Author Topic: Sinfonia Leipzig one-off gig... song & related requests / questions for NMA&co.  (Read 2348 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Please drop into this thread...

NMA/JS  songs  you  feel  would  suit  an  orchestral  treatment,

and / or

Special  requests  or  questions  for  NMA  relating  to  the  project,  event  itself.

Who knows, maybe one or two
might be granted,


I've always been one who's loved multiple versions of NMA/JS songs, the more, the better, I've always felt, believed.  This event though, is certainly going to blow that door of possibilities, completely wide open!  While still in my youth and thanks to my dad, as well as past music teachers, I grew to love and appreciate a lot of orchestral, classical, opera, choral music and their respective composers.  So this entire project, idea, is something that I'm SUPER excited, beyond thrilled about!  :D  I actually prefer this concept so much more than the Thousand Voices idea.  Nothing against that wonderful event or anyone, but I'd much rather focus on and listen to the professional musicians and singers on stage in front of me rather than the benevolent tone-deaf and ill-rhythmed few souls (of which I am one) shrieking in my ears and around me.

Questions for NMA & co. ...

 1.  How is this all going to work?  Will NMA still be plugged in, fully electric, as per usual?  Or, will some of you (JS, MD, DW, MG, CM) be bouncing back and forth between other classical type instruments that you also know how to play?  For example Mr. White... will you be dusting off, picking up the clarinet again for the Leipzig one-off?  Might you be playing a real piano, should one be incorporated?

 2.  Do any of you (JS, MD, DW, MG, CM) stem from a classically or formally trained musical background?  If so, whom?  And in which area of expertise? 

 3.  If an actual full-out, large orchestra will be employed for this project, will Mr. Dean, Mr. White, Mr. Gill, Mr. Monger be focusing moreso on providing significant back-up, vocally speaking?  Because that's a lot of instruments added to the mix, scenario, for Mr. Sullivan to go up against, on his own.  The incredibly brilliant lyrics AND vocals might end up getting lost or muddled in there, especially if Mr. Sullivan alone, will be expected to carry it, in that way... in vocal terms, I imagine.

 4.  How are you gentlemen going to harness the beast, that is a full-out orchestra?  Mr. Sullivan will likely be leading with the vocal, but depending on its size, the orchestra is going to need the aid of a conductor in there as well.  I'm assuming that it won't be like it is within the realm of jazz (where improvisation and spontaneity is very much and highly welcomed, expected, incorporated, and worked around - musically speaking), it's likely going to be like it is within the classical / orchestral realm (where every single aspect and tiny detail of it - musically speaking - will already be predetermined, planned, accounted for, fixed)

 5.  My understanding is that Ms. Shir-Ran Yinon has a significant role in this musical venture.  More than just playing the violin?  If so, how so, in what capacity?

 6.  Who will be arranging, re-working, adapting the NMA/JS repertoire to fit the symphonic vision?

 7.  Hopefully, Mr. Tobias Unterberg will be part of this endeavour as well, seeing as how he's already familiar with a bulk of the songs.  If so, will Mr. Unterberg be playing, OR might he be given the role of conductor?

 8.  How's this all going to look visually?  The actual stage set-up, I mean.  Will the orchestra be on the actual stage with NMA, or will it be in the (or some sort of) pit?

 9.  When the event sells out, will there be a second date added?

10.  Will there be an opening, support act for this event?  If so, who might that be?

11.  I know it's still early days, but could there be conducted, some kind of official video-interview with NMA/JS&co. (or something) about this incredible event, project, idea?  Similar to what was done for the special  "Nights of a Thousand Voices"  event, which was streamed live on NMA's official Facebook page?  Please?

Non-song requests...

I'm not sure if there will be a formal kind of orchestra, but just in case, could the following instruments please be incorporated...
  • an actual, perhaps grand, piano
  • multiple violins, violas, cellos, double basses
  • some clarinets, english horns, oboes, bassoons
  • cluster of flutes
  • the timpani
  • a real harp
  • some french horns, trumpets, trombones

Here's a weird and potentially rude request, though I swear that was not my aim... it's just that I can't get the words in right most of the time.  Please, please, PLEASE, I beg of you, if you're going to have any saxophones in there, be super gentle?  :-\  scared lol, I can't bloody stand the Sax!  Well, the majority of the time, unless, Marsalis is on it, but please, no one in the vein of Mr. G (as in Kenny)... worried lol, oh 'GOD' no, p-l-e-a-s-e no.  :-[

There are SO many great NMA/JS songs in the official repertoire... please, heavily consider putting together some kind of medley for a number of them of them?  Especially, because this is a one-time event AND quite possibly the only time we will ever get to see, hear, experience this kind of NMA/JS event in our lifetime, again.

