OK, new here but HUGE NMA fan. I became a fan when they were banned from entering my USA because they were deemed of "no artistic value." No artistic value? I have got to check this band out! I listened and discovered their artistic value was second only to The Beatles.
Anyway, longtime fan, I buy their albums the day they come out. Bought "Winter"...still haven't listened to it. Sounds weird, but I am savoring it. Still waiting for that day when I play it and get to hear new New Model Army music. And let's face it, the anticipation of hearing something new from that band is a great feeling. Well, I still have that feeling of anticipation for something new. Out there for me is a complete work by NMA that I have not heard! That's a great feeling.
Anyway, just wanted to say, "Hi" and, yes, there are some quirky New Model Army fans out there.