Author Topic: Gigs you went to and regretted.  (Read 1004 times)


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Gigs you went to and regretted.
« on: January 14, 2017, 06:02:35 PM »
So following on from Master Rays topic, which gigs did you go to and wished you hadn't bothered.

Been to hundreds of gigs over the years and my stand out disappointments are.

PIL at the City Hall in Newcastle 1993 they played 7 songs and walked off, John had a cold bless him, promised myself never again. >:( (Even though I still love them)

Muse Berlin 2006 got talked into going, whilst I can appreciate the music I just found it boring, there was no interaction with the crowd just flashy screens and  what felt like a Karaoke show stale and lifeless, another never again promise. ;)

Next up The Killers in Koln 2006. Once again talked into it, again I just felt there was no real effort, they sounded good but were just cold and boring no passion no connection with the audience.

Placebo at Mera Luna 2012. I really was looking forward to seeing them however as it turned out I watched 5 songs and left as did quite a large amount of others. I thought Placebo were atrocious and not in the same league at all (despite their huge fan base) as many of the bands that day Nephilim, NMA, Subway to Sally to name a few.

So whats yours.


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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2017, 07:29:15 PM »
The National. Pretty big enough indie band. Like above got roped into it & been to hundreds of gigs. Its rare that I dont know what Im getting into as have a broad knowledge of lots of genres. Im was absolutely perplexed how these guys could sell 5,000 tickets, how into most were, a girl beside was in tears ( of joy ). I gave them approx 7 tunes & the most memorable part of the gig for me was the drummer wore a baseball cap similiar to Brad the drummer in Drive By Truckers whom I adore.

I went to see Springsteen a few years back, no doubt he puts on a helluva show. But the sun was blinding in my eyes, stuck way at the back, que's for beer ridiculous, sound was iffy, felt out of place in a large outdoor venue, folks there who were event junkies ( no interest in Bruce), throw in getting older & less tolerance for BS at gigs. I left after 6 songs of a 3 hour marathon as I wanted the peaceful setting of a high stool in the pub.

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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2017, 07:52:57 PM »
Ha!  Great follow-up!   :)

Even if the band themselves have been disappointing, I've always enjoyed the 'get together with pals' aspect of it all.  But I can only think of two that made me really regret bothering...

One, Alkaline Trio in Manchester a few years ago when Matt Skiba was, by his own admittance, struggling with substance abuse.  Seen 'em several times before and they were great, but it was a bad, bad gig, he could barely keep it together, bass player Dan had to do most of the vocals and they ignored most of their new album in favour of old songs they'd played a thousand times before and he couldn't even remember them... he's since recovered and not for nothing was the next album called 'My Shame Is True'...

The big one for me was Oasis on the Be Here Now tour in Sheffield.  When they played Maine Road, in their heyday, it was magnificent.  Regardless of what you think about Oasis, they really took the public imagination and at MR, they played a bloody blinder.  One of the best gigs I ever saw, possibly due to being caught up in the audience's ecstatic reaction. Sheffield, on the other hand... dreadful, Liam flat out couldn't be arsed and spent much of it spouting drivel, but the rest of the band weren't much better, terrible playing, terrible sound, me and my mate walked out well before the end as did so many others...

Actually, I've thought of a third one, not truly terrible but Metallica on the 'Black Album' tour, Birmingham NEC.  They played well enough, but it was so QUIET!  Honestly, I was about half way back in the arena and if anyone spoke to anyone else in a normal tone of voice, it would be heard well over the volumn of the music.  Er, it's METALLICA, surely it should be drowning everything else out? 

Looking forward to some more posts on this subject...


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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2017, 08:32:53 PM »
Only really had one major disappointment n that was sisters of mercy at the Glasgow abc a few years ago (5or6 maybe) . Ok I just know the classic albums and was expecting that's what they would play mainly. Had never heard probably about 80% of the set list and it was a good half hour in before they played a tune I knew but when they did Imo they totally ruined them . No way should songs like Alice n lmr be a quick two minutes we don't give a fck full out rock song , Imo these are classic dance rock songs and shouldn't be reduced to what happened
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2017, 09:19:05 PM »
Only really had one major disappointment n that was sisters of mercy at the Glasgow abc a few years ago (5or6 maybe) . Ok I just know the classic albums and was expecting that's what they would play mainly. Had never heard probably about 80% of the set list and it was a good half hour in before they played a tune I knew but when they did Imo they totally ruined them . No way should songs like Alice n lmr be a quick two minutes we don't give a fck full out rock song , Imo these are classic dance rock songs and shouldn't be reduced to what happened

Ha!  Yeah, The Sisters are a dodgy prospect at the best of times, but I somehow keep seeing them every chance I get.  They do play a lot of obscure / unreleased stuff (FFS, just put out a new album already, there are about 12 songs out there on the Internet!)

