« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2022, 06:56:30 AM »
What would you call your band from NMA lyrics ?
Fantastic thread idea, dilla!

I'll be messing around with this enthralling request / task, 'til the inspirational
well runs dry.
Following entries have been solely
(& strictly) lifted / borrowed from a selection of
only 15 actual NMA song
End results are a mashed-up / interesting combination of titles, altered and/or rearranged to fit the intriguing exercise.
All titles in
red have already been claimed
(click on the respective names in red to delve deeper & discover something new).
The majority of merged, mashed-up & or rearranged song titles actually ring better as new song &/or album titles, themselves!
Prefacing these new, possible band names with "THE", is completely up to the individual band members & therefore, totally optional.
lol. You ready? Ok, here goes...
The Archway Towers
The Attack.............................
The Bad Harvest.....................
The Charge............................
The Chinese Whispers
The Christian Militia
The Drifts
The Ghosts
The Headlights
The Horsemen
The Master Race
The Modern Times..................
The North Stars
The Price...............................
The Red Earth........................
The Refugees
The Ten Commandments
The Vagabonds
The White Coats
The Archway Towers Attack
The Archway Towers Drift
The Archway Tower's Bad Harvest
The Archway Tower's Chinese Whispers
The Archway Tower's Christian Militia
The Archway Tower's Christian Militia Ghosts
The Archway Tower's Christian Militia Maps
The Archway Tower's Christian Militia Refugees
The Archway Tower's Ghosts
The Archway Tower's Horsemen
The Archway Tower's Master Race
The Archway Tower's Ten Commandments
The Chinese Whisper's Archway Towers
The Chinese Whisper's Ghosts
The Chinese Whisper's Rivers
The Christian Militia Drifts
The Christian Militia Ghosts
The Drift's Archway Towers
The Ghost's Archway Towers
The Ghost's Chinese Whispers
The Ghost's Christian Militia
The Ghost's Christian Militia Horsemen
The Ghost's Christian Militia Maps
The Ghost's Heroes
The Ghost's Horsemen
The Ghost's Master Race
The Ghost's Ten Commandments
The Ghost's Vagabonds
The Hero's Archway Towers
The Hero's Chinese Whispers
The Hero's Ghosts
The Hero's Horsemen
The Hero's Refugees
The Hero's Rivers
The Hero's Maps
The Hero's Space
The Hero's Sunset
The Hero's Ten Commandments
The Hero's Vagabonds
The North Star's Chinese Whispers
The North Star's Ghosts
The North Star's Heroes
The North Star's Horsemen
The North Star's Maps
The North Star's Rivers
The North Star's Space
The North Star's Ten Commandments
The North Star's White Coats
The Refugee Ghosts
The Refugee Heroes
The Refugee Horsemen
The River's Chinese Whispers
The River's Ghosts
The River's Heroes
The River's Horsemen
The River's Ten Commandments
The River's Vagabonds
The Southwest Ghost's Sunset
Southwest Heroes
The Southwest Hero's Ghosts
The Southwest Hero's Sunset
The Southwest Hero's Ten Commandments
Southwest Refugees
Southwest Rivers
The Southwest River's Ghosts
The Southwest River's Heroes
The Southwest River's Horsemen
The Southwest River's Sunset
The Southwest River's Vagabonds
Southwest Vagabonds
The Southwest Vagabond's Christian Militia
Southwest Vagabond's Heroes
The Southwest Vagabond's Space
The Southwest Vagabond's Ten Commandments
The Space Ghost's Heroes
The Space Ghost's Horsemen
The Space Ghost's Ten Commandments
The Space Ghost's Vagabonds
The Space Hero's Ghosts
The Space Hero's Horsemen
The Space Hero's Refugees
The Space Hero's Rivers
The Space Hero's Maps
The Space Heroes
The Space Hero's Vagabonds
The Space Hero's Ten Commandments
The Space Vagabond's Christian Militia
The Space Vagabond's Ghosts
The Space Vagabond's Horsemen
The Space Vagabond's Ten Commandments
Space Ghosts
Space Heroes
Space Maps
Space Vagabonds
The Sunset Ghosts
The Sunset Heroes
The Sunset Horsemen
The Sunset Refugees
The Sunset Vagabonds
The Sunset Vagabond's Heroes
The Ten Commandment's Archway Towers
The Ten Commandment's Chinese Whispers
The Ten Commandment's Ghosts
The Ten Commandment's Heroes
The Ten Commandment's Horsemen
The Ten Commandment's Rivers
The Ten Commandment's Vagabonds
The Vagabond's Archway Towers
The Vagabond's Christian Militia
The Vagabond's Ghosts
The Vagabond's Heroes
The Vagabond's Horsemen
The Vagabond's Maps
The Vagabond's Master Race
The Vagabond's Refugees
The Vagabond's Rivers
The Vagabond's Space
The Vagabond's Ten Commandments
The White Coat's Wired Horsemen
The White Coat's Wired Maps
The White Coat's Wired North Stars
The White Coat's Wired Refugees
The White Coat's Wired Vagabonds
The Wired Christian Militia
The Wired Horsemen
The Wired Refugees
The Wired Vagabonds
The Wired Vagabond's Ghosts
The Wired Vagabond's Heroes
This post is a labour of love, work in progress.
Yeah, definitely had too much time on my hands today! lol. 
« Last Edit: October 03, 2022, 11:37:38 AM by 8 »

'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'
'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'
⁂ Da Vinci ⁂