Author Topic: Facebook questions about Nights of 1000 Voices NMA event for Mr. Sullivan...  (Read 1085 times)


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This thread is for any and everyone that posts on this board (who isn't on facebook) but wishes to ask Mr. Sullivan questions about this unique and rather interesting NMA event, concept.  Perhaps some kind soul in here (who does have a facebook account) can ask all our questions for us.  So if you're like me, and are not on facebook, please drop your questions in this thread... maybe someone can then pass them onto him.  Here are a few of mine.  Please feel free to ask as many and what you wish.

1.  How do tickets work for those coming from overseas?  Will they be "hard copy" tickets that will be mailed out, well in advance?  Or, will the tickets have to printed?  Or, will names be placed on a some sort of list?

2.  Will this be an "all ages" event?

3.  Will both nights be filmed and ALL songs played, be released on (double) DVD (seeing as how it's a two day event)?  If so, bonus features are always great, as would be an interview tacked onto the DVD from all involved as to how the event came to fruition, was experienced, received.

4.  How about a double live CD of both nights?  In time for December 2018?

5.  Will there be special guest musicians (ie. Mark Feltham, Ed Alleyne-Johnson, others), vocalists, children's or any other kind of choir?  If so, who will they be?  Or, when will we find out, who they will be?

Ok, so that's what I could think of, off the top of my head.  If you've got a few, jump in and leave them here.

Best wishes to all,
and have a wonderful day.
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Not on Face book either. (i'd rather stick pins in my eyes) I don't have any specific questions either but I'd be interested to know on here any interesting revelations if anyone here can be kind enough to post a summary.
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My question would be how will it work . Will Justin sing parts of the songs to keep the timing etc , it could get messy otherwise.  Will the set be tailored to the most sing along anthem type songs .
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Well that was cool... I'll try and remember answers from some of the questions...
Age restriction: 12/13 years - teenagers who like singing NMA songs welcome  :)
Guest musicians - maybe... Justin doesn't know yet...
The band will play and Justin will sing (quietly) to keep everything together.  There's going to be an event on 4th Feb where volunteers will trial some songs to see what works
The two nights will be different but not completely.  Justin said that there will be some favourites that will be sung both nights. 
It's a community event, so perfection is not needed or expected... it's all about the experience.  Song books probably won't be made available in advance as this might affect spontanaity
In other news, "I was born under a wandering star" is the Lee Marvin song playing on the jukebox  :)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 06:06:51 PM by Sheena »
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Ha! Of course! Thanks Sheena
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  • Totally Obsessed
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Age restriction: 12/13 years - teenagers who like singing NMA songs
Guest musicians - maybe
band will play and Justin will sing (quietly) to keep everything together
event on 4th Feb  volunteers will trial songs to see what works
two nights will be different but not completely.
will be some favourites sung both nights. 
community event, perfection not needed or expected... all about the experience.
Song books probably won't be made available in advance as this might affect spontanaity
In other news, "I was born under a wandering star" is the Lee Marvin song playing on the jukebox

Thank you so much Sheena!  And Pol, and Raven.

Not on Face book either. (i'd rather stick pins in my eyes)...

lol.  For me it's because I especially can't stand the layout, and have trouble reading dark print over pale backdrop.  I'm not anywhere, actually, never been... except here, myspace (really liked myspace, sucks now) and youtube (the latter of which one can change the backdrop colour to black, which for me, makes it SO much easier on the eyes.)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
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'Just as courage imperils life,
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Congratulations NMA!!  It appears tickets have sold out in less than 24 hours.  So, naturally the next questions are...

6.  Will "Nights of A Thousand Voices" be extended through to Sunday the 15th, then?

7.  OR, will there be another, somewhere else, at some point later this year?

Well done!  Wonder if a sell out was anticipated... it'd be nice to find out.  Hope someone does an interview with Mr. Sullivan (as the dates come closer), so he could speak a bit more about the event, go into further detail(s) about it.  Any takers?
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
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Wonder if a sell out was anticipated...

It was by me, which is why I was sitting in an increasing tizzy when trying to get tickets on Sunday.
Do we all forget the things that we once knew?


  • Totally Obsessed
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Wonder if a sell out was anticipated...
It was by me

Same here, Mawsley.  I still wonder, though, whether the band anticipated the 2 nights selling out?  And so fast, too!!  It's actually quite encouraging, that it did sell out.  I feel this ups the chances of an extension, and / or, repeat at some point down the road.  Perhaps within the next 2 years?  Held at an even bigger venue, next time 'round ?

In another thread Rusco asked...
to know how the singing of audience will be recorded?  How will the audio technicians do It...

I too, am curious about the technicalities of this unique NMA venture.  Hence, more questions for Mr. Sullivan...

8.  As the dates come closer, will NMA aficionados get to see (online) sketch-up(s), diagram(s), of the set up?  The band will be positioned in the center of the room, but will you all be on a riser, stage?  If on a stage, a rotating one?  Will the band be sectioned off from the seated crowd, if so, how so?  Will the band be facing itself, or will you be facing just one part of the audience?

9.  Will the randomly selected volunteers be allowed to share (here or elsewhere) with the rest of us, what they're working on, song(s) or otherwise?

10.  Not every NMA fan speaks english or knows every single NMA song.  Some fans will be new, some others will be those that lost track over the years, but found their way back.  What happens, on the night(s), when a number of people find that they haven't a clue about the song(s) at hand, that they are meant to sing?  This may cause awkward moments of silence or stunted fluidity, in musical / audible terms.  Folk might feel a sense of discouragement, especially because they are willing participants, wanting to sing.  They could end up feeling left out, foreign, sad, like they let NMA down, or something.

To avert that scenario, do you think NMA should release a list of (I don't know) 50 possible songs, for those attending to become familiar with / practice singing ahead of the event?  Then on the night(s), as people open up their lyric booklets there's the reveal of the actual (I don't know) 25 songs chosen.  It would be a 'win win'  situation, no?  There would still be a strong element of surprise, and folk would feel at ease, confident, elated, that they can sing along to all the chosen NMA songs.  (A bit long-winded there.  Please forgive me, for articulation and grammar have never been my forte.)

11.  Will lyric booklets be for sale in the online shop, after the event?  Or, will a free PDF file of the lyric booklet be made available for download, on the official NMA website?
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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I think Question 10 and 11 are already answered in the discription of the event on the home page:
We will issue song-books (included in the price of the ticket) as we understand that people often know particular lines and choruses but usually not all the lyrics;

Got my flights yesterday. Can't await to share that experience with all you :D


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First time I've heard about it, but sounds really cool.  Wish I could be there.