Check out the 'Some Girls Wander By Mistake' album, it's mostly b-side stuff that gets played a lot live, and investigate the unreleased songs, here's one, 'Arms'...



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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2017, 08:59:44 AM »
Oh, this one in 2006:

And maybe not, because it probably was... special. I don't know what all happened, but there were issues with a guitar. The concert was paused for a while. And the band just looked like they could not stand each other anymore. Which was probably true, because it was one of the last Bauhaus gigs to date. They finished that tour and that was it.


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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2017, 02:40:20 PM »
The Cult on the Electric tour at Liverpool Royal Court (agree with Master Ray, great venue).  Ians voice was shot and he had strangely developed an american accent in 12 months.  A few years later at Whitley Bay Ice Rink I saw them again. Never been to a stadium gig before and never did again.  Billy didnt seem too interested. Not wishing to be contrary to previous posts my first gig was the Sisters in October 84 at the Royal court and it was a blinder. A few months later they came back for the First and last and always tour this time with Wayne Hussey. Again did a storming set.  Never saw them again after the split, so guess it went downhill after that.


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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2017, 04:22:36 PM »
In 1994 I went to a NoMeansNo (CAN) gig at Lepakkoluola. Had been waiting the gig for long time with my friends. The place where the gig occurred was owned by probably the biggest organiser of alternative, metal and punk gigs in Helsinki in those days and they had a radiostation, studios and everything at Lepakko. A great venue it was. (NMA played a gig there in -85 too.)

Well the organisators had put posters about the NoMeansNo gig and there were big shouting letters something about stagediving party. Ok I was a young, studded and spiky haired punk in those days and been drinking the whole midday with friends at the city and were REALLY excited about the forthcoming event. When we finally went inside NMN had already started. Went pogoing like crazy of course. And then got on the stage and dive to the crowd immediately. Bang! Hit my head to the floor and at the same time saw that a lead microphone dropped with me down to the crowd.  ::) (Somebody told me afterwards that the singer shout something about F&(/  /&NKER after me.) Well until I got back on my knees I found myself carried away by a very short but very wide shouldered bouncer and he literally threw(!) me to a sitting position onto a chair at the entry. (Man, I weighed 95 kgs then.) Then they immediately started to count a bill about a broken microphone cord. My friend tried to get me back inside and he even found someone of the band crew, gig manager or someone who forgave me and my stupid act, but the bouncers gave me a ban until I had paid the cord.

4 years later NMN came over for a gig again and I finally saw them. No dancing, only swaying sparkly... ;)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 04:35:06 PM by Rusco »
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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2017, 06:17:54 PM »
I went with the family to see Muse five or six years ago (well, someone had to drive).  As mentioned above, there was too much show and too little substance.  Oh, and the constant virtuosity was cringeworthy - all technique and no songs.  On top of that, it was at the MEN Arena, which has all the charm of an underground carpark.  We had a spare ticket, too, and I couldn't give it away.  Absolutely horrid.

I first saw Muse in High Wycombe in 1999, a month or so before Unintended was released.  Some chap that one of my mates knew had seen them before / knew one of them / came from the same town and said they were going to be huge; to be fair, they weren't bad, but I didn't think they were all that.

Not quite a gig, but we went to see Frankie Boyle in the Civic in Wolverhampton nine or ten years back and it was awful.  I'd been expecting sharp, observational stuff like when he was on Mock The Week, but what we got was end-of-the-pier, shock-comedy by numbers.  Wish I'd taken my book, to be honest.


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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2017, 12:45:45 PM »
The Sisters of Mercy quite a few years ago. I was a big fan and had seen them a couple of times in the 80s - loved it. But that show...horrible sound (probably not their fault, although the support, Backyard Babies, were excellent, soundwise, too) - but they were totally uninspired. I have never seen them again and haven't heard any good reviews so I don't regret that at all.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers, also a couple of years ago. It was outdoors, very cool atmosphere and I was in good company - but the show itself was super boring. A real shame.


