Author Topic: Where's the German contingent?  (Read 2280 times)

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2018, 11:06:30 AM »
ganz richtig mein Herr  :)
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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...what is stopping me, mostly, is that I find some topics really interesting and want to reply at length (because I find it so hard to keep replies short when the topic is interesting) - and I never seem to have the time.  Like, I tell myself I'll reply when I have a bit more time...then forget...and then it's kind of too late.

I really love long in-depth posts, Stephanie, especially if they revolve around anything NMA (or music) related.  :)

When I first came here, back in autumn 2005 (went by a different moniker then), I just began bumping hundreds of old threads, lol, instead of introducing myself.  I did that because I honestly never thought anyone would want to talk to me, but I really wanted to share my thoughts, feelings, love, findings, participate, just the same.  So I went to the very last page of each section, picked out the threads that interested me most, and just bumped them back up again, even though the threads were years old.  It was pretty funny at the time.  Many of the regulars, were baffled by all these old threads being bumped back up again.  It was as if no one had ever done that before.  Personally, I don't think it's ever to late to express your thoughts and feelings, ever!  It would be thrill to see you (and anyone else who'd love to do so) bump up / contribute to any old threads.  I'll be back-tracking to see what I missed over the seven years I've been off / away.  Makes things really interesting and fun, well to me anyhow.  :)

I often think the band is just doing their bit for charity in keeping it going for sad old buggers like me who can't/won't move on into the new world

I love it here, Anna Woman von NRW.  I really, really do.   :-[   Hope NMA never gets rid of this special place, sacred space.  This is home.  :'(

What should have been the biggest event on this board ever was the Q/A session with band, think it was February 2014.  While it was happening I did look at the home page out of interest and at the peak there were around 200 people on the forum.  I was surprised so few were in attendance, and only a handful of us offered questions to the band.

Oh, NOooooooooooooo!   :'(   I missed that.  Shush, do you (or anyone else floating here) have the link to those questions?  Where ca I find them?  Were they all answered?  There are SO many questions I still have, that (for whatever reasons) were never answered from another, older Q&A session.  Early 2010, I think it was.  I posted something like three terribly long pages of varying types of questions, but although a certain number were answered, the vast majority of them were not.   :'(

Shame that so many have given up on this Forum.  But heck, way of the world, etc...  :-[

Took me seven very long years (too long and personal a story to get into on here), but I came back.  Others will too, Master Ray.  Never lose faith, hope.  :)

I think I love this board because it is now more cosy... Am not on facebook and am only on 1 other forum.  Try not to spend my life on line.  There's a great big beautiful world out there to see and FEEL which you can't do behind a screen.

Agree entirely with you, dilla.   :)   I sure love being here, though, when time and situations permit.

The NMA forum is one of the sites I visit almost daily, so I will try to do my part and increase my post count...

Wonderful news, orlando.  :)

...a few years back, there was an unpleasant dispute about some silly shite or other (something to do with Manchester pubs I think) and there were threats of violence from an idiot poster who got modded right the **** out of here and rightfully so.

Was I here then, Master Ray?   :-\   I've been gone since end of 2010. 

Ich würd auch sagen, dass das Forum hier für mich seinen Zweck gut erfüllt, es Spaß macht sich mit anderen Fans auszutauschen zu können und das ein wenig mehr Teilnahme nicht schlecht wäre, aber es ist halt so wie es ist.  Prost!

Google translate gave me this... "I would also say that the forum here for me its purpose well, it is fun to be able to exchange with other fans and that a little more participation would not be bad, but it's just the way it is.  Bottom up!"  If that translation is correct, I totally agree cthulhu.  :)
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⁂ Da Vinci ⁂

Master Ray

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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2018, 06:58:01 PM »
Loved your post, 8!  And I agree, this is my favourite place to go on the old Internet. 

The thread I mentioned was deffo after 2010, basically it was just a thread about here to go to for a pre-gig meet on Manchester, someone disagreed with my choices and then started using some offensive terminology about Manchester United supporters.  It all blew over, no need to revisit such irrelevant stuff.

Again, nice to see some love for this old Forum.  There's usually a lot of respect offered and given to new guys and old posters alike.  Can't say that for a lot of sites on the internet, eh?   ;)


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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2018, 11:37:15 AM »
Old internet? ;) It's been the new web forums that killed the old internet: usenet. A decentralized network, no company ruled or owned our communications and nobody could pull the plug.

Now it's facebook and instragram that are killing web forums. It's getting worse every time... Viele Fliegen und so...

Mastodon could be a ray of hope now.

Anyway, I know I don't post much, mostly because I don't have the patience or energy to write down complex thoughts in a foreign language, but I read a lot and yes, I so hope this forum will last... And so I flooded it today...  ;D
« Last Edit: July 15, 2018, 11:42:44 AM by nia »