hi!


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #33 on: August 30, 2016, 02:47:48 PM »
Loving the album so far (4 plays in). Anyone got any thoughts as to the sentiment behind Echo November? Rob's passing came to mind for me.

Gavin D

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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #34 on: August 30, 2016, 02:48:17 PM »
Wahooooo, album arrived & it doesn't disappoint like so many other artists (2 or 3 great tunes with the rest just fillers). NMA make full albums like nobody else. This is, of course in my opinion, a fantastic piece of work.
After donkey's years, for NMA to still produce quality of this extremely high level, we as fans can only thank our lucky stars that someone once said "listen to this" & we said "more please".
Much more they still give, happy days.


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #35 on: August 30, 2016, 09:59:22 PM »
I like it so far. I think I need a few more listens before I can really judge it. I feel that this is a strong but more straight forward album which will be a welcome change for some after BDAW. I thought BDAW was absolutely fantastic so I'm trying to judge Winter on it's own terms rather than comparing it to other albums. So far, I can't hear anything that I actively dislike and at least half the songs I already love. Pretty good after a handful of listens.


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #36 on: August 31, 2016, 02:52:49 PM »
Had it for one week now giving it at least two listens a day. Like all good albums it has needed a few listens to sink in. I absolutely love it. One of the best NMA albums IMO. Does not sound as complicated as some other NMA albums, but at the same time there is lots there and plenty of depth. Just the right amount of orchestra, backing vocals, etc. A good band performance for the five. The more I listen the more subtle pieces of Keyboard can be found. Marshall bangs out some great riffs on several songs after IMO being a little under used in BDAW. Some great base lines from Ceri. Some fine work by DW, if anything is similar in this album to BDAW, it is some of the fine drum beats, particularly in "Born Feral"

Well done lads  :)


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #37 on: August 31, 2016, 08:52:45 PM »

Not convinced (yet... And aware that I didn't give BDAW a favourable review either).

I don't like the sound - for my tastes it's too claustrophobic.  The use of all the bandwidth all the time isn't something I like, and I find it kills the ambience (no space for subtle use of reverbs, etc) and squashes tone, especially from the acoustic guitars.

Songwise, Die Trying jumps out, but I have to agree with the previous statement that there don't seem to be any instant NMA classics on first listen.  Still, I shall persevere - maybe a moment of beauty will jump out and surprise me later.

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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #38 on: August 31, 2016, 09:22:10 PM »

Not convinced (yet... And aware that I didn't give BDAW a favourable review either).

I don't like the sound - for my tastes it's too claustrophobic.  The use of all the bandwidth all the time isn't something I like, and I find it kills the ambience (no space for subtle use of reverbs, etc) and squashes tone, especially from the acoustic guitars.

Songwise, Die Trying jumps out, but I have to agree with the previous statement that there don't seem to be any instant NMA classics on first listen.  Still, I shall persevere - maybe a moment of beauty will jump out and surprise me later.

Completely respect your opinion, mate.  But give it another few listens... I suspect that certain tracks will, as you say, 'jump out' at you.

If not, what the fook, there are live dates ahead with plenty of stuff that you will love!


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2016, 09:54:37 PM »

Not convinced (yet... And aware that I didn't give BDAW a favourable review either).

I don't like the sound - for my tastes it's too claustrophobic.  The use of all the bandwidth all the time isn't something I like, and I find it kills the ambience (no space for subtle use of reverbs, etc) and squashes tone, especially from the acoustic guitars.

Songwise, Die Trying jumps out, but I have to agree with the previous statement that there don't seem to be any instant NMA classics on first listen.  Still, I shall persevere - maybe a moment of beauty will jump out and surprise me later.

Completely respect your opinion, mate.  But give it another few listens... I suspect that certain tracks will, as you say, 'jump out' at you.

If not, what the fook, there are live dates ahead with plenty of stuff that you will love!

Thanks MR - am looking forward to hearing and seeing this material played live, as I think the extra "space" this affords could make the songs come alive.

Also, the fact that I'm not yet convinced is in no way a dig at the band - as a musician, you have to make the music that you want to make, not churning out your most-sold record over and over ad nausem. 


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2016, 10:13:05 PM »
Personally I think the sound of this album is faithful to how the band sound live. BDAW had a much different less polished sound live, many saying they preferred the songs on the live album over the studio album.

I think if you are still unsure about this album, just stick with it. Can honestly say, first listen for me it sounded quite plain. With each listen as with so much music it sounded better and better as the many chorus hooks dig in.


