Author Topic: Sinfonia Leipzig one-off gig... song & related requests / questions for NMA&co.  (Read 2347 times)


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I can see where Lotus is coming from. I was a little skeptical myself at first but I can't see them doing a cliched 'rock symphony'. I'm actually really excited now. I think it's a way for them to reimagine some of their back catalogue in new ways. NMA are one of the least nostalgic bands of their generation. So for one year I think they are allowed to indulge a little in the past, especially if they do it in new ways.

Maybe the versions of last year's JS show in Berlin give an indication of where they might take the songs.


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Thank you lotus for coming back and expressing your thoughts.

I understand your thoughts and how Johnz said he was skeptical at first, but as both of you said, it had something to do with your associations of those classical rock symphonies, which never came to my mind.

I imagine this idea could have come because they know some musicians who play in the Sinfonia Orchestra and they just said: "Wouldn't it be cool to do songs together?"

I do think that they were searching for something different to do because of the 40th, but i never thought that idea wouldn't fit their manifestation as a band and that they were like having a good marketing idea to show off. No, that's not them.

To play with a free Orchestra who themselves try to go unusual artistic ways is a perfect match and i think the band is very nervous, in a good way, about it. I think they see it as an acoustical experiment and i also think that the wish to do something special and different for the fans is one motivation too, and i love that about them.

It would be so great if somebody would do a documentary about that. I'm so curious how they jam together, how they work on the songs, how much influence the orchestra is bringin in, how they change songs and structures. I would love to have some interviews with the orchestra and the band before and after, and with some fans who will travel looong distances for it.
Where is Matt Reid when you need him?;-)
We should crowd finance such a production... 8)

I also thought that having another NOTV there would be possible and great. I know we will sing together anyways, but if they plan with that, they could have very silent passages where the voices come in.

Here are some pictures of the musicians on the Sinfonie website:
Sinfonia Galerie
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 08:04:20 AM by cthulhu »
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


  • Totally Obsessed
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Sinfonia Leipzig & NMA project...
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2020, 06:15:28 PM »
Blimey there are some lists in this thread  :o  Are there any songs left not suited to orchestral treatment!  FWIW I think it's probably over to Mr. White and what sounds he pulls out of the keyboards which would indicate what might best suit and I'm no musician but if arranged for orchestra maybe it'll be alternative versions of songs a la The Hunt (dark version) as opposed to straight reproductions of recorded versions and so basically who the hell knows. ;D

Hello Anna,  :)  please, don't mind me. embarrassed soft lol, I get a tad bit mental when it comes to things that spark my interest... which is pretty much anything music or NMA/JS/RSC related. Will you be there on the 17th of July then, Anna?  Or either of the consecutive Berlin dates.  ???

Hello 8 and Cthuhlu, What I wanted to say is, If JS and the band feel the need to play with an orchestra – that`s their choice I don`t need that – but perhaps I like the result ???  My thought was – do they do that, because they feel so much underrated and to show the world, that they are real musicians?  We all know – NMA/JS is so much better than the top sellers of the last 40 years!  But if the band wants it just for their own fun and to see, what they are able to create and wants to share this test with fans – why not?  As a fan, I still have my own will and decide, how much I love a song or a special version of the song I love – and will continue buying the next cd or dvd ...

I was genuinely confused, originally.   Extremely happy you came back to elaborate, further explain what you were trying to say.  Thank you very for making and taking the time to do so, lotus, much appreciated.  :)

I can see where Lotus is coming from.  I was a little skeptical myself at first but I can't see them doing a cliched 'rock symphony'.  I'm actually really excited now.  I think it's a way for them to reimagine some of their back catalogue in new ways.  NMA are one of the least nostalgic bands of their generation.  So for one year I think they are allowed to indulge a little in the past, especially if they do it in new ways.

Exactly, Johnz!  :)

Maybe the versions of last year's JS show in Berlin give an indication of where they might take the songs.

Breathtakingly gorgeous clip of "Over The Wire" you found and linked there, Johnz!  :)  I think the orchestral treatment is definitely going to be something similar to that, but even bigger, fuller sounding, if one can even hear, imagine or fathom it.  :D  Perhaps that particular JS gig was a skeletal test, to see if it / the idea(s) would work, flow, come to light, as envisioned in mind.  ???

