It is indeed a shambles, voted for by 52% of the country based on mainly migration, with no explanation on what could happen, what the benefits or negatives are, or what no deal actually means for the country.
Ive said before that I think its a mistake but accept that its going to happen. Part of me thinks that if suspending parliament is the only way to put an end to the shambles, then lets get it done. Im sick of the whole thing now and while we have this constant bickering, we cannot move on.
To date, two prime ministers have left post trying to deal with this. Cameron, realised it was going to be a nightmare and jumped and May, got screwed by her own party (shame....not). I beleive that Cameron didnt want or expect an out vote but it was seized on by others with vested interests. The Opposition, Laboured, well they have no plan other than, to block everything and make seedy power grabs.
We will be fine in the long term, but its a complete mess and is dividing us all.