Could a SUPER DELUXE DVD of the event be produced - particularly, containing hours and HOURS of bonus features / footage, including...
  • interviews, especially with  JS, MD, DW, MG, CM and everyone else taking part in the event as well, including the integral technical team... for all us nerdy-types
  • a behind-the-scenes making of featurette... featuring all the steps / phases from conception to fruition, technical team to artist, etc.
  • some substantial bits / highlights from the rehearsals themselves
  • sound check(s) and so forth... again for all us nerdy-types

Well, that's about it for now.

As for my NMA/JS song requests... I'll be Bach !  :)

This thread was not intended to upset anyone, anywhere, ever.  An extremely sincere apology, if it inadvertently has.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 06:47:52 PM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Posts: 1312
  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Album by album... my NMA/JS songs-request list.
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2020, 05:11:04 AM »
Ok, just spent an entire two days in heaven!! :D  thoroughly resonating cleansed lol, I'm still riding the wave, goose-fleshly buzzing, trying to bring myself down, come down safely, from there!!  :D

In chronological order, I spent the entire 2 days listening to every single (mostly) officially recorded and released NMA/JS song (yes, from start to finish) to find the NMA/JS songs that I instantly / immediately hear, see, feel, sense the utmost, greatest potential for an orchestral treatment.  I have never attempted, done this before - listen to all the albums in the order in which they were made and delivered, at one time, in one go.  Goes without saying, I learned, picked-up, saw, and discovered SO fcukin' much - that there's been born this new, incredibly swelling intense inspiration, desire within me, to start SO many new, possible NMA/JS related threads.  :D  But those threads are going to have to wait somewhat of a long while though, because I want to focus on this whole orchestral concept, first.  I am absolutely SUPER stoked about this whole idea, project... moreso now, that I've come back / down, from listening to every single officially recorded and released NMA/JS song.   :)

Without further ado, and in chronological order ONLY,
my list from each of the officially released NMA/JS albums...


Smalltown England
A Liberal Education
Sex (The Black Angel)
Running In The Rain
Spirit Of The Falklands
Great Expectations
The Price
No Man's Land


Grandmother's Footsteps
No Greater Love
No Rest
Drag It Down
The Attack


The  Hunt
Lights Go Out
All of This
Poison Street
Love Songs
Master Race


I love the World
Green and Grey
Ballad of Bodmin Pill
125 Mph
Archway Towers
The Charge
Nothing Touches
White Coats


Lust For Power
Bury the Hatchet
Before I Get Old


Here Comes The War
Living In The Rose
White Light
These Words
Afternoon Song
Bad Old World


Brave New World 2
Ghost Of Your Father
Modern Times
Marry The Sea


Wonderful Way To Go
Whites Of Their Eyes
Aimless Desire
Over The Wire
Queen Of My Heart
Gigabyte Wars
No Pain
Big Blue
Long Goodbye


Orange Tree Roads
Snelsmore Wood
Paekakariki Beach


Higher Wall
Far Better Thing
Rainy Night 65
Still Here
Coming Up


Carlisle Road
Red Earth
Too Close To The Sun
Another Imperial Day
Fireworks Night


One Of The Chosen
No Mirror, No Shadow
All Consuming Fire
Sky In Your Eyes
Into The Wind
Nothing Dies Easy


Today Is a Good Day
States Radio
Ocean Rising
Mambo Queen of the Sandstone City
La Push
Arm Yourselves and Run
Bad Harvest
North Star


March In September
I Need More Time
Pull The Sun
Lean Back And Fall
Storm Clouds
Between Dog And Wolf
Qasr El Nil Bridge
Summer Moors


According To You
Angry Planet
Happy To Be Here
Devil's Bargain


Burn The Castle
Part The Waters For Me
Eyes Get Used To The Darkness
Born Feral
Die Trying
Echo November
Weak And Strong
After Something