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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2017, 04:32:16 PM »
Mine is from a few years ago, well many years ago.

There were 2 gigs on, The Fall at Rock City and Crazyhead at a local pub in Scunthorpe so we had a vote on where we were going

I wanted to go to Crazyhead but was out voted and we all went to see The Fall.

I would have rather drunk boiling chip fat :) :)

Another one was Paul Weller 2 years ago at the Scunthorpe Baths, not a bad gig but apart from the £50 ticket price!!! the main issue is that al these mates meet up and spend all the gig chatting about shit!!!!
Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2017, 08:32:57 PM »
[...] although the support, Backyard Babies, were excellent, soundwise, too) [...]

Aaa, I have a boring memory of a Backyard Babies gig from 23 years ago. Went alone to Shadow Club very early to see them, with only some money. Counted I could afford for two beers during the whole event. I waited and waited, probably 5 hours until I had to take the last bus. Didn't see any of the bands and most of the other crowd arrived very late.
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Only because i puked all the way home...
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2018, 05:31:43 PM »

What should've been an amazing gig, turned out to be the worst one I ever attended, to date.  Prick, Nine In Nails, David Bowie... sometime mid-90's, I think (don't even care to look it up, still pissed off about it).   >:(

Should add this was the only time I ever  'saw'  Bowie live, too!!!    :'(

Anyway,  Me and a friend go.  It was held at a major sports venue here.  Prick plays... fine (though they're not my cup pf tea).  Nine Inch Nails come on and the fcukin' row of kids - about 8 young boys in their late teens / early twenties - right behind us decided to fcukin' light up!  All the fcukin' pot they were doin' was naturally being exhaled forward, to where me and my friend were, and the rest of us in the row.  I don't do drugs, never have... so it affected me, seriously.  Don't get me wrong, I've been to other gigs and have seen and smelled the stuff, but when it's just 1 or 2 doin' it, it's different... and if I felt the need, I could move, stand somewhere else.  But when you're in an assigned seat, you're pretty much stuck there for the entire gig.

So, of course - having 8 of them right behind us - I started to feel sick.  Nine Inch Nails was still, plugging through their set.  The fcukin' clouds were comin in thick 'n hard, enough that I, not only had trouble seeing the band / stage, I couldn't fcukin' catch a damned breath!  'Well', I thought, 'this'll blow over... let me bury my head down low, y'know, 'cause smoke rises, and they'll stop, at some point, right?'  Yeah, in my fcukin' dreams they did!  As I said, it wasn't just one of 'em, it was the entire lot of 'em!  All gettin' off, gettin' buzzed, lit up - each one / kid - at different times!!

Well, to make this long story short... Nine Inch Nails finishes, Bowie - of whom I'd specifically gone there to see that night - comes on.  I lifted my head up, for one split moment, in hopes of trying to get something good out of the crap situation, but no chance!  Was feelin' sicker and sicker, as the time went on.  The 8 buggers were still at it!  Finally, I gave up - just remained in my seat, with my head down low, 'til the end of the show.  Sure, I could've gotten up and left the concert, but I'd paid my ticket and wanted to salvage absolutely anything good, that I could, even if that meant only a vague memory of Bowie's set.  And yeah, I could've politely asked them to stop, but have you ever tried to tell a teenage boy to do something?   ;)   Yeah, that wasn't going to work.  And besides, that was their way of enjoying the gig - even though it wasn't mine - so who would I have been to ruin it for them... they were just kids after all.  lol, one day they'll have kids of their own, though.   ;)

Gig ends.  We leave.  I'm still sick.  Get on the subway, and thanks to all the motion, feel the need to vomit.  Well, ended up puking in the bins at every single stop, 'til we got to our station.  Felt SO bad for my friend, I must've ruined it for her.   :-[

And that's the shittiest gig I ever went to, but definitely not because of the bands / artists on the bill... but because of a handful and a half of their fans.  Terrible to say this, but I vowed to never go to a Nine Inch Nails gig ever again, for fear of a repeat situation.  I know, that's really bad, because it was of absolutely no fault of their (NIN) own.  It's just sometimes, some fans - be it intentionally or not - end up wrecking the experience for others.   :-\
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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2018, 06:46:30 PM »
I think that 8 wins this thread...   ;)

To see Bowie and NIN on the same bill and STILL have a shit time of it...  ::)


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Re: Gigs you went to and regretted.
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2018, 05:11:01 AM »
all of them
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