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #41 on: September 01, 2016, 07:22:49 AM »
listening for 3 days in a row now  :-)

was really underwhelmed after the first run - the only thing that got stuck was the amazing guitar effect in DEVIL ...
after BDAW blew me away immediatly winter sounded rather "one dimensional" to me.
but then i sat down, read the lyrics while listening to the songs and everything changed ...
even "beginning" makes sense now, justins voice in "burn down the castle" sounds heavy (he should try that more often - i admire "someone like jesus" also because he sings with a very different voice there), "eyes got used" great lyrics, DEVIL is my favourite right now with the unique JS story building, part the water my least favourite right now. BORN FERAL coming in second right now, best line for me so far : "And it’s not where you run but who you run with ... "

looking forward to hear and feel that all live and listening to the album the next 10 years :-)


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #42 on: September 01, 2016, 07:35:18 AM »
I've managed one listen so far.

The album artwork is great, I really like it.

I thought Beginnings was a great...beginning. Moody, atmospheric, and probably my favourite track on the album

I wasn't so keen on Burn the Castle, but after that, aside from my oversensitive CD player skipping Drifts (soon remedied) I thought the whole album flowed really nicely. Die Trying stands out as I type, as well as Devil and Shogoula.

I think this is a real evolution from BDAW/BWAB.

As I say, that's only one listen.


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #43 on: September 01, 2016, 09:44:45 AM »
i admire "someone like jesus"

it's one of Justin's best "ballad" i think...what an haunting track!!


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Re: The unofficial WINTER NMA forum review thread...
« Reply #44 on: September 01, 2016, 07:02:15 PM »
Must be over several listens now, and beginning to become familiar.

First thoughts... it's a bit unfamiliar - more Today is a Good Day than Between Dog & Wolf (which is now in my top 2 or 3 NMA albums).
If BDAW was for the drummers then Winter is for the guitarists. The main difference these days of course with the band-in-the-room sound is a 5-piece in contrast to the old 3-piece drum/bass -driven NMA.

Beginnings - Didn't take to this to begin with - thought it should have ended before the drums come in - but it has a See You in Hell vibe to it so glad it develops and is now one of my favourites.
Burn The Castle is hilarious. Found this a bit pirate-rock to begin with (perhaps the source of that scathing Times review?), but really, it's the sound of the Mob isn't it, er, burning down the castle! I just love how Justin spits out "Burn The Castle", i'm expecting swearing but it is stronger than swearing.
Winter is great, been loving this since it came out.
Part The Waters is one of them i'm still trying to figure out the lyrics. Almost a contrasting view to Die Trying perhaps?
When it starts, woa, that's a strange NMA chord? and tremolo guitar? wait a minute Morrissey does those chords not NMA. Haha keeping us on our toes again. Great song. In a way, as it develops reminds me of a Who rock opera. One of my early favourites.
Eyes Get Used to the Darkness - a song full of verses, like Modern Times is. Growing on me more and more.
Drifts. Like this one a lot, bit of a western rhythm and vibe to it. Drums sort of a progression from Lean Back & Fall. Great hook chorus. More unfamiliar territory for NMA. Love it, another favourite.
Born Feral. Really strong song straight away. Hint of recent PJ Harvey about it too. Musically the most interesting track on the album, this will be a favourite to many.
Die Trying. Again another popular one. I love how the guitar sounds slightly out of tune at the beginning. Has a credible live camp fire vibe to it (which was probably the point).
Devil. Another favourite. It has that modern heavy rock production to it. great mix and fantastic hook chorus. Love the guitar/bass runs in the chorus too.
Strogoula / Echo November / Weak and Strong / After Something - less familiar with these due to length of the album.
Echo November is the standout of this bunch, and Weak and Strong too.  The start of Echo November reminds me of Kate Bush's "Nocturn" (another great song). But not really sure what the refrain means yet (phonetic alphabet "E""N" Echo November, or just the 2nd sequel to March in September?  ;D ).

Only criticism is the length of the album really. Not a fan of long albums, ie more than 10 tracks. I think vinyl was the perfect album length (45 mins), particularly these days as I rarely get chance to sit down and listen to an album longer than that. (my work bus ride 40mins)
Any remaining songs can then be used as b-sides. But saying that, I end up tagging the b-sides onto their albums anyway so my argument falls down there!
Besides maybe NMA just think, rather than messing about keeping songs back like a record company to release as cynical money-making b-sides, they just release the whole album as the project it was. Great work.

So no grumbles really. Love every NMA album and it's fantastic we have another.