Author Topic: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!  (Read 597 times)


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I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« on: January 10, 2019, 03:30:37 PM »
I love this song. It's a collaboration by a german rap band (K.I.Z.) with a german songwriter (henning may) and the lyrics and the song just really got me.
So i thought that i would try to translate it for you, but you'll also might have to learn to german lyrics, because it's all about the rhyme and the flow which makes it so good. like it should be when rapped, right?

so here the german lyrics:

Kleidung ist gegen Gott
Wir tragen Feigenblatt
Schwingen an Lianen über'n Heinrichplatz
Und die Alten erzählen vom Häuserkampf,
beim Barbecue in den Ruinen der deutschen Bank
Vogelnester in einer löchrigen Leuchtreklame
Wir wärmen uns auf an einer brennenden Deutschlandfahne

Und wenn einer auf 'ner Parkbank schläft
Dann nur weil sich ein Mädchen an seinen Arm anlehnt
Drei Stunden Arbeit am Tag, weil es mehr nicht braucht
Heut' Nacht denken wir uns Namen für Sterne aus
Danken dieser Bombe vor 10 Jahren
und machen Liebe bis die Sonne es sehen kann

Weißt du noch als wir in die Tische ritzten in den Schulen
"Bitte Herr vergib ihnen nicht, denn sie wissen was sie tun."
Unter den Pflastersteinen wartet der Sandstrand,
wenn ich mit Rap, dann mit der Pumpgun

Und wir singen im Atomschutzbunker:
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"

Und wir singen im Atomschutzbunker:
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
Auf den Trümmern das Paradies

Nimm dir Pfeil und Bogen, wir erlegen einen Leckerbissen
Es gibt kein' Knast mehr, wir grillen auf den Gefängnisgittern
Verbrannte McDonald's zeugen von unsern Heldentaten
Seit wir Nestlé von den Feldern jagten

Schmecken Äpfel so wie Äpfel und Tomaten nach Tomaten
Und wir kochen unser Essen in den Helmen der Soldaten
Du willst einen rauchen? Dann geh dir was pflücken im Garten
Doch unser heutiges Leben lässt sich auch nüchtern ertragen
Komm wir fahren in den mossbedeckten Hallen im Reichstag ein Bürostuhlwettrennen
Unsere Haustüren müssen keine Schlösser mehr haben, Geld wurde zu Konfetti und wir haben besser geschlafen

Ein Goldbarren ist für uns das gleiche wie ein Ziegelstein
Der Kamin geht aus, wirf' mal noch 'ne Bibel rein
Die Kids gruseln sich, denn ich erzähle vom Papst
Das Leben ist so schön, wer braucht ein Leben danach? (wer braucht ein Leben danach?)

Und wir singen im Atomschutzbunker:
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"

Und wir singen im Atomschutzbunker:
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
Auf den Trümmern das Paradies

Die Kühe weiden hinter uns, wir rauchen Ott spielen Tower
Dort wo früher der Potsdamer Platz war
Wenn ich aufwache streich ich dir noch einmal durch's Haar
"Schatz ich geh zur Arbeit, bin gleich wieder da."

Wir stehen auf wann wir wollen, fahren weg wann wir wollen
Sehen aus wie wir wollen, haben Sex wie wir wollen
Und nicht wie die Kirche oder Pornos es uns erzählen
Baby die Zeit mit dir war so wunderschön
Ja, jetzt ist es wieder aus, aber unsere Kinder wein' nicht
Denn wir ziehen sie alle miteinander auf

Erinnerst du dich noch als sie das große Feuer löschen wollten?
Dieses Gefühl, als in den Flammen unsere Pässe schmolzen?
Sie dachten echt ihre Scheiße hält ewig
Ich zeig den Kleinen Monopoly, doch sie verstehn's nicht
"Ein 100€ Schein? Was soll das sein?
Wieso soll ich dir was wegnehm' wenn wir alles teilen?"