Passing Through
Never Arriving
End Of Days
Great Disguise
Where I Am
Hard Way
From Here


Twilight Home
Blue Ship
Ocean Rising
Tales Of The Road
Navigating By The Stars
Sun On Water
Ghost Train
Changing Of The Light
Apocalypse Dreams

and various  MISCELLANEOUS  entries

Turn Away
Rumour and Rapture
Caslen  (vocal version)
The Cause
I Wish
Ballad 2


So... did you get all that?  warm lol, might look like that's their entire musical repertoire, but in actuality, it isn't.  That doesn't mean to say that I don't love the songs that didn't make my list, or think they aren't worthy or good enough, NO fcukin' way that that's true.  I just either loved the other ones too much ("God Save Me", "Stranger", "Family Life", "Dawn", "R&R", "Stoned Fired and Full of Grace", to name just a few examples) OR I couldn't hear it, an orchestral treatment for a couple of others or so.  Also, if any of the songs not on my list were to be given the orchestral treatment, I would still be equally as thrilled, elated, happy!  :)

I shall be returning, at some point within the coming days / week, to elaborate on why these particular NMA/JS songs made my list, etc.  SO stoked about the possibilities, the whole idea, project, event !!   :D

Have an awesome day my lovelies!  :)

It's far past my bedtime, right now.  Got to work tomorrow.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 06:56:30 PM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Posts: 600
I have also been wondering which songs they will choose and which would be best suited.

I do think that you may have gone slightly overboard here. Full marks for effort though :D


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Temporarily getting blown off course, at first...
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2020, 07:59:58 AM » may have gone slightly overboard here...

extremely embarrassed soft lol, slightly? :-\  lol, I know, it's pretty sad, isn't it.  This is actually peanuts compared to what I did back, oh, about a decade ago now.

For anyone who might not have been around here, at the time...

There had been an official thread posted here, requesting people to ask NMA any and all sorts of types of questions their hearts and minds desired, that the various members of the band would later answer a number of them, for the sole purpose of having them included in the book, celebrating NMA's 30th anniversary.  Well, I thought "gee, what a fcukin' awesome idea!  I must be dreaming!  When the hell am I ever, ever going to get a chance to ask them anything again?  There are going to be trillions of questions from people!!"  I was convinced of it!  So, I started to compile my list.

Well, things got weird.  The thread wasn't really moving and the deadline was fast approaching.  Had been monitoring it for days, as I typed away my questions offline, initially, because I wanted to make sure I didn't ask the same question(s) that someone else might've asked.  Forum folks were only asking a question or two, if anything at all.  I couldn't understand it, get my head around it.  It actually broke my heart, and quite profoundly so, at the time.  It was like, forum members would post SO much stuff, in the everything else section, but when the opportunity arose to ask absolutely anything one wished, to the members of the band, regular posting folk either didn't participate at all, or just posted one or two questions, maybe even three, at most.  :-[

Needless to say I racked my brain 'til I couldn't think of anything else to ask.  My list ended up being something like three seriously long pages, maybe it added up to over 40 different questions, I never did count them.  My questions actually really pissed off one regular poster, in particular.  That also hurt a bit, because they failed to see the light humor in the one or two oddball ones I tossed in there.  But whatever, to each his own...

Not so long ago, here, I learned that NMA had once again, presented an even more incredible creative opportunity!  This time it was a thread started by Mr. Savage about the
Whole World Band App Featuring NMA, where absolutely anyone was welcomed, encouraged, to contribute musically, to an already existing song of NMA's,  "Seven Times".  Anyway, again, when I discovered (what seemed to me to be) that only one single person made some kind of creative effort, my heart just sank, crushed to the floor.  Do people not see potential, merit, worth, good, beauty and treasure in and via NMA/JS, and these incredibly generous opportunities that NMA/JS present, offer?  Are the majority of people really and truly that blind?  ugh!  :'(

Anyway, perhaps that's what drives me, this great profound respect and love for all things NMA/JS related.  Or, maybe a longing to be back in school, to study something I really love, have too much passion for.  I haven't quite figured out what's really wrong and off with me, yet.  But one thing I have always known is that I am not normal, :-\  that I'm a seriously fcuked up individual and there's likely nothing I can do about that.  Hard as I might try, it's just that way it is, is likely going to forever be.

