Isn't Irvine Welsh the man you just quoted Scottish, seems like you've just lost your own argument.
Thought all you Americas wanted to be Scottish or Irish. If it wasn't for us there would be no Donald trump or big Macs, what more could a country want . The English might have colonised us but we colonised you .
Pol, my good friend, I really don't know where to begin with your post. I suppose I'll start at the beginning.
1. How does quoting a Scotsman slagging off the Scottish lose my argument? If I quoted an Englishman slagging the Scots, yeah, you can claim bias. But I gave you a quote from a Scotsman! A Scotsman can't even stand the Scotts! I'd say that's a slam dunk win for my position.
2. You thought Americans want to be Scotts or Englishman??? My good friend, do you not have history books over there? I suggest you go on and buy one. Turn to the chapter entitled "1776."
3. Mr. Donald J. Trump happens to be of German origin. Americans defeated the Germans in WWI and WWII. We will defeat this German, too.
4. Uhh, the Scotts did not invent the Big Mac. The French did. Over here we enjoy Le Big Macs or a Royale with cheese. (That's a pretty good joke there. Some will get it.)
5. The Scotts colonized us??? I had a neighbor who used to play bagpipes every Saturday morning for an hour in his yard. Every other minute of his life he spent it blind drunk. Scotts contribute nothing here other than boosting our economy by spending massive amounts of money on alcohol.
My good friend, other than Sean Connery and Clare Grogan the Scotts have contributed nothing to mother Earth. Even your greatest soccer team Hibs is a joke. We have eleven year old girls soccer teams here in America that can beat the living hell out of Hibs.