I’m waiting for the vinyl to be able to properly read the lyrics. But so far (with the mp3, but they could have embedded the lyrics !), I was pleased with the album. I have to point out I was not mesmerised by BD&W, amazing music but lyrics were not as polished IMO as it used to be (liked best BW&B). Then, Winter was a roller coaster of feelings for me. But in concert the songs were AMAZING (except for Knievel, one of the only NMA song I will never be able to enjoy it seems).
So with the 2 singles I thought that this album was probably more NMA like than the previous ones, and I was a bit disappointed by that. But listening to the whole thing made me realise that « hey, you’re listening to the new NMA, not the new Idles or Kate Bush ». So if there was no NMA elements in the album, I WOULD be disappointed a lot. This said, the album feels different enough, have his own identity, and the songs can really surprise you, going down tempo when you thought it would « explode » or the opposite, ending abruptly when you thought it would fade, and that is really pleasant to me. I still have the feeling that sometimes the lyrics are not up to what I’m expecting, like the theme is great, I know what Mr Sullivan want to say, but the way it is said is odd to me (like in Stormclouds, the Line « It could be stormclouds and it could be mountains » still rings very peculiar to me, I understand the image, the idea seems great, but the result sound odd to MY hears).
So, I need more listening, I need the lyrics, I need to see the songs live, but for now, this is an excellent album, no songs that strikes me as some of Winter, but also no song that I find a little behind the rest of the record, like in Winter.
[edit] listening to the album again, I found that the chorus of « Where I am » is the perfect exemple of what I was saying about lyrics sounding odd to me, like I understand where you’re going, it’s just the way to go there, the words choice seems less polished that what I’m used to, not challenging to the intelligence of the listener as it used to be, we would say in French « ca tombe un peu à plat »