So let's talk about alternative media sources and news.
Where do you get your informations?
What do you know about the media cartells and the "gleichschaltung" of the mainstream press?
How do you use them?
Here in germany we have some very interesting and informative blogs, which i regularly read. Without them i would go nuts i guess. I still also read some mainstream press, it's like the surveillance of the enemy.
Many years ago i would read "taz", a left daily paper which in the early days really had some thoughts and opinions.
i read "der spiegel" which had done some impressive investigative stuff, which had an immediate effect on politics.
but they changed.
there are some things you cannot discuss. like: no more wars!
there is no reason ever to start a war! this should be non questionable.
in germany that changed with the war against yugoslawia. this was done by telling through constant propaganda, that there's a new hitler there, who has to be stopped.
that there's a holocaust ongoing that has to be stopped.
and you always can stop it by bombing civililian infrastructure and civilians.
so when the green, anti-war party also used that arguments and voted for war, that was it fo me.
the green, anti-war "taz" also found reasons for war and since then, i couldn't read it anymore.
and "spiegel" has become a pure pro-nato, anti-russia, propaganda instrument, to support wars, arming nations for the military industrial complex, etc..neo liberal big BS every day.
but this were some examples of the bad mainstream pre$$titutes.
now for the good ones:
we have a journalist in germany, who had a radio show and was discredited as antisemitic, because he criticized israel politics. so he lost his job.
he then started a crowd-funded youtube channel and is now very successful. i love his programm. true journalism, a variety of different interview partners and most important: time! his interviews at least are 90mins, he has a dicussion panel wher his guests talk sometimes for more than 3 hours about a subject.
i got so many diverse information and inspiration by his channel, that i'm supporting it monthly with some money. i find it very important do do that and it's so good to see that a crowd funded organisation can reach so many people and do good stuff! crowd-funding is a good way for alternative information.
we have
in which they collect some articles and comment on them, giving some analysis. this was organized by a politicican with lots of experince in politics "bundestag", so the argument that blogs are run by un-professionals just does not count.
and we have a brilliant cabaret show on tv "die anstalt" in which they really explain and analyse some stuff whcih you just doesn't get in the mainstream. you can learn so much by watching their "comedy" and they even were sued because they uncovered connections of a press-cartell, like all the main editors and owner of the biggest newspapers were all in the same trans-atlantik think tanks. but of course they won later, because they just told the truth.
i need those little islands of journalism and information, otherwise i would think that all the world ist totally bonkers, crazy and stupid.
what do you have in britain for alternative media, which you trust to really inform you?
another crowd-financed blog, with many renowned writers: co-founder of "taz", author, hemp activist:
www.broeckers.coma manufacturer of tiny, self-sufficient caravans and houses: