I love to watch Snooker. Not ever played one frame in my life, but i went to Berlin for the German Masters to see it live and that was my only effort to go out and see sports live.
I played Handball for a long time in my youth, this sport i also like to watch, but sadly it is so underrepresented in the tele.
In Hamburg they have a sportspaß-pass (sports-fun-ticket) and you pay 10€ a month and it lets you do many, many different sports throughout Hamburg. You to choose your sport and the place where it is held and you just go there. I discovered this way too late, now i'm leaving Hamburg, but i managed to go to Badmindton, do a Tai-Chi course and had some fitness training.
I love indoor team or ball sports. There's this special atmosphere inside a gym, the sound of the shoes on the floor, the smell (in handball you use tree-resin to get your hands more sticky, and this stuff IS sticky as hell, but it smells so special) and it is such a different feeling to run inside a gym on this special floor with special indoor shoes. Kind of artificial, but i grew up and spent much time in gyms, so i kind of miss this.