Top 5 annoying cliches from action movies...
It doesn't matter what you jump off or how far you fall, even if its hundreds of feet down, you'll be OK if you land in some water. No matter how shallow it is.
A massive explosion just went off just behind you? No worries, you'll easily be able to outrun both the shockwave and the subsequent fireball!
Helicopters seem to be rather quiet. Because they just seem to pop out from nowhere (especially if they're loaded with heavy guns) when you're on the run from the bad guys and think that you might have gotten away.
A skinny girl can easily beat the living crap out a bloke weighing two or three times her weight with a few well-aimed punches and a few fancy moves that look like something she learned in ballet class.
And (my favourite)... you got shot? No worries! A bit of minor bleeding, maybe a limp or the odd clutching of your upper arm and five minutes later in the movie, you'll have completely forgotten about it...