I have also been wondering which songs they will choose and which would be best suited.

So, how about a list, Johnz?  :)   Something?  Anything?  ???
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 07:09:23 PM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


  • Totally Obsessed
  • *****
  • Posts: 600
Ah yes, I remember your 'questions' thread. You don't do anything by halves, do you  ;D

Ok, here are my guesses for contenders the symphonic treatment:

Green and Grey
Before I Get Old
Summer Moors
Queen of My Heart
Rainy Night 65
Sky In Your Eyes
Twilight Home (I guess most of NBTS would work, really)
A Liberal Education
Red Earth
The Hunt
Another Imperial Day
Living In The Rose
Gigabyte Wars
Over The Wire
Quasr Al Nil Bridge

And probably lots more but these are the most obvious ones to me. I'm sure they will surprise us though.


  • Totally Obsessed
  • *****
  • Posts: 1312
  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Ah yes, I remember your 'questions' thread.

Absolutely thrilled to learn that you've been around here (this forum) that long.  :D

You don't do anything by halves, do you.  ;D

Well, not when there's a significant interest and a tremendous love.  :)

Ok, here are my guesses for contenders the symphonic treatment:

Green and Grey
Before I Get Old
Summer Moors
Queen of My Heart
Rainy Night 65
Sky In Your Eyes
Twilight Home (I guess most of NBTS would work, really)
A Liberal Education
Red Earth
The Hunt
Another Imperial Day
Living In The Rose
Gigabyte Wars
Over The Wire
Quasr Al Nil Bridge

What a FANTASTIC list you strung together there, Johnz!  Great calls, all of them!  Actually, that right there, would make an incredible setlist for any NMA gig!  8)  So many love songs made your list... NMA/JS write the best ones out there!  :)

And probably lots more but these are the most obvious ones to me.  I'm sure they will surprise us though.

Ohhh, they're definitely going to surprise us!  They always do.  It's a really great time in NMA/JS' career, to be following their work.  I'm so stoked, "happy to be here."

Cheers for making and taking the time to add to this space, Johnz.  :)  Might not seem like much, but it actually makes a real, big difference around these parts... this place, official NMA forum, especially.

Thank you.  :)

It's 5 in the morning here, and I have yet to get some shut-eye before work at 9.  lol, I just get too carried away sometimes.  Oh, well...
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 09:24:41 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


  • Totally Obsessed
  • *****
  • Posts: 1312
  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
The reasons why each song made my Leipzig-gig NMA/JS songs-request list...
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2020, 07:04:52 PM »
Crucial note, I am of the firm belief that every single song from  Mr. Sullivan's  solo effort  "Navigating By The Stars" (which for me also includes the EP track "Sooner Or Later"), is extremely deserving of a full orchestral / symphonic treatment.  I would even go so far as to say that that entire album has to be given it's own official tour.  Yes, the Justin Sullivan & Friends' "Tales Of The Road"  CD / DVD touched upon parts of  "Navigating By The Stars", but for reasons unbeknownst to me, not all of it.  If I am not mistaken, I believe only 4 out of the 13 songs from  "Navigating By The Stars"  (or the related solo EPs) were featured, played and recorded live, at the time... that needs to be noted.

There is SO much worth, beauty and gold on that solo record, in those songs especially.  Every single one of them really and truly deserves to be played in front of a live audience (preferably at a seated venue), at some point down the road.  Perhaps something for Mr. Sullivan to mull over, consider...  to celebrate "Navigating By The Stars'" 20th (in 2023) or 25th (in 2028) anniversary?   Wink.  Wink.  Nudge.  Nudge.  8)  Hey, if this project goes down well, you might want to seriously ponder the thought.  Perhaps not with a full-scale orchestra, but a more intimate, moving and impactful group of classically-inclined musicians, just the same.  Ohhh, at least once, in our lifetime, for that masterpiece of an album, "Navigating By The Stars", too... please, Mr. Sullivan?  I can already see it, feel it, hear it!!  It'd be monumental, sweeping, magical, astonishing, profound, sacred, brilliant, beautiful, and an absolute dream, to say the very least.  Well, here's to hoping.  :)

At this time, though, seeing how this symphonic vision is a New Model Army venture, and with the exception of two songs ("Turn Away"  and  "Ballad 2"), I'll focus primarily on the songs that actually have been officially released under the New Model Army banner.

