Well of course he is biased. I dont think its political bias. He's speaking from his profession. I dont think anyone blames the government for murders. What they are to blame for is cutting the Police to the point, it is barely getting along. TM has shat on the Police since her time as Home Secretary. We are receiving a drastically cut service that offers no preventative policing or investigation because it cant. Searches are none existant for the fear of being branded racist and because their is no-one patrolling to do it. The headlines read Black people are disproportionally searched. If that is drummed in, who is going to search a black person without being labelled?. While I havent read that these are black on black crimes, I think its a very good chance they are because of the locations theyve happened. I could be wrong. But thats what I beleive, based on previous events. I dont think stabbings have a colour. I think its more than likely linked to social background. Statistically black and asian people tend to have less opportunity in life....so crime has its appeal. Austerity cuts have led to people resorting to more desperate measures and in my opinion, violent crime is rising. If there is no-one to catch those responsible or deter it, then that falls wholly on cutbacks.
However it is just an opinion. If you agree with his, youll side with it. Just as if you dont you wont.
On a side note, typing on a phone leads to loads of typos I had to correct....Porkice and Incestigation being but two *rolls eyes.