Author Topic: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?  (Read 681 times)

Master Ray

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Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« on: February 05, 2015, 08:42:09 PM »
It's something playing on my mind right now...   :-\

Now, I love to drink.  Never been much into drugs... weed / dope is something I do occasionally, but only if someone offers it, I'd never buy it for myself.  Much less other stuff...

But I will drink most nights.  NOT get 'drunk', as in fucked-up, but just a bit, a couple of beers or a couple of large brandies (or a combination of the two), just to chill out.  The life I've got right now, you wouldn't blame me... but, for example, I basically equate 'going out' with 'pouring it excessively down my throat' just BECAUSE... basically, almost every night ends up with me having alcohol in my system.

I don't think I'm an alcoholic.  I've met many of them, all shaky and sweaty with that same sweat stinking of the booze... and if I can't drink for some reason (ill / broke / on meds), I have very little side effects other than perhaps some mild sleeplessness... but it worries me that I'm on a slippery slope.  Those UK guidelines on how much you should drink weekly... pah, I can crack that out by Thursday.

Be interested on your opinions on this one, you lovely lot...


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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2015, 09:07:53 PM »
I hardly ever drink only had a few bottles of beer this year so far. Never really been a big drinker anyway, used to be a big weed head for about 20 years but haven't touched it other than a very rare joint for a good 5 years or more. Would say alcoholics come in all different shapes and forms there are lots of middle class housewives out there who you would never suspect who have a drink problem. If you think its starting to become a issue then why not stop drinking for a certain amount of time ie a month say and see how you feel. Try saving the money you won't spend for something nice
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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2015, 09:23:02 PM »
Yes, at times.

I'm able to drink huge amounts. I actually do recover guite fast from hangovers. I'm rather more sort of disappointed with the age and money thing and think I could've done something else, or "reach" something different without needing to swallow 13 beers, many glasses of wine and a half bottle of whiskey. Well, to be honest it's not so bad anymore. I don't go to pubs nowadays more than like five times in a year and buy spirits quite rarely.

Generally thinking, if there's something to be worried with drinking, I think it's the changes with mental health and personality - if "you" have drank for three weeks enormous amounts and think you're still able to think in a normal way, take care of your businesses etc - you're wrong. There are too many cases here in Finland during summer vacations when someone (wife, most often) has to flee away from home because alcohol crazed husbands that turn violent.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 09:26:58 PM by Rusco »
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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2015, 11:11:17 PM »
I hardly ever drink but I do worry about drinking too much coffee. Caffeine in high dosages can harm your heart.
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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2015, 12:10:16 AM »
Sounds like you like your booze but don't really have a problem. I wouldn't worry about it, just keep a sensible eye on it.

Ron B

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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2015, 01:32:57 AM »

 You know Ray this is a good topic and I will share my thoughts. I can say at this time No because I think in all the time that I have been known to get my buzz on I know my limit. By that I mean that in my younger days  yes I could put down my share of you name it Beer, Wine I was never a real drinker of hard booze whiskey or scotch, and usually with mixed drinks I would only do that at bars. Now I never drink on the job or smell like booze going to work as I do have my morals against that. ( sure way to get fired ) plus even now I don't drink as much as I did 20 or 30 years ago. When I am on vacation I do love to hit up the bars and I pace myself at the All inclusive Beach resorts as I can drink from 11 am till 1am  and I do love those exotic mixed drinks In Aruba they made a Blue Hawaii that was well worth it and was my drink of choice. Now for me if I am in the mood when I do drink my beer of choice is Amstel Light if Wine I am a Martini & Rossi Asti Spumante lover, and if your talking mixed drinks well since I live on Long Island if someone can make it right a Long Island Ice Tea is my drink of choice but I really only do that on the weekends when I am not working and I have time to chill at my house. Again I am not a hard liquor man I don't drink it straight .

As for other substances I will say I have always believed in the legalization of Marjuiana and I do smoke it. and really I rather dabble in that then drink. ;D 8)
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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2015, 07:40:48 AM »
drink, feck, arse, drink, nuns!

used to think about it. not anymore. gave it up completely except for one day for about 5 months at the end of last year. never bothered me. i'm kinda off it at the moment since work pressure is huge and its just not required.

types of drink - cheap strong cider. i love it. over anything in the whole world - devils bit. stunning. but if i kept on the bender i was on early last year, would probably keep over.

i got in captain morgans spiced rum, ice and coke when hanging with the leftover crack crew. could drink that all day long. and have. i do like a really good gin and tonic but drink them too easily.

wine, not si much anymore, i think we overdone the red wine thing and expensive wine thing. seriously, the amount of that we drank years ago is scary looking back. i won't go into the details but it makes some funny stories - me, the other lad and smuggling wine.

capacity - limitless

other items - limitless
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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2015, 07:56:33 PM »
drink, feck, arse, drink, nuns!

used to think about it. not anymore. gave it up completely except for one day for about 5 months at the end of last year. never bothered me. i'm kinda off it at the moment since work pressure is huge and its just not required.

Firstly, Heno, great Father Ted reference... now, when I communicate with you, I have a mental image of who I'm talking to!   ;D

Secondly, your expression 'it's not required'... damn, that hit with pinpoint accuracy!  For me, it IS required right now... not gonna get into any whiny-ass self-pitying bullshit, but these aren't the best of days for me and I need a crutch to lean upon when things get a bit on top of me, just to make me feel a little bit better.  Quite frankly, right now, I feel like a spinster gobbling down cupcakes.  No offence to any spinsters out there...  ;)

Who knows what the rest of the year will bring?  Maybe I'll stop, maybe I won't.  My liver ain't aching yet and my piss is only yellow during the morning.

Loving your opinions, guys, thanks for posting...


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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2015, 09:46:52 PM »
thats cool ray

looking forward to a night when everything is sorted and relaxing is a good thing. i'm doing it now. and getting support in a glass of you're favourite poison is sometimes the only thing. even while i do it, i know its not good.

habitual drinking is like winter, and we all need some spring and summer in our lives.

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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2015, 10:22:10 PM »
Well. I barely drink at all other than nights out. I cant be arsed with feeling pants next day. I cant drink a couple of drinks and be done. I think its in my head that if I drink Ibgotta get blotto. I have four cans of lager that havent been touched in weeks.

However a few years ago, id easily knock away 8-12 cans every night and Im fairly convinced was just a short step away from alcoholism.

Ive been in enough dead alcoholics houses where theyve vomited up their own blood before death to be grateful never to have gone that way. Its a bigger and easier drug to fall into and its breweries profitting from misery and destruction from misuse. But its the druggies that get bad press. Go figure.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 10:26:47 PM by Drummyb »
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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2015, 10:39:02 PM »
Yes its funny how society works you can have all the nicotine and alcohol you want, yet get caught smoking a joint your given a fine and branded a criminal
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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2015, 10:54:35 PM »
probably go that way meself if the alternative was a scotch
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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2015, 06:02:53 AM »
And don't get me started on those arseholes at Diageo
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Re: Do you ever worry about how much you drink?
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2015, 11:22:13 AM »
I don't drink.



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