Goes without saying, there's an incredible lot to tap into, work with and pull from, musically speaking, from the bulk of the songs that made my request list.  I'm particularly partial to melancholy / sad songs and love songs in general, so it'll become completely apparent as to why I chose a lot of the ones that I did.  For the most part, I tried to pick other songs I also love that don't get played live too often, these days especially.  In rarer cases I chose about a handful of songs that I would love to see re-hashed and made new again, even if only to fit NMA's symphonic vision.  Others I chose because they're pretty much naked, musically speaking, they've got room to stretch, grow, if the desire is there to do so from NMA/JS&co.

Though a bit late, as promised, the reasons why those particular NMA/JS songs made my NMA/JS Leipzig gig one-off symphonic event songs-request list  This time 'round, the songs show up in alphabetical order ONLY, many of them repeat in various categories of reasoning... (hmmm, seriously embarrassed soft lol, or should I say categories of madness - as in me being the fcuked up, mad, :-\ crazy individual.)

The NMA/JS songs, however slight, that I deem unquestionably, in some way or other, strongly tied / linked to "love" and loving, not necessarily sex, or in some cases, not even a love song at all... if that makes sense to anyone, yet still, due to a single line or verse, they've got some kind of "love" / loving, sweeping, spacious, or romantic undertones to them...

Aimless Desire
Afternoon Song
After Something
Ballad 2
Between Dog And Wolf
Born Feral
Caslen  (vocal version)
Coming Up
Devil's Bargain
Die Trying
Eyes Get Used To The Darkness
Fireworks Night
Ghost Of Your Father
Great Disguise
Hard Way
I Need More Time
I Love The World
I Wish
Lean Back And Fall
Living In The Rose
Love Songs
Lust For Power
Mambo Queen Of The Sandstone City
March In September
Marry The Sea
No Greater Love
North Star
Nothing Dies Easy
Nothing Touches
Orange Tree Roads
Paekakariki Beach
Passing Through
Poison Street
Pull The Sun
Queen Of My Heart
Sky In Your Eyes
Summer Moors
These Words
Too Close To The Sun
Weak And Strong
Where I Am
White Light

The ones I take as melancholy NMA/JS songs...

A Liberal Education
According To You
After Something
Aimless Desire
All Of This
The Attack
Ballad 2
Born Feral
Carlisle Road
Caslen  (lyricised version)
Devil's Bargain
Die Trying
Drag It Down
Echo November
End Of Days
Eyes Get Used To The Darkness
Far Better Thing
Fireworks Night
From Here
Great Disguise
Green And Grey
Happy To Be Here
Hard Way
Higher Wall
Into The Wind
La Push
Lean Back And Fall
Lights Go Out
Long Goodbye
Love Songs
March In September
Modern Times
Never Arriving
No Greater Love
No Man's Land
No Mirror, No Shadow
No Pain
No Rest
North Star
Paekakariki Beach
Part The Waters
Passing Through
The Price
Pull The Sun
Queen Of My Heart
Rainy Night  65
Rumour And Rapture
Snelsmore Wood
Storm Clouds
Summer Moors
Turn Away
White Coats
White Light

The pretty dark 'n heavy NMA/JS songs...

Angry Planet
Another Imperial Day
Archway Towers
Bad Harvest
Burn The Castle
End Of Days
Here Comes The War
The Hunt
I Love The World
Master Race
One Of The Chosen
Red Earth
States Radio
Today Is A Good Day

The NMA/JS songs that I see as GIANTS, both musically and lyrically...

125 Mph
Ballad Of Bodmin Pill
Before I Get Old
Born Feral
The Charge
Devil's Bargain
Green And Grey
Lights Go Out
Love Songs
No Rest
Over The Wire
Poison Street
White Coats
Wonderful Way To Go

The sleeping giants or colossal hidden gems, NMA/JS songs that I feel should be HUGE amongst the devoted following especially, but folk in general, really...

Arm Yourselves And Run
Bad Harvest
The Cause
Coming Up
Drag It Down
From Here
Grandmother's Footsteps
Hard Way
I Need More Time
Lean Back And Fall
Lust For Power
Paekakariki Beach
Passing Through
The Price
Rainy Night  65
Red Earth
Rumour And Rapture
Still Here
Too Close To The Sun
White Light

The NMA/JS songs already containing backing, additional, layered vocals, OR the keyboard itself sounds like it's mimicking vocals...