It's official, there's going to be a FULL orchestra.  So there are going to be way more instruments, and types of instruments, added to the mix, scenario.  I don't know anything about the actual venue NMA/JS chose to realise this special dream, but the big arena at the Tempodrom looks / sounds pretty huge - holds 3,500 people, if I'm not mistaken.  NMA & co. are going to need fill that massive audible space with more than the sound of a few stringed instruments and mic or two, or what-have-you.

I'm feelin' it something big, like really BIG and full, thunderous, yet sweeping, well-rounded, sonic, melodic, incredibly dynamic, lingering, resonating, and impactful, impressionable sounding. Ohhh, can't wait to hear it!!  :D  My brain is just in overdrive, right now, hearing and visually picturing so many possibilities.  Hope NMA/JS talk a bit about it soon-ish, well before the event happens, as was done on NMA's official facebook page, with the NOATV project.  Wish I could be there on the 17th of July, to feel the power of it resonate through me, in person, but things are pretty fcuked up for me right now.  In so many ways, I'm beginning to lose count.  :'(

I've been to classical performances in person here, in the past, and let me tell you, if the acoustics in that particular venue are anything like places I've been to here, well, all you lucky devils are in for a hell of a thrill, treat, ride!  Brace yourselves, 'cause 'you won't know what hit you or where it came from', really.  It's going to be good, real good.  8)  I just hope the CD/DVD's sound mix will reflect, mirror the sound as closely as possible.  I have complete faith in the technical team, NMA, everyone.  Hope DVD's especially going to be; meaty=substantial, long=extended (beyond the live performance itself), and juicy=full (of smaller details of the technical variety, that we NMA nerdy-types hardly ever, get to see.)   :)

Thank you lotus for coming back and expressing your thoughts.  I understand your thoughts and how Johnz said he was skeptical at first, but as both of you said, it had something to do with your associations of those classical rock symphonies, which never came to my mind.

Same here, Cthulhu.  :)

I imagine this idea could have come because they know some musicians who play in the Sinfonia Orchestra and they just said: "Wouldn't it be cool to do songs together?"

Yeah, I totally believe this, as well.  That, and probably the hunch that this kind of idea, has probably been swimming around, in the back of Mr. Sullivan's mind, ever since he made that masterpiece of a debut solo album, "Navigating By The Stars".  He's gone on record in past interviews, saying he kept hearing  'a symphony'  in his head, but the finished, recorded songs didn't fully realise, mirror or reflect what was going on musically, in his mind.  Gave me the impression that JS wasn't satisfied with the end result of one or two, or even a few of them.  I don't know why though, they're so gorgeous as they stand, but I completely understand how an artist might feel this way about something they created.

Well, there's never been a better time than now, to revisit those old thoughts, ideas, Mr. Sullivan.  It's going to be stupendous, mesmerising, magical, ethereal, beautiful, to say the very least!  :D   I just feel it in my bones, already know it.  I still feel, though, that that entire solo album truly deserves to be played from start to finish, in its entirety, in front of a seated, live audience.  Mr. Sullivan, please, heavily consider doing something about and for, that magnificent album too.  "Navigating By The Stars" will be celebrating its 20th (2023) and 25th (2028) anniversary in just a few short years, really soon, if you think about it.  It's a diamond!!  Deserves so much more respect, love, accolades and recognition than it's been given, received, over the years - especially by radio, and regular folk who don't even know it's even out there, exists, or, have yet to hear it, feel it, in its entirety, for themselves.  :'(

I would go so far as to even officially re-release  "Navigating By The Stars",  but with wider, better distribution, world-wide access to it.  Never understood why it didn't catch on, especially over here.  Maybe it wasn't plugged right, or was too hard to find, or something, I don't know the details.  All I do know is that, I had to get my copy at the 2003 gig you did here in Canada, with Dean.  And even then, I had no clue that the album even existed, prior to checking out the merch stall or hearing "Ocean Rising" for the very first time, there, that night.  One of the plus sides of the internet these days, easier, better access. 

I love "Navigating By The Stars" SO much, that I've contemplated sending it, out of pocket, myself, to radio stations here.  Namely public radio stations, to start with, such as CBC radio in Canada and KEXP in Seattle, Washington.  But I don't like to make a mess of things, don't like to do things without getting permission first.  I remember asking for permission, over a decade ago now, but never got a reply... so I didn't for fear of causing problems, which is not my aim, intent, ever.  What I did instead, was gift those few copies to other folk, and some of them local musicians - of whom were very pleased to accept the discs and were even somewhat, if vaguely, already familiar with NMA's past works - which delighted and thrilled me to no end.  :)

I do think that they were searching for something different to do because of the 40th, but i never thought that idea wouldn't fit their manifestation as a band and that they were like having a good marketing idea to show off.  No, that's not them.

