Author Topic: Palestina, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, etc  (Read 575 times)


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Palestina, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, etc
« on: March 10, 2018, 08:06:36 PM »
All these countries I mentioned in the subject (and many others) are suffering since years of all kinds of inhuman stuff: bombing (all kinds of bombs and chemical ones), imprisonments, killings, hunger, etc etc etc and the situation is not getting any better and no one does shit about it. It seems impossible to stop any of this and all this while we live a normal life buying vynils going to gigs trying to live a normal life. but this is fucked up.............unacepptable. sorry for this but to often this becomes unbereable to me. generations killed or traumatised forever in so many ways. and for what?


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Re: Palestina, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, etc
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2018, 11:15:08 PM »
Unfortunately, with Russia being in the middle of Syria, any work done to remove Assad might provoke another world war.  The powers that be have seemed to accept that nothing will become of the Palestinian plight.

Not sure what to do or where to begin on my part.


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Re: Palestina, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, etc
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2018, 12:25:25 AM »
Turkey, Saudi Arabia and USA are also in the middle of the crisis in Syria. Not just Russia.
It happened because human beings are very destructive animals. There is also the fact that many of  our world leaders are power hungry sociopaths only acting for their own gain.  Many western countries still keep pumping money into the Saudi economy to continue the crimes in Yemen. Last i read, Myanmar blocked UN aid from entering. As long as humans are in control, this will sadly always happen. Humans can not seem to learn from past mistakes and history keeps repeating.
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Re: Palestina, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, etc
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2018, 02:33:32 AM »
Yes - I know those countries are involved.  I'm just saying if we take out the current regime, we would probably bring on WW III.

And Myanmar - Aung San Suu Kyi was supposed to change that country, but alas, people just can't be trusted.


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Re: Palestina, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, etc
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2018, 10:08:32 PM »
And Myanmar - Aung San Suu Kyi was supposed to change that country, but alas, people just can't be trusted.

Yea, agree in that. I used to write Amnesty letters and I even had some support posters of the campaigns to free political prisoners - such as Aung San Suu Kyi... Then now she's elected and she does nothing to stop the genocide of Rohingya people.
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Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Palestina, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, etc
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2018, 11:14:25 PM »
Where to start with something like this? Is it even worth starting with this in the empty vacuum that is the internet where screamers will pounce on the slightest potential source of ambiguity or unclear definition of thought to shout conflict and hatred................mmmmmm no thought and consideration just reaction and vitriol. Seems a good idea to reply  :D

-Feck it I'm feeling feisty  ;D

It's too vast and inter-connected. It's impossible to views these areas in the world as solitary issues, existing in their own little bubbles. Whilst these conflicts have their roots within a local situation , those roots are part of a much much wider cancer that has insinuated it's tentacles across all the globe. It's geo-politics or perhaps more accurately the global commercial system. As it stands our ENTIRE organisational system is dependent on one thing and one thing alone: financial growth. Without it everything grinds to a halt. However resources are finite and that brings competition and as resources get ever scarcer then that competition gets ever more vicious forming itself into the circle we find ourselves in now. Everything is built upon a simple 3 word "truth": Never Ending Growth. The results and consequences of that are of no interest whatsoever beyond a dividend.

So in order to understand why stuff happens, why it's allowed to continue happening and maybe (if you've got a tinfoil hat) why things are planned to happen: simply follow the thread back to the money at the end of the line. Who is reaping the profit and there is your answer  :(

Before ldopas et al jump all over me - yes I am fully aware of how simplistic this post is. It can't be a dissertation, it's a post on an internet forum. It doesn't mean I'm promoting some hard left radical revolution, it doesn't mean I have the answers. But after 47 years drawing breath it seems evident that constant growth requires constant conflict. Can the appetites of the money makers be sated? If they can then perhaps things can change, if they can't ...........................
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Re: Palestina, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, etc
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2018, 11:52:09 PM »
...It's geo-politics or perhaps more accurately the global commercial system. As it stands our ENTIRE organisational system is dependent on one thing and one thing alone: financial growth.

... simply follow the thread back to the money at the end of the line. Who is reaping the profit and there is your answer  :(

... Can the appetites of the money makers be sated? If they can then perhaps things can change, if they can't ...........................
Wow, are you barking up the wrong tree.

Please, take another look at the countries you mentioned. Palestine, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar. You really think it is bean counters in Washington or Prague or Munich or London that are the cause of strife (genocide) in those areas? That's an incredibly naïve sentiment. And one that is the politically correct thing to say. "Oh, it is the oil financiers in Texas that are the cause of the extermination of the Rohingyas in Myanmar." You really believe that?

No, my friend, it is religion.

Find incredible cruelty and unthinkable acts of depravity and horror in many nation's across the world and, as you said, "simply follow the thread back to the end of the line." But you will find not money at the end of that line; you will find religion.

Friend, perhaps in the colonial days of the British Empire strife arose from "who is reaping the profit." But now global horror stems from religion.


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Re: Palestina, Kurdistan, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, etc
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2018, 08:02:28 PM »
Turkey, Saudi Arabia and USA are also in the middle of the crisis in Syria. Not just Russia.
It happened because human beings are very destructive animals. There is also the fact that many of  our world leaders are power hungry sociopaths only acting for their own gain.  Many western countries still keep pumping money into the Saudi economy to continue the crimes in Yemen. Last i read, Myanmar blocked UN aid from entering. As long as humans are in control, this will sadly always happen. Humans can not seem to learn from past mistakes and history keeps repeating.
love your comment mate