According To You
Arm Yourselves And Run
Bad Old World
Ballad Of Bodmin Pill
Between Dog And Wolf
Big Blue
Born Feral
Burn The Castle
The Cause
Die Trying
Drag It Down
Echo November
Eyes Get Used To The Darkness
From Here
Great Disguise
Happy To Be Here
Hard Way
Here Comes The War
Higher Wall
I Need More Time
Lean Back And Fall
Lights Go Out
Lust For Power
Mambo Queen Of The Sandstone City
March In September
Never Arriving
No Mirror, No Shadow
No Pain
North Star
Nothing Dies Easy
One Of The Chosen
Over The Wire
Paekakariki Beach
Part The Waters
The Price
Pull The Sun
Qasr El Nil Bridge
Sky In Your Eyes
Where I Am

Songs already containing violin and or cello sounds in them, though in 1 or 2 cases, might be actually be a mandolin sound (I think)...

125 Mph
Another Imperial Day
Afternoon Song
After Something
Bury The Hatchet
Nothing Touches
Ocean Rising
One Of The Chosen  (possibly from coming from keyboard)
Orange Tree Roads
Queen Of My Heart
Sleepwalking  (already an instrumental trackl)
Weak And Strong
Wonderful Way To Go

NMA/JS songs that already have some kind of flute sound in them...

Far Better Thing
Storm Clouds
Too Close To The Sun

NMA/JS songs already containing clarinet and or saxophone...

March In September

NMA/JS songs already containing harmonica...

Long Goodbye
Poison Street
Whites Of Their Eyes

NMA/JS songs already containing various brass instruments...

Big Blue
Gigabyte Wars
Pull The Sun
Queen Of My Heart
Summer Moors

NMA/JS songs already containing piano...

Brave New World 2
From Here
Lean Back And Fall

NMA/JS songs containing other non traditional rock sounding instruments in them...

Between Dog And Wolf     (xylophone-like sounds)
I Need More Time     (some kind of bells)
La Push     (accordion, I think)
Mambo Queen Of The Sandstone City  (chime-like sounds)
Maps     (timpani, I think)
North Star     (have no clue what one would call it, but the series of sustained notes running over top of the tune)
Pull The Sun     (some kind of bells)
Sunset     (features banjo)

The pretty much stripped naked NMA/JS songs that have lots of blooming potential, possibilities to be fleshed-out, expanded upon, evolve, grow, musically speaking...

All Of This
Brave New World  2
Turn Away

These NMA/JS songs because I'd like to see / hear them musically rehashed, reworked, rearranged, reinterpreted, reinvented, without touching the lyrics...

A Liberal Education
Archway Towers
Sex  (The Black Angel)
Smalltown England

These ones because I think they'll be somewhat of a challenge to adapt to fit the symphonic vision, as well as they're not the obvious contenders for an orchestral treatment...

All Consuming Fire
The Attack
Before I Get Old
Burn The Castle
Running In The Rain
Snelsmore Wood
Spirit Of The Falklands
States Radio
Still Here
Turn Away

The NMA/JS songs I consider smokin' HOT or sexy songs, on some level or other, however slight and / or far-fetched...

According To You
Before I Get Old
Between Dog And Wolf
Coming Up
Hard Way
I Need More Time
Fireworks Night
Grandmother's Footsteps
Living In The Rose
Mambo Queen Of The Sandstone City
Ocean Rising
The Price
Sex  (The Black Angel)
Wonderful Way To Go
Whites Of Their Eyes

These ones because they confuse me, swing in SO many directions, lyrically...

Another Imperial Day
Big Blue
Echo November
Hard Way
Red Earth


There's a chance that I, over time, may come back to this post, to clean it up a bit.  Not at all happy with how it's laid out, lol, it's pretty rough 'n brutal-looking, like everything else I've put together, made, done here or elsewhere.  Would've been nice if I'd made some kind of visual graph or chart instead, but I'm really not that bright.  This is what actually stalled me, from getting back to this thread sooner.  It was the toss up between too many symbols and / or too many lists.  As you can see, I went for the lists.  Not sure how to tidy everything up, though, at this point.  If I figure something out, I'll tighten it up somewhere down the road... only time will tell.

