What should've been an amazing gig, turned out to be the worst one I ever attended, to date.
Nine In Nails,
David Bowie... sometime mid-90's, I think (don't even care to look it up, still pissed off about it).

Should add this was the only time I ever
'saw' Bowie live, too!!!

Anyway, Me and a friend go. It was held at a major sports venue here. Prick plays... fine (though they're not my cup pf tea). Nine Inch Nails come on and the fcukin' row of kids - about 8 young boys in their late teens / early twenties - right behind us decided to fcukin' light up! All the fcukin' pot they were doin' was naturally being exhaled forward, to where me and my friend were, and the rest of us in the row. I don't do drugs, never have... so it affected me, seriously. Don't get me wrong, I've been to other gigs and have seen and smelled the stuff, but when it's just 1 or 2 doin' it, it's different... and if I felt the need, I could move, stand somewhere else. But when you're in an assigned seat, you're pretty much stuck there for the entire gig.
So, of course - having 8 of them right behind us - I started to feel sick. Nine Inch Nails was still, plugging through their set. The fcukin' clouds were comin in thick 'n hard, enough that I, not only had trouble seeing the band / stage, I couldn't fcukin' catch a damned breath! 'Well', I thought, 'this'll blow over... let me bury my head down low, y'know, 'cause smoke rises, and they'll stop, at some point, right?' Yeah, in my fcukin' dreams they did! As I said, it wasn't just one of 'em, it was the entire lot of 'em! All gettin' off, gettin' buzzed, lit up - each one / kid - at different times!!
Well, to make this long story short... Nine Inch Nails finishes, Bowie - of whom I'd specifically gone there to see that night - comes on. I lifted my head up, for one split moment, in hopes of trying to get something good out of the crap situation, but no chance! Was feelin' sicker and sicker, as the time went on. The 8 buggers were still at it! Finally, I gave up - just remained in my seat, with my head down low, 'til the end of the show. Sure, I could've gotten up and left the concert, but I'd paid my ticket and wanted to salvage absolutely anything good, that I could, even if that meant only a vague memory of Bowie's set. And yeah, I could've politely asked them to stop, but have you ever tried to tell a teenage boy to do something?

Yeah, that wasn't going to work. And besides, that was their way of enjoying the gig - even though it wasn't mine - so who would I have been to ruin it for them... they were just kids after all. lol, one day they'll have kids of their own, though.

Gig ends. We leave. I'm still sick. Get on the subway, and thanks to all the motion, feel the need to vomit. Well, ended up puking in the bins at every single stop, 'til we got to our station. Felt SO bad for my friend, I must've ruined it for her.

And that's the shittiest gig I ever went to, but definitely
not because of the bands / artists on the bill... but because of a handful and a half of their fans. Terrible to say this, but I vowed to never go to a Nine Inch Nails gig ever again, for fear of a repeat situation. I know, that's really bad, because it was of absolutely
no fault of their (NIN) own. It's just sometimes, some
fans - be it intentionally or not - end up wrecking the experience for others.