Und wir singen im Atomschutzbunker:
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"

Und wir singen im Atomschutzbunker:
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
"Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!"
Auf den Trümmern das Paradies

And here the video to the song

and here my very freely done translation:

dressing is against god
we are wearing fig-leaf
and swing on lianes over the heinrichsplatz
and the old ones tell tales from the urban-warfare, while barbecuing in the ruins of the deutsche bank
birds nest in a pitted neon luminous advertising
we warm up ourselves over a burning german flag

and if somebody is sleeping on a parkbench, then only because a girl is leaning against his arm
three hours work a day, because nothing more is required
this night we come up with names for stars
and thank the bomb 10 years ago
and make love‚ 'till the sun can see it

do you remember the times we scratched in the tables in our schools
„lord please don‘t forgive them, cause they know exactly what they are doing“
under the cobblestone the beach of sands waits
if not with rap, then with the pump-gun

and we sing in the fallout-shelter
hooray this world is going to perish
hooray this world is going to perish
hooray this world is going to perish
from the debris to paradise

take bow and arrow, we‘re going to get something delicious
there‘s no slimmer anymore, we grill on the prison bars
the burned down mcdonalds' father our heroic deeds
since we chased nestle away from the greenfields

the apples taste after apples and tomatoes like tomatoes
and we cook our meals in the helmets of the soldiers
you want to smoke a spliff? The go pick yourselve something from the garden
but our nowadays life is also sober to bear
let‘s go to the moss covered halls in the reichstag and do a race with office chairs
our front doors don‘t need locks anymore, money became confetti
and we slept better than ever

a goldbar is for us the same like a brick
the fireplace is dying down, so throw another bible in it
the kids are scared because we tell them about the pope
this life is so beautiful, who needs a life after? (who needs a life after?)

and we sing in the fallout-shelter
hooray this world is going to perish
hooray this world is going to perish
hooray this world is going to perish

and we sing in the fallout-shelter
hooray this world is going to perish
hooray this world is going to perish
from the debris to paradise

the cows are grazing behind us, we smoke ott, play tower
at the place where the potzdamer platz used to be
when i‘m waking up, i go softly again through your hair:
„baby, i now go to work, i‘m back very soon“

we get up when we want, we set off when we want,
we look like we want, we have sex like we want
not like the church and porno tell us
baby, this time with you was wonderfull
but now it‘s over again, but the children do not cry
because we all raise them together
do you still remember when they tried to put out that huge fire?
The feeling that we had, when we saw our passports melting in the fire?

They really thought heir fuckin‘ shit would endure for ever
i show the little ones monopoly, but they just don‘t get it
„a hundred euro bill? What should that be?
Why would i take soemething from you when we share all together?“

and we sing in the fallout-shelter
hooray this world is going to perish
hooray this world is going to perish
hooray this world is going to perish

and we sing in the fallout-shelter
hooray this world is going to perish
hooray this world is going to perish
from the debris to paradise

Hope you like it.
So what dou you think?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 03:36:21 PM by cthulhu »
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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2019, 06:09:22 PM »
Sorry Cthulhu,
I don`t like the lyrics at all ...
Some kind of a dream without thinking the reality around works (for old and young ones in the nearer space or others with other opinions) or worldwide - and all others have to deal with that unreal dreams

I prefer lyrics describing the real situation and feelings better
Mülhein Asozial - Ey die Hunde
and some more of their songs/lyrics

And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?


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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2019, 07:09:45 PM »
Krasse Scheisse! ;-)

thanks for the input. i like the terrible houses at the rhine on fire;-)

i bet you know this.... maybe?

ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
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Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2019, 02:45:14 PM »
Sorry peeps can't say I cared for any of these suggestions  :(

I much prefer Max Giesinger  ;D
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2019, 05:12:49 PM »
i appreciate your opinions, thanks for writing. both of you described it like it was about a real thing, like it were suggestions or something not really thought through, as you wrote.
i see in it a lyrical description of examples what a post-apocalyptic society could turn too,  and the examples criticize some valid points in my opinion. to me it's like a sci-fi post-apocalyptic b-movie, which i very like;-)

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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2019, 05:16:52 PM »
knock, knock....
another masterpiece in my humble opinion. enjoy!

Ich geh heut nicht mehr tanzen - AnnenMayKantereit
Ich weiß ich hab' gesagt
Ich bin heute am Start
Aber ich komm nicht klar und da
Wo ich schon 1000 Mal war
Will ich heute nicht hin
Weil da immer die gleichen Leute sind

Und weil ich müde bin
Weil ich müde bin

Ich glaub' ich geh' heut' nicht mehr tanzen
Ich glaub' ich geh' heut' nicht mehr raus
Ich glaub' ich rauche heute Pflanzen
Und bleib' allein zu Haus
Ich glaub' ich geh' heut' nicht mehr tanzen
Ich geh' heut' nicht mehr raus
Ich rauche heute Pflanzen
Und bleib' allein zu Haus

