Author Topic: A cappella contenders... songs from NMA/JS repertoire that YOU think would work.  (Read 545 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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the following quote comes from another thread, in the everything else section.

Boy, that "Sex" song is bad.  Goes absolutely nowhere for three and a half minutes.

Oh so wrong, SOoooo wong there Spacewind.   ;)   The lyrics are the best thing about that particular NMA song.  Not at all keen about the bassline in it or the Doctor's stint in it (sounds like Joolz's voice, but don't know for certain... if it isn't her, I apologize).  But the lyrics are just crazy, fcukin' HOT!   :D

Do any of you who float or post here appreciate or love the idea of multiple versions of NMA/JS songs?
In particular songs done  a cappella ?
If so, which would you love to see or hear performed in the  a cappella  style?

Personally, I love the idea of alternate versions, including versions featuring the vocal alone, no accompanying instrumentation.  Sometimes songs performed / recorded in the  a cappella  style, are able to penetrate / delve even deeper into us, our souls, consciousness, mind's eye, etc., than those with backing music / instrumentation.  These kinds of renditions tend to work best when you have potent, blazing, heavily, richly soaked lyrics and amazing pipes - as in vocal chords, vocal capabilities, sensibilities, wonderfully fantastic voice, and quality of voice (pitch, tone, cadence, purity, depth, projectability, subtlety, clarity, pronunciation, inflection, etc. etc. etc.).  And Mr. Sullivan possesses all of these qualities / attributes in spades!

Would be AMAZING if Mr. Sullivan were to revive Sex (TBA), a cappella though.  No crutch(es).  No back drop (of instrumentation).  Just those slick 'n smooth deeply rich smoldering  pipes  the lord almighty / his parents blessed him with.  If not live, then on record, at least?   :-\   Maybe a b-sides / rarities type release or something?  Would definitely make a smokin' HOT track, that's for sure!  Well, I certainly believe so, at any rate.  Especially if he slowed it down a notch or two.   ;)

Only thing is that Mr. Sulllivan would have to feel completely comfortable with the stripped down aspect of it.  It's a lot of hard work, I imagine.  Everything would rest entirely on the vocal.  Not sure how it'd sound though, now, with that gorgeous gap gone (there's a slight change to his slitherin' 'S's and hard cuttin' 'C's, now).  Still, Mr. Sullivan should give it a go, especially when he's alone, in a room with fantastic acoustics, just to see if he feels comfortable enough with it.  :)

Attempting any song  a cappella is very demanding, both physically and mentally.  There is absolutely nothing, nothing, to fall back on.  You're up there, at the mic, alone.  It's either sink or swim with every second of the song(s).  It's probably more naked than actually being naked (if that makes sense to anyone else here), when there's no safety net behind you.  But I suppose that's the thrill of the ride, to performers, singers, etc. though.  And if you can manage to overcome the incredible, intense fear aspect of it, the euphoria you could reach could prove to be even more invigorating, enlightening, re-affirming, strengthening - with regards to ones own spirit, mind, body, soul.  For a short bit of time, you could touch 'GOD', while in the moment.

If the effort is made though, and the intent is genuine and pure, then the outcome could even have the potential of surpassing the or an original version.  Of course, this would heavily depend on a number of factors such as... song, singer, lyrical content, pace, among others things.  But I swear, if only Mr. Sullivan believed it too, that he IS more than capable of propelling, lifting, carrying this particular song [Sex (TBA), as only one example] to even further / farther / higher heights, solo, a cappella... then we'd all benefit, including he himself.   

The force  is very much  alive  and  strong  in / with  Mr. Sullivan.

Sex   (The Black Angel)
(Sullivan/Morrow/Heaton)   1984

Look at my eyes - you know what it is
I want you, I want you
The way your body moves beneath that dress
And all the nights I've spent away alone in sleeplessness
It's a hunger that we can fill
Racing, racing
And every nerve tingles with it
I want you, I want you
You know the way that I can make you feel
Of all the faces in the crowd, there's only you
Pull down your hair a little
Open up your mouth a little
You're beautiful, you're the best
This feeling that you know oh so well
Your oldest friend from the fires, the fires of hell
And I want you now
Driving down
Driving down
Into the fires
Every stretch and move is like a dream
Eating, biting, scratching
And all there is, is these racing pulses
And the breathing
Forget all the lies that they gave to you
Believe in this 'cause how could this feeling not be true
Driving down

Ummm... on second thought, maybe it'd be best to keep things (musically speaking) nice and safe.  ;)

All that said and quoted, truth is, I'm not sure that I would be strong enough to handle hearing him, (well... moreso) seeing Mr. Sullivan sing it in a live concert setting, especially to a very small intimate crowd.  If I were there in person, I'd cave!   :-\   It would absolutely terrify me!  I am NOT kidding.  Ohhh, but then it'd sure be gripping, gobsmacking, blinding and intense, (to say the least) though!!   :D

Ahhh, sometimes...  but only sometimes... the Atlantic is very much, a true blessing in disguise.

This post was not intended to offend anyone.  If it has, I genuinely apologize.
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • i'm trying to quit, but i just quit trying
A very cool thought of yours, and a very nice kind of expressing and writing you did.
my opinion is that only few songs would be working that way. i once listened to mr. sullivan doing another imperial day, and that was an intense experience. this song works, because the story becomes so intimate, it's like someone is talking to you about exoeriences and you listen to him and the power of the story is just there.
but what atracts me most to new model army is the combination of the lyrics and the music. it all seems to strenghten itself when combined and becomes more than the sum of the parts.

ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • splinter told me to do it
Instant contenders high , rivers n one of the chosen
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred Intolerance Everywhere
Not Vengeance  -  Punishment  !


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • i'm trying to quit, but i just quit trying
I want to quote Edgar Allan Poe, i think it somehow fits to what i wanted to say:

Shadows of shadows passing
It is now 1831, and as always, I am absorbed with a delicate thought
It is how poetry has indefinite sensations, to which end music in inessential
Since the comprehension of sweet sound is our most indefinite conception
Music, when combined with a pleasurable idea, is poetry
Music, without the idea, is simply music
Without music, or an intriguing idea, color becomes pallor;
Man becomes carcass;
Home becomes catacomb;
The dead, are but for a moment, motionless

This was spoken by Orson Wells as an intro to The Fall of the House of Usher, by Alan Parsons Project on the Album Tales of Mystery and Imagination.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)

Anna Woman von NRW

  • Totally Obsessed
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Initial thought was nah - Another Imperial Day works but can't see any other obvious songs. But then reading Pol's comment I thought yeah Rivers
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't