I had no idea what the word meant - but the concept I am familiar with.
I have often thought that it is something I would really like to do - quit my current job, find something else, something that makes...more sense to do. The thought of going to work and NOT disliking the idea, the thought of enjoying what I do and not to consider it a necessary evil.
And then I always end up coming up with a lot of "but"....
A lot of it is probably fear: what will I do if/when I can't work? This is one of the biggest things for me, seeing as you are already screwed with a fairly decent job once you retire...

The most sensible "but"for me is the fact that we have so many rescue pets at home - and already don't have enough money sometimes. I mean, it always works out, I am complaining at a very high level here, but it is really tight. So if I were to earn less I would not be able to properly care for the pets, I think - and it is a responsibilty I have chosen to take on. At least that is the way I look at it. Unfortunately, looking after animals, in whatever form, is not something you can really make a living from.
So I keep on doing what I'm doing, and part of it sucks - but the bit about the pets is obviously something that makes me very, very happy.
Although...I do realise that other people with less money manage to look after their pets as well - or so it seems.
Turning in circles here, wondering how much of what I'm thinking is just lame excuses.