Agree - was a massive Levs fans - and stuck with them through some dodgy singles / performances (Fantasy & Bozos I remember being very disappointed with singles wise), then Happy Birthday Revolution came along & I gave up...after buying everything the released, I didn't even buy Hello Pig. I tried again for Green Blade Rising….and some other songs that followed that album like Cholera Wall were decent….caught them at Brixton for the 20th LTL show & thought the stuffies blew them off stage…can’t believe they’re milking the same album 5 years later on a 25th anniversary tour, whilst as you mention, they’ve been playing 70% in live sets in the years between….they’ll always have a place in my heart, but if you compare their quality of output to NMA, they’re really no match.
P.s - think I mentioned this a number years ago on this board and got massive abuse (with someone threatening to get Simon to set his horse on me!)