My friend married in iceland and opened a diving school. (, check it out) it was after the marriage, that we traveled with about 40 people from the wedding for 10 days through island and iceland is all that your friend said. the last time I was there for like 7 weeks, as a chef cooking for traveler-groups on camping sites, so i was in a tent for about 6 weeks in different places. man, this was an experience!
How impressive.

Hopefully the experience was an enriching, memorable, fantastic, and positive one!
Klaus / Cthulhu, at any point during either of those trips to Iceland, did you get to personally check out the local music scene? How about music venues... catch any foreign acts while you were there? I'd love to know

if you don't mind talking about it.
I've often wondered how long it's going to be before NMA finally get to play a gig in Iceland... that'd be fcukin'
amazing! Especially if they do outdoor gigs there... can you imagine? It'd be something to behold, I'm sure. Who knows, maybe they'll get there within the next 5 years. I wonder if any of any of them... Justin, Michael, Dean, Marshall, Cery have already visited Iceland, outside of musical reasons. Who knows, maybe they've had a lay-over flight from somewhere for a day or two, just enough to get a feel for and of the place. We'll never know.

you should get a copy of the marvellous cd/dvd edition
Are you kidding... I
very much intend to!

I'm just strapped for cash right now, due to a shitload of different reasons, that I've got to hold off for a bit. If it ends up selling out, in the online shop, I pray it gets restocked... because they didn't say that it was a limited release. It's not a limited release situation is it? I better look into that, a.s.a.p., because there are only 82 left in the official shop, as I type this post! Was heart broken when the songbooks sold out.

What are the chances of those being restocked?
you seem to be a sensible person... hope you didn't see too much of the things that upset you in my vids.
I don't know about being sensible, per se, but I would most definitely say that I am a
very sensitive creature, perhaps super / overly sensitive, even. I feel people's anguish, turmoil, pain. It becomes part of me. That's something I can't ever help, ever seem to shake off. I can spot the suffering and can immediately relate to it, to them, quite instantly. Without ever uttering a single word, we walking wounded spot ourselves from
miles away from each other.... in crowded rooms, busy streets, loaded trains, moving busses... you-name-it. We see our tears, breaking screams and our dying selves, within one another's eyes - the vacuum(s) of our own embers-like-light, shattered spirits, broken souls.
It's humbling, but often times a tremendous curse, burden to bear, because one would've hoped, even begged / prayed that it was for better, brighter, happier reasons, that one makes a deeply profound
soul connection with another living creature, be they human, animal, or what-have-you. But life's not like that... and death's probably not like that either. No matter the road, every fcukin' one of 'em is a hard one. There are no easy breaks, just split second splinters of light, here and there, that ebb and flow just enough to give us hope, love, light, strength, dreams, internal peace - serenity - to keep going.
i feel like a disturbed creature
Join the club... it's a fcukin' big one, sadly. I think it's safe to say we're all fcuked up, in some way or other, on some level or other. I think / believe that it is crucial to reach for and hang onto whatever / whomever brings us that peace, love, shelter, kindness, forgiveness, hope, strength - of mind, body and soul. It is imperative, if we are to go forward, thrive, overcome, survive...
watching horror and violent movies since i was very young and graphic images don't touch me anymore as they used to.
You are a very fortunate individual, Cthulhu. Some of us have just seen too much, lived through too much, that it's become impossible to ignore. Things never strike us, until we find ourselves living it... in the midst of it. Something I wouldn't dare wish on anyone, anywhere,
but i will cry when listening to "carlisle road"...
Ohhh, I know what you mean.
sacred love...This post was not meant to hurt anyone, anywhere, ever. I am so terribly sorry for not being very cheerful... please forgive me... it's just really hard sometimes.