For the record, it was only me, Whirlwind, that showed concern. I know you won't believe that, but that's actually a true statement. Go look through the past month's posts. Of all your "friends" here, not one posted concern over your absence. But there was one thread posted that did express concern for you....and it was from Whirlwind.
Go read "King Lear." There's a lesson in that for you.
Well, that's just not true. You've already proven yourself wrong. But first: Go listen to Winter. There's a lesson in that for you.
Ans it is pretty obvious with you last post, that your main concern is that you showed concern and everybody notices that, more than having concern. As you wrote:
Yeah, I (and I alone) showed concern over his absence.
But I don't want anybody here to change their well ingrained idea of who Whirlwind is. I am still a bastard. Just because I worried over Master Ray don't get the impression that Whirlwind is an old softie.
The ones with with real concern wrote Master Ray a pm, like i did, way before you asked for him. So maybe you still will claim that you do have concern, that i cannot judge, but it wasn't you alone that expressed concern, and therefore you're just wrong. Again. But that's ok, you're the Whirlwind.