Yep, sure had too much time on my hands today, embarrassed lol...  ::)

But I couldn't've thought up a better way to put it to good use, than to go on & on & on about two things I really, really love... MUSIC  &  my favourite band ever,  New Model Army.   :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

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Why does NMA (or only JS ) play a Sinfonia NMA gig?
Listened to some old songs - Anthology cd 1 - today
And I thought about the change of the voice of JS and the all the rest of changing with the work of NMA
And now this springs into my mind:

 Notice Me

(Sullivan/Morrow) 1983

I'll take any drug in the whole damn world if you'll only notice me
Mainline poisons by the score - please will you notice me
I'll break any law, hurt anybody - for God's sake notice me
Cut my wrists and slash my face for Christ's sake notice me
I'll drink anybody into the ground if you'll only notice me
I'll kick the teeth out of anyone here - come on and notice me
I'll wear the clothes and cut my hair - please will you notice me
I'll be a pop star and I'll stand on stage - for God's sake notice me
Ch: Who told him that it mattered?
Who told him that anyone cared?
He's got an overgrown sense of his own importance
No one's really bothered around here
He was such a quiet boy, never any trouble before . . .

I'll get a big car and drive like a maniac - please notice me
I'll make a lot of money and tread on you if you'll only notice me
I'll tell you any lies you want to hear - for God's sake notice me
Or I'll kill myself while you are watching
And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?


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NMA with Sinfonia Leipzig gig... happening Friday, July 17th, 2020.
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2020, 10:54:23 PM »
Why does NMA (or only JS) play a Sinfonia NMA gig?

Whoa!  lotus... just think of all the possibilities and musical doors such an endeavour would grant, afford the band as professional musicians, song writers.  :D

Why not?  It'll brighten and open up an already vast repertoire of high quality material, breathe new life into old flames, so to speak (flames = songs, just in case folk of a foreign tongue didn't grasp that link / analogy).  I'm fiercely positive it will even spark further new ideas in and with each of the band members, with regards to future, yet unwritten or perhaps even, yet unfinished NMA/JS works, songs.   :D

Who knows, maybe  JS, MD, DW, MG, CM, might end up enjoying the experience so much so, that they might even consider tackling actual film scores!  How fcukin' cool would that be, eh?  And what would be so wrong about that, I ask?  Absolutely nothing, I answer... so long as the band's future isn't sacrificed.  So long as NMA still continues to write, record and perform new material, as per usual, what or where would be the harm in it.  We'd ALL have it made, if that were the case!!  Seriously!  We the devotees, as well as the band members themselves, would have the best of ALL worlds, musically speaking.  I don't know, but I can only see tons of positives in this symphonic venture, from where I'm standing... really and truly!   :D

I just wish I had the good health and cash it'd require to take in this once in a lifetime special NMA event, in person.  But that's another of my personal can of worms, best left untapped.   :-[

I don't understand.  Are you against the symphonic vision / idea, or something, lotus?   ???
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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I don't know what to expect, but i'm thrilled!
My wishing brain could imagine some re-arrangements of the songs, giving them a whole new structure, or even combining, melting some songs into one big symphonie.

The remaining question is, like it was with NOTV, the seating...
I can imagine myself just listening to the tunes, bust most of nma are songs that get me so emotionally and go straight into the rhythm section of my body, that i want to move and it is hard at the moment, to imagine a pure listening concert.

I also could imagine the crowd being also a big part of this, encouraging us to sing again as loud as we can and have the mics prepared for a room acoustic recording...

I really don't get the message of lotus, for me he hinted that he might feel this is sort of an unnecessary thing for nma to do, but i don't see it that way.
I think this is a next logical step, to have their music played with an orchestra, a moment, a one time thing and it will be great!
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
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In my opinion this forthcoming show in Berlin is another great expression of the 40 years lasting creativity and output of this band. A sign to prove themselves, to fathom and expand their musical limits and give it likewise back to the devoted followers. So many high quality albums, so many ideas over the 40 years, like the nobody else tour, the 2 days lasting celebration shows, the one with the 1000 voices and now this one in Berlin. All very special, all sort of unique! Can't wait for that and further prospective and suprising shows.

