and - how could I forget - "You weren't there"! It's THE song of witch and me, cause our distance is 500 km! But she would like to move in my region soon... 
thats true or song ......not easy about the distance 
but we will work together
nice eve at all
keep your fingers cross for him and me
Long distance relationships probably have a better chance of working out these days thanks to modern technology. Just don't let the distance grow to wide for too long, 'cause - as that most wonderful of men sings -
'if you leave a fire to burn,
it will burn itself away'. Well, for most people anyway. Just meet up as often as you can. Do special things together, go special places together. Savour every tiny detail, every sparkling moment, every word uttered, every tender touch, every sweet kiss, every warm breath, sheltering embrace, etc. - as if it's your last night on earth with eachother / in each other's company. And, if one of you can actually make the permanent move closer to the other, then wonderful!
'Love, love, lo-o-ove', (not sex) is extremely hard to come by in life. You're lucky if you find it once, doubly lucky if you find it twice, thrice, or more. So when you find it, hold onto it
without stifling it, let it flourish, breathe... protect it, acknowledge, nourish and nurture it... because you never know if it will ever come your way again. Best wishes to both of you, witch + ChuckD. Enjoy it.