I STILL (years after the last time I talked about this) don't understand the need here to talk about what you all DON'T like about New Model Army's new albums (or the old ones for that matter) - this being THEIR OWN internally run noticeboard.
Any thought to the band members feelings, since this is THEIR site? You know, those passionate guys who are very likely excited about the new release getting into the hands of the fans and then immediately seeing everyone go on about their LEAST FAVORITE TRACK on their board of the supposed "biggest fans"?
Ahhh the internet - making everyone feel their EVERY opinion is important and valid enough to shout to the world.
So this is mine. 
So, Sequonia... do you actually think that NMA are so arrogant that they believe that everything they do is beyond criticism and, if it doesn't find favour in the ears of the fans, should be regarded as a personal insult?
This is a band that has constantly played with their 'sound' and flits between genres so that they can keep it all exciting and different after 30+ years. It's highly unlikely that every single track they ever did would be beloved by the fanbase.
If I made a living making music with a band, I'd be very interested in what people thought of my work, whether it be good or bad.
Every opinion is important and valid, as you somewhat disparagingly noted... as are all the ones here in this site. Or is there a cut-off point where people should not be allowed to express an opinion? Any advice as to where that might be? 
do you actually think I am that naive?
And you imply I see the band as arrogant? your words, not mine.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, in the world as far as Im concerned. To me, this is about being respectful and polite. I used to work on a lot of records in my recording studio days. I sat in on a lot of "listening parties" when said records were complete. All the friends, industry peeps, etc would be invited to drink and listen with the band, who were, undoubtedly very excited for people to hear all the songs they thought were great.
Do I think not one person in those rooms had any negative feelings about anything they heard? of course not.
But not once did I ever hear anyone say within earshot of the band what they didnt like about the music they were hearing. Because, perhaps that would be rude.
So I ask you, where is the line? Would you all be voting out loud on the least favorite song if you sitting in a room WITH the band members after your first listen? Do you think the band would poll you all to ask for some honest criticism?
Does the line get drawn as it becomes the internet?
If the band were all live here in a chatroom with you all as we all listened, would you then talk about the least favorite song?
Im just curious, where is the line for you? To me, in this space, its rude. Thats all. Thats MY opinion. Clearly, ONLY mine.
I never said anything about what should be "allowed" or not - long ago I was quite an advocate on here against censoring ANY words/opinions/etc , no matter what. Thats not what this OPINION of mine was about.