After that maybe next one - "NMA -The Musical"?  ;) 


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I don't know what to expect, but i'm thrilled!  My wishing brain could imagine some re-arrangements of the songs, giving them a whole new structure, or even combining, melting some songs into one big symphonie.  The remaining question is, like it was with NOTV, the seating... I can imagine myself just listening to the tunes, bust most of nma are songs that get me so emotionally and go straight into the rhythm section of my body, that i want to move and it is hard at the moment, to imagine a pure listening concert.  I also could imagine the crowd being also a big part of this, encouraging us to sing again as loud as we can and have the mics prepared for a room acoustic recording...

I really don't get the message of lotus, for me he hinted that he might feel this is sort of an unnecessary thing for nma to do, but i don't see it that way.  I think this is a next logical step, to have their music played with an orchestra, a moment, a one time thing and it will be great!

With you on all those points, Cthulhu, though I do seriously crave to see NMA, well moreso a JS and RSC gig at a seated venue, at some point.  lol, maybe it's because I'm getting old, but that's where it's at right now, for me.  And yeah, that was my impression as well,  :-\  about lotus' comment.  So Cthulhu, will you be attending the other two NMA Berlin dates, on the 18th and 19th of July, as well?   ???

In my opinion this forthcoming show in Berlin is another great expression of the 40 years lasting creativity and output of this band.  A sign to prove themselves, to fathom and expand their musical limits and give it likewise back to the devoted followers. So many high quality albums, so many ideas over the 40 years, like the nobody else tour, the 2 days lasting celebration shows, the one with the 1000 voices and now this one in Berlin.  All very special, all sort of unique!  Can't wait for that and further prospective and surprising shows.

After that maybe next one - "NMA -The Musical"?  ;)

lol, I get the feeling you might be joking with that comment, MaoLee, but I'd fcukin' go see that musical!  And, I'm not even a theater lover, type, or goer!  In the meantime, I'll settle for the symphony project, new NMA/JS albums, NMA/JS/RSC concert gigs, and, about a dozen different NMA/JS related books first, please.  Wink.  Wink.  Nudge.  Nudge.  8)  But written by THE man (Mr. Sullivan) himself first, and then, by The Doctor (also known as Ms. Denby) herself. and whomever else - in or around the band (past or present) with writing chops and positive frame of mind, outlook, fondness, leaning toward NMA, its musical repertoire, and or, its current or former peoples, members - that wishes, or receives the authority, to pen one or two books, somewhere down the road.

You know, the books don't have to just revolve around NMA and the music though, right?  I think that has to be pointed out, stressed.  Folk would be completely thrilled to hear absolutely ANY of the many, many, many "tales of the road", stories, memories, recollections that have been collected, even if only mentally, over the years.  I, for one, would love to see Mr. Sullivan write his book, and Ms. Denby write hers.  Separate books if possible, please, please, please, and quite different from one another - be it via writing style, approach, things expressed, shared, etc..  Now that, would be an absolute thrill, joy, dream!  Well, to me anyway!  :D

How about you MaoLee, are you going to be in attendance, all three Berlin dates?   ???
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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So Cthulhu, will you be attending the other two NMA Berlin dates, on the 18th and 19th of July, as well?

I'm glad i got a ticket for the 19th. Of course i would have preferred the 18th or be able to do both when i'm already in town, but to get another chance for a ticket after a very, very fast sold out show i'm really greatful for that!
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)

Anna Woman von NRW

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Blimey there are some lists in this thread  :o Are there any songs left not suited to orchestral treatment !

FWIW I think it's probably over to Mr White and what sounds he pulls out of the keyboards which would indicate what might best suit and I'm no musician but but if arranged for orchestra maybe it'll be alternative versions of songs a la The Hunt (dark version) as opposed to straight reproductions of recorded versions and so basically who the hell knows  ;D
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Hello 8 and Cthuhlu,
What I wanted to say is
If JS and the band feel the need to play with an orchestra - that`s their choice
I don`t need that - but perhaps I like the resuslt ???
My thought was - do they do that, because they feel so much underrated and to show the world, that they are real musicians?
We all know - NMA/JS is so much better than the top sellers of the last 40 years !
But if the band wants it just for their own fun and to see, what they are able to create and wants to share this test with fans - why not?
As a fan, I still have my own will and decide, how much I love a song or a special version of the song I love - and will continue buying the next cd or dvd ...
And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?