100% with you on this, also, Cthulhu.  NMA are definitely not full of themselves, cocky, show-off types.  There's a bit of an unexpected, unseen hidden, radiant, genuine, underlying shyness, softer side or edge to them, as well.  That's one of the major factors, traits, qualities, that sets NMA apart, above and beyond the rest.  Well, that's how I see them anyway, and that's a big part of the reason(s) why I love them so strongly, and as much as I do.  A super fine, rare breed indeed.  Stunning, gobsmacking, on all levels.  So pleased to have been put on this earth, while they were here too, even if only  from thousands upon thousands upon thousands of miles away... I still see, feel them, as though they're right here, with me, in my blood, a part of me.  They always shine through.  Love them so much, and always will.  xxxxx

To play with a free Orchestra who themselves try to go unusual artistic ways is a perfect match and i think the band is very nervous, in a good way, about it. I think they see it as an acoustical experiment and i also think that the wish to do something special and different for the fans is one motivation too, and i love that about them.

Perfect match for sure!  tender laugh out loud, about the nervousness they all must be feeling right now, about the symphonic project...  I'm positive they're going to have a few, 'Oh my 'GOD', what the fcuk are we going to do?  How the fcuk are we going to do this (one)' moments, and that terrifying, overwhelming feeling of biting off more than one can chew.  Ohhh, but they shouldn't fret too much about it.  All those thoughts and feelings are going to fuel, drive and lead them in the right direction.  They'll rise above, pull through, and ultimately, awesomely, and profoundly, floor us all in the process... NMA/JS always do!  uh, there's a reason why they call Mr. Sullivan Slade the Leveller, it's because he can manage to do just that8)

It would be so great if somebody would do a documentary about that.  I'm so curious how they jam together, how they work on the songs, how much influence the orchestra is bringing in, how they change songs and structures.  I would love to have some interviews with the orchestra and the band before and after, and with some fans who will travel looong distances for it.

Oh, fcukin' TOTALLY with you on that too, Cthulhu!  :D  We NMA/JS nerdy types absolutely need this kind of  behind the scenes  trip, look into and at this symphonic project, via the addition, inclusion, of some kind of documentary-type featurette.  8)

Where is Matt Reid when you need him?  ;-)   We should crowd finance such a production... 8)

Or Kevin Leeser, for that matter.  Where the fcuk are you Leeser... come back.  :)   Everybody, 'come back, when your ready... ugh.'  :'(  Failing that, there's of course Mr. Dean White, but he's likely going to be too over-worked.  DW's truly a modern-day renaissance man.  That man can do, fix, just about anything!  And do it pretty damn well, too!  Failing even that, then... uh, how good are you, Klaus, with the camera?  8)  Maybe you and BlackCountryMaggiD can put your heads and efforts together and pitch NMA/JS an idea or something, that'll be along the line(s) of a documentary, vision.  uh, are you already friends or familiar with MaggiD, Dave?  ???  I don't know him myself, but he's got to be one of the top, most devoted NMA fans ever.  Hey Dave, would you be up for this?   ???   Genuinely not trying to stir up trouble, just trying to put some ideas out there, get the ball rolling.  Don't mean to piss anyone off with all of this.  That's never my aim, or where my head and heart are ever at, ever.  Hope folk always keep that in mind.  I just want to see wonderful things happen, for everyone, everywhere.  :)

How about anyone else, in or around the band/crew/friends... anyone of them willing and able to film such a documentary / making-of featurette-type piece to accompany the super deluxe CD/DVD version?  8)  Something similar was done for the "Justin Sullivan & Friends" DVD.  I  LOVE that kind of stuff!!  It makes me appreciate even more, all the love, effort, time, invested by all parties involved, in these special one-of-a-kind NMA/JS musical ventures.  The CD/DVD collections with tons of bonus features serve as beautiful keepsakes, of a moment in time, that one can go back and relive, enjoy, time and time again.   While we're at it, the "New Model Army: Live - 16/12/03" DVD needs to be re-issued, restocked in the official online shop, somewhere sown the road, as well.  It too, had some fantastic extra(s) tacked onto it.  Love it!  :D

