Well, i couldn't say that i'm totally with you, but i think i get the idea. the song is fantastic, i have to look deeper into magazine, so thanks for that. i wouldn't want them to play something as an experiment, though i totally like experiments. if they would choose to cover songs that they totally want to interpret, because they like them, then go for it. but this somehow doesn't click to me, it seems not fitting, though i like and appreciate the thought.
Oooo. You like to play safe, when it comes to music.

Are you like that with food and --- , too? You don't have to answer that, I can probably suss it, pin it by my lonesome.
tender soft lol, what I am aiming for - with this cover(s) business - is that of trying to deliver these boys from out a their shells,
'shake' them,
'wake' them... take them somewhere still secure, but at the same time, off the beaten track, out of the proverbial box - so to speak...
'into the wind'…
'reap the wild wind, reap the wild wind'. Somewhere still quite enthralling, thrilling, biting, exciting, but very and I mean VERY different... both subject-matter-wise and musical style-wise. Seriously, I fervently believe all five of these gentlemen have it in them to 'pop the latches, open the hatches', bust the bolts off
that Magazine song. Not sure they'll be able to surpass the original, I don't think anyone ever will, besides, that's not the intent - I would hope not, at any rate - when approaching a potential cover. That said, NMA's cover of
that Magazine song WOULD definitely convert even the most faithful of the - our here - following.
'twiddley-dee, twiddley-dum, look out baby, 'cause here' they

i thought about that, this would somehow fit for a cover by new model army. i love that song, i love the lyrics, the metaphors
Oooo. You're an anthem lover. Like to sing along too, I imagine?

That's cool too. I'm finding all this quite fascinating. not surprised soft lol, that we're both coming from two COMPLETELY different ball parks, ends of the spectrum, in more ways than just in musical terms. How FASCINATING! Dead serious... this is some intoxicatingly good shit, man. We ARE ALL very different. Lovin' this truth. It's a miracle that NMA - thus far - has been quite able to still
feed and
satiate each and every single one of us... with all their songs, recordings, setlists, what-have-you. lol... We
'make great pets,' we
'make great pets'... lol, how do they like Porno for Pyros? I wonder.
and when you look at that cover of the single in the video, it reminds a little bit of the dog and wolf cover paintings..far fetched and very subjectiv, i know.
Actually not far-fetched at all. But if we were dreaming - and I certainly know that I am - and NMA was to really do a Frankie Goes to Hollywood cover...
this one would be the only contender. I'd order it a cappella, straight-up, just the man and his mic... no blinging lights or shouting fans... but I wouldn't be able to handle that one, it's a weeping song, for me. And if it came from him, it fcukin' kill me, cut so deep that it'd break me...
yeah, not joking there buddy, so whip it elsewhere if you're gonna take the piss... got that?