I'm blown away by the idea, the project, and i will try to make the journey.
This is more than just a good idea, there are so many aspects to this.
The band is sharing something with the fans, they are giving up control, they want to empower us, to connect more than you can at a "normal" concert.
Singing is a very, very healthy thing! It truely is in a medicinic way. Its about breathing and expressing.
Most of us feel not very comfortable to sing. we hear our own, strange voice in our ears, we become aware about how others could perceive us, hear us, but that's all kind of platons allegory of the cave.
you have to overcome your fears, you have to feel free to sing and you have to dare to show emotions. singing is very personal, singing is the oldest art of mankind, singing is truth. and singing with many others connects the spirits, dissolves your ego.
this is going to be magical, fantastic, wonderful and i want to be part of it. and i'm not a good singer, but i'm passionate;-)
so, now it's about to get some days free from the moneybound-slavery, to check the travel options and most important, the hotel options.
any information, whre you can stay cheaply in that area?