By the way, Klaus, I still feel that your brilliant video for NMA's "Wipe Out', should be officially adopted by the band, as an official video.  Yeah, I think it's that good, really!!  Seeing as how the 8astards at EMI have pulled down all the classic NMA video promos off YouTube, we need to fill that major void, especially now.  Would it piss you off any, Klaus, if I were to properly message the band about adopting your video?  I wouldn't want to go fcuking things up for anyone or anything, that's why I like to ask for permission first.  I just feel it is an incredibly well-fitting creative effort.  So happy you took the time to make and share the video, Klaus.  Thank you.  :)

I also thought that having another NOTV there would be possible and great.  I know we will sing together anyways, but if they plan with that, they could have very silent passages where the voices come in.  Here are some pictures of the musicians on the Sinfonie website:  Sinfonia Galerie

Cheers for the link, Cthulhu.  :)
I'm glad i got a ticket for the 19th.  Of course i would have preferred the 18th or be able to do both when i'm already in town, but to get another chance for a ticket after a very, very fast sold out show i'm really greatful for that!
Right NOW the venue offers tix for the Saturday show.,0,4757,49458,0,0.html

Cthulhu, or anyone else in the same boat, I pulled the above information from another thread.  Keep trying, every day or so.  Don't know how or why, but it seems as though tickets are thrown back into the pool, so to speak.  Hope things work out well for everyone.  Keep at it.  :)

To avert anger and frustration, please avoid quoting this post via the "quote" button / feature, warm lol, 'cause it'll just do your head-in.   The post is way too long, I got too carried away, again.  ::) 
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 09:34:14 PM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
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  • Totally Obsessed
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Failing even that, then... uh, how good are you, Klaus, with the camera?  8)  Maybe you and BlackCountryMaggiD can put your heads and efforts together and pitch NMA/JS an idea or something, that'll be along the line(s) of a documentary, vision.  uh, are you already friends or familiar with MaggiD, Dave?  ???  I don't know him myself, but he's got to be one of the top, most devoted NMA fans ever.  Hey Dave, would you be up for this?   ???   Genuinely not trying to stir up trouble, just trying to put some ideas out there, get the ball rolling.  Don't mean to piss anyone off with all of this.  That's never my aim, or where my head and heart are ever at, ever.  Hope folk always keep that in mind.  I just want to see wonderful things happen, for everyone, everywhere.  :)

How about anyone else, in or around the band/crew/friends... anyone of them willing and able to film such a documentary / making-of featurette-type piece to accompany the super deluxe CD/DVD version?  8)

I thought about doing a little documentary with/about the magic bus tour last year, that jc organised. but unfortunately i had to cancel that because i had to move and other things happened and changed at the same time in my life. I wanted to have interviews with all the fans who went on that fantastic tour, to get to know their passion and motivation and how they live and manage to follow the band. This should have been an experiment in doing such a project alone, finding out what you can do and producing something like a good reminder of the tmes for the people involved and maybe share it on youtube.

So yes, when i thought about crowd financing this i also thought about my involvement, if i could do something like that. But when i think about what i myself would like to see in such a docu, the project would be so time consuming, that you cannot do it in your spare time.
My situation is that i'm still unemployed at the moment, i will go to austria soon to work in a ski-hostel on a mountain until the end of april. i have job offers for the time after. but let's say we could raise some money, enough to pay the rent for one/two months, rent some gear and get one or two more people involved, i would see ist as an employment and would halt the job offers and go for it. I don't know how much money would be needed, i think the travelling costs would make the biggest part of it, and you need at least a filming crew of two people.
But also many things can be improvised and organised to keep the budget small...

Would it piss you off any, Klaus, if I were to properly message the band about adopting your video?  I wouldn't want to go fcuking things up for anyone or anything, that's why I like to ask for permission first.
Well, thank you 8! Of course i wouldn't mind you asking, but i little doubt that it makes much sense. I still like the vid but i also have many afterthoughts about it and it is a video by a fan and not an official one and i myself find it a little bit under the treshhold to be as good as to be adopted.

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Please drop into this thread...

NMA/JS  songs  you  feel  would  suit  an  orchestral  treatment,

and / or
I,ll leave it short but seems yis are foretting ballad of bodmin pill and space. Both will work a treat.
Special  requests  or  questions  for  NMA  relating  to  the  project,  event  itself.

