5 Top Guilty Pleasures T.V. kind
Coronation Street
Pawn Stars
Master Chef
Four In A Bed
Come Dine With Me
All very sad i know,just can't help myself 
Come on don't be shy,what are yours?
Well, firstly, there is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. If you gives you pleasure, don't feel guilty about it! (sidenote - be warned, this excuse may not stand up in court...

But, I'll bite, here we go...
Any programme when Gordon Ramsey swears at people... a lot.
The Jeremy Kyle Show... when a smug utter c-word shouts at other utter c-words and you can't work out who is the bigger utter c-word of all...
Brookside, wherever you can find online. The finest UK soap ever, bollocks to Coronation Street.

Anything with Piers Morgan. Controversial, I know. He's sometimes kind of a prick but I've always liked the guy, especially after his argument with that bloody idiot Alex Jones on gun control... he's also done a series of good and interesting interviews with interesting folks like John Lydon... written a couple of entertaining books as well where he puts down the whole celebrity culture..l.
Four In A Bed... fair enough, I'll give you that one.