Ich bin noch immer so müde von gestern
Ich suche bei Netflix nach einem Western
Die Jungs mit Revolvern helfen vergessen
Dass man trinkt um zu vergessen

Mein Magen sagt ich müsste was essen
Ernähr' mich seit Wochen nur noch von Resten

Vietnamesisch neben dem Bett

Ich hab' nie was im Kühlschrank
Ich warte noch immer darauf dass ich wieder fühlen kann
Ich bin noch immer so müde von gestern
Ich warte noch immer darauf dass ich wieder fühlen kann
Suche bei Netflix nach einem Western

Ich glaub' ich geh' heut' nicht mehr tanzen
Ich glaub' ich geh' heut' nicht mehr raus
Ich glaub' ich rauche heute Pflanzen
Und bleib' allein zu Haus

i know i did say
that i‘m ready today
but today i can‘t cope
and to go where i‘ve already been a thousand times
today i don‘t like to go
because always the same people are there

and because i‘m so tired
'cause i‘m so tired

i think i won‘t go dancing today
i think today i won‘t leave the house
i think i will smoke some plants
and stay at home alone

i think i won‘t go dancing today
today i won‘t leave the house
i will smoke some plants
and stay at home alone

i‘m still so tired from the day before
i search a wild west pic on netflix
those guys with revolvers help you forget
that you drink to forget
my stomach tells me i should eat something
for weeks now i nourish from leftovers

vietnaaaam food next to the bed

i never have anything in the fridge
i‘m still waiting for my feelings to come back
i‘m still so tired from the day before
i‘m still waiting for my feelings to come back
i search a wild west pic on netflix
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)

Master Ray

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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2019, 07:32:57 PM »

I love Rammstein (probably the best known German singing band in the world) and tried translating some of their songs into English... gotta say, I was a bit disappointed, I was listening to this band for years and thought their lyrics might have been a bit deeper and more interesting than they were...  :-\

Perhaps Google Translate just let me down a bit?


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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2019, 08:16:20 AM »
Well, Rammstein.... i love Rammstein. And i love their lyrics, but it would be almost impossible to translate them because there's so much more benath it. so you could translate the words and get some kind of meaning literally, but rammstein lyrics are playing also with the rhyme of words, the folklore of the meanings, the rhythm, the pronounciation.

at the beginning of their career (maybe even now) they were regarded by many as kind of "nazi" or extreme right, just because the singer is rolling the "r" in the words.
this rolling "r" is burned in the collective memory of the germans as connected to the nazis, "the kind of way the nazis spoke" which is of course totally bollocks, but we germans run on such a guilt-trip that we became very stupid and frightfull, low-self-opinion in these affairs.

so for some it's an affront the way the singer pronounces his lyrics and as i said they were put in the corner of the far right.
they made a song about it and maybe i can show a little bit here how their lyrics work.

Rammstein - Links 2 3 4

Kann man Herzen brechen? (can you break a heart?)
Können Herzen sprechen? (can hearts speak?)
Kann man Herzen quälen? (can you torture a heart?)
Kann man Herzen stehlen? (can you steal a heart?)
(all these lines kind of question german common idioms, by taking them literally. i think "you broke my heart" is common everywhere)

Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck (they want my heart at the right side)
Doch seh' ich dann nach unten weg (but when i look down)
Dann schlägt es (it pumps)
Links! (left)

here he is referring to those accusations of being a rrrright band politically speaking. but to say: "doch seh ich dann nach unten weg" is totally unusual to express it that way, using these words. it sounds very unreal but also very thoughtful. you just wouldn't speak like this but grammatically it's ok.
rammsteins lyrics are like texts from theater-plays, very pathetic, reduced, and played with the different meanings of the same word in a different kontext.

like in the song:  Du Hast (fantastic video by the way..)

"du....du hast...du hast mich...du hast mich....du hast mich gefragt.."
when you hear that beginning of the song, the way he cut the one sentence "du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab nichts gesagt" (you've asked me and i said nothing) into those fragments, it sounds like
" hate have asked me" and then follows the famous line and question from every wedding
"willst du bis der tod euch scheidet, treu ihr sein für alle tage?" "will you be faithfull to her till death do you apart"
you know the answer;-)

lets get back to links, 2 3 4

when he is singing:


Links, zwo, drei, vier
Links, zwo, links, zwo, links, zwo, drei, vier, links
Links, zwo, links, zwo, links, zwo, drei, vier, links
Links, zwo, drei, vier

he is referring to a marching "song", but it also is kind of a folklore saying, when you want to start and go for it, in a very antiquated way. like "forward march"
we as children were running sometimes saying it loud, to be in gleichschritt/ marching step

so again he is playing with some levels here. he's taking out the "left" to emphasise his political attitude but he's taking it from a kind of military kontext, so he's breaking it up again a bit.

but what about the other lyrics/songs i posted here? any more opinions. would be even very cool if someone could have a look atr my translation and improve it...

« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 09:04:16 AM by cthulhu »
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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2019, 07:37:06 PM »
Well, Rammstein.... i love Rammstein. And i love their lyrics, but it would be almost impossible to translate them because there's so much more benath it. so you could translate the words and get some kind of meaning literally, but rammstein lyrics are playing also with the rhyme of words, the folklore of the meanings, the rhythm, the pronounciation.

at the beginning of their career (maybe even now) they were regarded by many as kind of "nazi" or extreme right, just because the singer is rolling the "r" in the words.
this rolling "r" is burned in the collective memory of the germans as connected to the nazis, "the kind of way the nazis spoke" which is of course totally bollocks, but we germans run on such a guilt-trip that we became very stupid and frightfull, low-self-opinion in these affairs.

so for some it's an affront the way the singer pronounces his lyrics and as i said they were put in the corner of the far right.
they made a song about it and maybe i can show a little bit here how their lyrics work.

Rammstein - Links 2 3 4

Kann man Herzen brechen? (can you break a heart?)
Können Herzen sprechen? (can hearts speak?)
Kann man Herzen quälen? (can you torture a heart?)
Kann man Herzen stehlen? (can you steal a heart?)
(all these lines kind of question german common idioms, by taking them literally. i think "you broke my heart" is common everywhere)

Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck (they want my heart at the right side)
Doch seh' ich dann nach unten weg (but when i look down)
Dann schlägt es (it pumps)
Links! (left)

here he is referring to those accusations of being a rrrright band politically speaking. but to say: "doch seh ich dann nach unten weg" is totally unusual to express it that way, using these words. it sounds very unreal but also very thoughtful. you just wouldn't speak like this but grammatically it's ok.
rammsteins lyrics are like texts from theater-plays, very pathetic, reduced, and played with the different meanings of the same word in a different kontext.

like in the song:  Du Hast (fantastic video by the way..)

"du....du hast...du hast mich...du hast mich....du hast mich gefragt.."
when you hear that beginning of the song, the way he cut the one sentence "du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab nichts gesagt" (you've asked me and i said nothing) into those fragments, it sounds like
" hate have asked me" and then follows the famous line and question from every wedding
"willst du bis der tod euch scheidet, treu ihr sein für alle tage?" "will you be faithfull to her till death do you apart"
you know the answer;-)

lets get back to links, 2 3 4

when he is singing:


Links, zwo, drei, vier
Links, zwo, links, zwo, links, zwo, drei, vier, links
Links, zwo, links, zwo, links, zwo, drei, vier, links
Links, zwo, drei, vier

he is referring to a marching "song", but it also is kind of a folklore saying, when you want to start and go for it, in a very antiquated way. like "forward march"
we as children were running sometimes saying it loud, to be in gleichschritt/ marching step

so again he is playing with some levels here. he's taking out the "left" to emphasise his political attitude but he's taking it from a kind of military kontext, so he's breaking it up again a bit.

but what about the other lyrics/songs i posted here? any more opinions. would be even very cool if someone could have a look atr my translation and improve it...

Great post, mate!  And I'm sorry if I put Rammstein down, I don't speak any German and I guess that translation devices go for the most basic meaning with no comprehension of the history behind it...  :-[


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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2019, 08:27:45 PM »
Rammstein, the early songs - I could understand their kind of lyrics, the kind of "Du hast" or Links"
the playing with words and different meanings,
but later I stopped- I can`t understand their playing with
man/woman, children, brother and sister, love, sex or perhaps sexual abuse?
That`s too much ülaying with words for my taste ....

This one is more my cup of tea (no translation) Old Song of Klaus Hoffmann - So sind hier die Leute

Zuerst, da ist der Älteste
Mit dem Melonenkopf
Der mit der großen Nase
Der nicht mehr weiß, wie man seinen Namen schreibt
Der immer säuft
Der immer gesoffen hat
Und er hält sich für den Größten
Den man morgens schlafend in der Kirche fand
Starr wie eine Leiche
Und blass wie die Messe
Und er st-stottert
Und seine Augen starren ins Leere
Ich muss Ihnen sagen, mein Herr
Bei diesen Leuten, da denkt man nicht
Da denkt man nicht, mein Herr -
Da betet man!