Who knows, maybe one or two
might be granted,


I've always been one who's loved multiple versions of NMA/JS songs, the more, the better, I've always felt, believed.  This event though, is certainly going to blow that door of possibilities, completely wide open!  While still in my youth and thanks to my dad, as well as past music teachers, I grew to love and appreciate a lot of orchestral, classical, opera, choral music and their respective composers.  So this entire project, idea, is something that I'm SUPER excited, beyond thrilled about!  :D  I actually prefer this concept so much more than the Thousand Voices idea.  Nothing against that wonderful event or anyone, but I'd much rather focus on and listen to the professional musicians and singers on stage in front of me rather than the benevolent tone-deaf and ill-rhythmed few souls (of which I am one) shrieking in my ears and around me.

Questions for NMA & co. ...

 1.  How is this all going to work?  Will NMA still be plugged in, fully electric, as per usual?  Or, will some of you (JS, MD, DW, MG, CM) be bouncing back and forth between other classical type instruments that you also know how to play?  For example Mr. White... will you be dusting off, picking up the clarinet again for the Leipzig one-off?  Might you be playing a real piano, should one be incorporated?

 2.  Do any of you (JS, MD, DW, MG, CM) stem from a classically or formally trained musical background?  If so, whom?  And in which area of expertise? 

 3.  If an actual full-out, large orchestra will be employed for this project, will Mr. Dean, Mr. White, Mr. Gill, Mr. Monger be focusing moreso on providing significant back-up, vocally speaking?  Because that's a lot of instruments added to the mix, scenario, for Mr. Sullivan to go up against, on his own.  The incredibly brilliant lyrics AND vocals might end up getting lost or muddled in there, especially if Mr. Sullivan alone, will be expected to carry it, in that way... in vocal terms, I imagine.

 4.  How are you gentlemen going to harness the beast, that is a full-out orchestra?  Mr. Sullivan will likely be leading with the vocal, but depending on its size, the orchestra is going to need the aid of a conductor in there as well.  I'm assuming that it won't be like it is within the realm of jazz (where improvisation and spontaneity is very much and highly welcomed, expected, incorporated, and worked around - musically speaking), it's likely going to be like it is within the classical / orchestral realm (where every single aspect and tiny detail of it - musically speaking - will already be predetermined, planned, accounted for, fixed)

 5.  My understanding is that Ms. Shir-Ran Yinon has a significant role in this musical venture.  More than just playing the violin?  If so, how so, in what capacity?

 6.  Who will be arranging, re-working, adapting the NMA/JS repertoire to fit the symphonic vision?

 7.  Hopefully, Mr. Tobias Unterberg will be part of this endeavour as well, seeing as how he's already familiar with a bulk of the songs.  If so, will Mr. Unterberg be playing, OR might he be given the role of conductor?

 8.  How's this all going to look visually?  The actual stage set-up, I mean.  Will the orchestra be on the actual stage with NMA, or will it be in the (or some sort of) pit?

 9.  When the event sells out, will there be a second date added?

10.  Will there be an opening, support act for this event?  If so, who might that be?

11.  I know it's still early days, but could there be conducted, some kind of official video-interview with NMA/JS&co. (or something) about this incredible event, project, idea?  Similar to what was done for the special  "Nights of a Thousand Voices"  event, which was streamed live on NMA's official Facebook page?  Please?

Non-song requests...

I'm not sure if there will be a formal kind of orchestra, but just in case, could the following instruments please be incorporated...
  • an actual, perhaps grand, piano
  • multiple violins, violas, cellos, double basses
  • some clarinets, english horns, oboes, bassoons
  • cluster of flutes
  • the timpani
  • a real harp
  • some french horns, trumpets, trombones

Here's a weird and potentially rude request, though I swear that was not my aim... it's just that I can't get the words in right most of the time.  Please, please, PLEASE, I beg of you, if you're going to have any saxophones in there, be super gentle?  :-\  scared lol, I can't bloody stand the Sax!  Well, the majority of the time, unless, Marsalis is on it, but please, no one in the vein of Mr. G (as in Kenny)... worried lol, oh 'GOD' no, p-l-e-a-s-e no.  :-[

There are SO many great NMA/JS songs in the official repertoire... please, heavily consider putting together some kind of medley for a number of them of them?  Especially, because this is a one-time event AND quite possibly the only time we will ever get to see, hear, experience this kind of NMA/JS event in our lifetime, again.