Und dann der mit dem Karottenkopf
Der ist schlecht wie die Pest
Der sein Hemd an Arme verschenkt
Und damit nicht genug!
Der kleine Geschäfte macht
Mit seinem kleinen Hut
Mit seinem kleinen Mantel
Mit seinem kleinen Auto
Der groß sein möchte
Aber der nicht kann
Ich muss Ihnen sagen, mein Herr
Bei diesen Leuten, da spricht man nicht
Da spricht man nicht, mein Herr -
Da schummelt man!

Und dann sind da die Andern
Die Mutter, die nichts sagt
Die mit der Apostelfratze
Da ist an einem hölzernen Rahmen
Der väterliche Schnurrbart
Der beim Stolpern starb
Und er schaut auf seine Herde
Die kalte Suppe schlürft
Und das macht schlschlp
Und das macht schlschlp

Und da ist die Alte
Die nicht aufhört zu zittern
Und man wartet nur, dass sie krepiert
Weil sie ja die Kohle hat
Und man hört nicht, was ihre armen Hände erzählen
Ich muss Ihnen sagen, mein Herr
Bei diesen Leuten, da spricht man nicht, mein Herr
Da spricht man nicht -
Da zählt man!

Und dann
Und dann, da ist Frieda
Schön wie die Sonne
Die mich genauso liebt
Wie ich Frieda liebe
Und wir sagen uns oft
Dass wir reich sein werden
Und es wird schön sein!
Die Anderen sagen
Du bist zu schön für mich
Ich wäre gerade gut genug um Katzen zu töten!
Ich habe nie Katzen getötet -
Oder ich habe es vergessen
Oder ich habe es vergessen

Manchmal, wenn wir uns durch Zufall treffen
Mit Tränen im Gesicht
Dann sagt sie mir: "Ich folge dir!"
Und dann für einen Moment
Für einen Augenblick, da glaube ich ihr, mein Herr
Da glaube ich ihr!
Bei diesen Leuten, da geht man nicht, mein Herr
Da geht man nicht -
Da wartet man!
And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?


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I did not know that!
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2019, 07:22:11 AM »
at the beginning of their career (maybe even now) they were regarded by many as kind of "nazi" or extreme right, just because the singer is rolling the "r" in the words.  this rolling "r" is burned in the collective memory of the germans as connected to the nazis, "the kind of way the nazis spoke" which is of course totally bollocks, but we germans run on such a guilt-trip that we became very stupid and frightfull, low-self-opinion in these affairs.

I had absolutely NO idea of any of this.  I love languages, to me they are ALL ear-candy, music, as far as I'm concerned.  I am crazy about the rolling 'r' sound, especially!  I love hearing it when Scots, Italians, Spaniards, Russians, Greeks, Portuguese, among SO many others, speak with it / use it.  I find it incredibly sexy sounding, delicious!!  I never knew it was seen in a negative light to Germans, when speaking German.   :-\  How awful it must be, to have to change the way one naturally speaks, because of some monster from the past wrecking things for everybody. 

SO glad you mentioned this very important detail, Cthulhu.  It's definitely something I'll have to remember, because I love rolling my 'r's and I was hoping to learn German at some point down the road.   :)
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Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2019, 08:05:23 AM »
And I'm sorry if I put Rammstein down, I don't speak any German and I guess that translation devices go for the most basic meaning with no comprehension of the history behind it...  :-[
My intetntion was to show you that there is more behind just the mere translation of the words, because you somehow felt left down when you translated it.

I never knew it was seen in a negative light to Germans, when speaking German. 
Of course it's a bit more complex like that. We have many (sadly vanishing) dialects here in germany and some do roll the R more than others. what i was referring to was the "hoch-deutsch" called, "normal" pronounciations which are spoken in media, etc.. If you meet somebody whos is speaking a dialect with a rolling R it doesn't matter so much, but when Rammstein is really overdoing it in pop-songs, it really sounds destracting for our conditioned ears. you would also use a rolling R to mock somebody, so portray him as an very conservative person. those rolling R is connected to south the very east parts.
important: what i was reffering to was the overacted style of rammstein!

an old comedian doing german dialekts
a cute young woman
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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Re: I like this german song so much, so i translated it for you!
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2019, 08:35:32 AM »

Cthulhu, THANK  YOU  for posting these two fascinating links, they were awesome!!   :D    :D    :D
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