Could a SUPER DELUXE DVD of the event be produced - particularly, containing hours and HOURS of bonus features / footage, including...
  • interviews, especially with  JS, MD, DW, MG, CM and everyone else taking part in the event as well, including the integral technical team... for all us nerdy-types
  • a behind-the-scenes making of featurette... featuring all the steps / phases from conception to fruition, technical team to artist, etc.
  • some substantial bits / highlights from the rehearsals themselves
  • sound check(s) and so forth... again for all us nerdy-types

Well, that's about it for now.

As for my NMA/JS song requests... I'll be Bach !  :)

This thread was not intended to upset anyone, anywhere, ever.  An extremely sincere apology, if it inadvertently has.


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I,ll make this short and sweet, it seems to me everyone forgets ballad of bodmin pill,space and ocean rising. They,ll work brilliantly. I reckon


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NMA & ? Maybe hire them to record the event???
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2022, 10:21:02 AM »
11.  Could there be conducted some kind of official video-interview with NMA/JS&co. (or something) about this incredible event, project, idea?  Similar to what was done for the special  "Nights of a Thousand Voices"  event, which was streamed live on NMA's official Facebook page?  Please?

Ooh!!  Just under 3 months to go, now! :D  Hope Mr. Sullivan officially / formally talks about this once in a lifetime event, soon. :)

Could a SUPER DELUXE DVD of the event be produced - particularly, containing hours and HOURS of bonus features / footage, including...
  • interviews, especially with  JS, MD, DW, MG, CM and everyone else taking part in the event as well, including the technical team... for all us nerdy-types
  • a behind-the-scenes making of featurette... featuring all the steps / phases from conception to fruition
  • some substantial bits / highlights from the rehearsals themselves
  • sound check... again for all us nerdy-types

In the off chance that no one has been hired to officially record the event yet; perhaps NMA/JS&co. ought to consider hiring LiveHereNow to record the NMA + Symphony event.  The once in a lifetime NMA concert is scheduled to take place at Berlin's Tempodrom on July 15th, 2022.

LiveHereNow has recorded many terrific bands / artists which include...
Killing Joke, Barry Adamson, Depeche Mode, Faithless, Lamb, Nick Cave, The Mission,
Pop Will Eat Itself, Thievery Corporation, Johnny Marr, Damon Albarn, Ultravox and many more.

"HOW DOES IT BENEFIT" (the bands / artists / owner)
  • "Costs the client nothing (we cover all costs)
  • The Deal is a Profit split and a limited license after which all rights revert to the owner.
  • Incremental revenue (our sales do not cannibalise the studio album).
  • Beautiful high-quality products for your most engaged fans.
  • Marketing, Fulfilment, & Customer Service.
  • Content creation that actually makes you money."

Just a thought. :-\ I still hope it gets recorded though, 'cause we need new NMA merchandise to buy! 8)

This post was not intended to upset anyone, anywhere, ever.  An extremely sincere apology, if it inadvertently has.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2022, 10:24:16 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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Brave new World
Modern Times

I would Love to  hear that


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    • Nugel Bros. Music
As far as I know Shir-Ran did all the orchestral arrangements for the songs to be  played. Apart from being a top violinist and violist she is also a top composer. The strings arrangement and performance on "Sea again" (on Surrounded) was done by her and I really love it. Apart from her live performances with bands she is also part of the Mondëna Quartet which plays a lot of her compositions. Check this out for example:

I have not yet heard any of the arrangements for the gig but I'd rather let myself be surprised. But I'm sure, this is gonna be awesome. Imagine a complete Symphony Orchestra playing NMA songs, this is gonna be a wall of sound!
« Last Edit: June 01, 2022, 09:17:12 AM by Henning »


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As far as I know Shir-Ran did all the orchestral arrangements for the songs to be  played. Apart from being a top violinist and violist she is also a top composer. The strings arrangement and performance on "Sea again" (on Surrounded) was done by her and I really love it. Apart from her live performances with bands she is also part of the Mondëna Quartet which plays a lot of her compositions. Check this out for example:

I have not yet heard any of the arrangements for the gig but I'd rather let myself be surprised. But I'm sure, this is gonna be awesome. Imagine a complete Symphony Orchestra playing NMA songs, this is gonna be a wall of sound!

I am so looking forward to this. Keeping fingers and toes crossed that nothing will get in the way.