The official NMA board
General Category => Trades & Swaps => Topic started by: paul hill on March 10, 2020, 07:32:18 PM
UPDATE: someone has expressed interest in buying the shirts, so i'm going to suspend the eBay listings while that is sorted out
UPDATE 2: someone else has expressed interest in buying the vinyl, i didn't consider this possibility, so i a bunch of things to sort out
well, the day i swore would never come, has finally come, debilitating mental disorders and homelessness has caused me to move 15 times in the last 8 years, i have a disability ruling coming soon, but that is expected to be denied since judges discriminate against people who don't take meds even though i tried several different meds for 18 months, nothing worked and everything got worse, but for some reason, that's not a valid reason to refuse meds
once the appeal is denied in a few months, i'll have to go back to the shelter for my 16th move, i need to reduce my possessions before then by about a third and my New Model Army collection takes up about 25% of the bulk, drastic weight loss has left the XL shirts looking comical on me and i haven't had a record player for over a decade, all of this has been in storage bins for the last decade
it breaks my heart to do this, it's not the actual parting, more that my life has come to this, i hope i can get the money i paid for the items, but my main desire is for these things to find good homes where the shirts will be worn, the records will be played and the covers viewed, displayed and appreciated, all shirts were bought at gigs or The Shop, except for a couple of rare ones i got off eBay in the late 90s
i'll be using the money to get to one of the 40th Anniversary shows later this year for one last hurrah, simply getting through the day without breaking down crying is a challenge, so i'm going to try to get these things up as soon as possible, but it will probably take weeks to get it all up there while pacing it so i don't get overwhelmed with sending orders out or **** em up
here's most of it, plus i have 4 VHS tapes
UPDATE: someone has expressed interest in buying the shirts, so i'm going to suspend the eBay listings while that is sorted out
Hello Paul,so sorry to read of your current problems.I am so sorry i cannot help you out by buying any of your items,i also have health issues at the moment(mine are physical) i really hope you get a response from this forum...please stay strong,i know that is easy for me to say but i really mean it.....i don't know you but please take care my friend.
I would like to echo Ghosttrain's sentiments to you Paul, best wishes for the future. Clearly you will miss the treasures you have compiled over the years, but they are just things, the music represented there will still be with you.
Paul, I am so very sorry to hear this - and just as sorry that I think I am unable to help - but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to find good homes for the items of your beloved collection and get a good amount of money for them as well. It must be hard to part with your collection - but at least the memories are yours to keep. :(
All the best to you, maybe miracles do happen and your appeal goes through...and all the best to you, Ghosttrain, as well!
Thank you for your kind words Stephanie,my hips are slowly improving,it's all mostly about my knee now. ::).
Hello Paul,so sorry to read of your current problems.I am so sorry i cannot help you out by buying any of your items,i also have health issues at the moment(mine are physical) i really hope you get a response from this forum...please stay strong,i know that is easy for me to say but i really mean it.....i don't know you but please take care my friend.
I would like to echo Ghosttrain's sentiments to you Paul, best wishes for the future. Clearly you will miss the treasures you have compiled over the years, but they are just things, the music represented there will still be with you.
Paul, I am so very sorry to hear this - and just as sorry that I think I am unable to help - but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to find good homes for the items of your beloved collection and get a good amount of money for them as well. It must be hard to part with your collection - but at least the memories are yours to keep. :(
All the best to you, maybe miracles do happen and your appeal goes through...and all the best to you, Ghosttrain, as well!
thank you very much for the kind words, best wishes!
UPDATE: someone has expressed interest in buying the shirts, so i'm going to suspend the eBay listings while that is sorted out
Sorry to hear of your situation Paul, I wish you the best of luck with your appeal and for the journey ahead.
Step by step and day by day, you will get there.
Sorry to hear of your situation Paul, I wish you the best of luck with your appeal and for the journey ahead.
Step by step and day by day, you will get there.
thanks jc, i try to stay positive, but after 9 years, it just keeps getting harder
i have anxiety that causes physical pain ranging from significant discomfort in a tightened stomach to my entire torso feeling like it's being crushed to my whole body aching so bad that a 20ft trip to the bathroom has me moving and feeling like a 90yr old man, i literally do not remember what life without this pain is like and there is no relief
on top of that, i spend most of the day in fear and terror, my mind is convinced that i'm in trouble or i did something wrong or there is danger or there's been loss, these feelings come and intensify with no warning at random times with no observable or measurable source, it gets scary because i can be terrified and know there's no reason to be scared, but my mind is telling there must be something wrong because i'm feeling it
when i agreed to meds, they gave me some for my increasingly interrupted sleep, they didn't work and when i stopped taking them, my sleep quality was destroyed, i am unable to sleep longer than 2 hours consecutively for the last 6 years, i generally lay down in my bed for 7 hours, it takes about an hour to fall asleep and i wake up no less than 4 times a night, i can't remember the last time i slept 4 hours straight or woke up refreshed, i almost forgot the extreme irritability and hypersensitivity
anxiety fcuks up my sleep, lack of sleep creates tremendous fatigue and fosters hopelessness, all too often i have no interest in anything, food tastes horrible and movement feels like i'm 400lbs, and my brain races to reach catastrophic conclusions, so the smallest of things, like the store not having what i came for, seem devastating but it doesn't stop there
ever since i stopped the meds, i now have obsessive thoughts that pound away on me all day causing me to forget what i'm doing, the day, the time, what i've already done or am planning to do, it's like a roulette wheel, but instead of numbers, it's past regrets, current stress and future worries, every day the ball spins around looking for something to land on and BAM i struggle to think about anything else
sometimes it's annoying, other times it's overwhelming to where i have to stop what i'm doing and sit down, once in a while i get lucky and just have to listen to a song on repeat for a while, it affects my ability to concentrate and read, some days i can read fine, other days i need to start the page or paragraph over repeatedly and other days i see the words, understand them, but can't string the sentence together to understand the narrative, watching a movie is difficult, i stick to 30-minute comedy shows and stand up comedy where the material resets itself regualrly
society is convinced there is all kinds of help available, but when you don't have money, there really isn't, therapists will listen to you talk and doctors push drugs on you, the doctors i'm allowed to see have no knowledge of the drugs they push and are unwilling to have conversations about them, when i asked why i should take Prozac, i was told "because it only $4 a month", when i pointed out that Prozac makes people suicidal and i already struggle with persistent suicidal thoughts, i'm resisting the process, i'm self-diagnosing
i tried meds against my better judgment, i was under pressure to keep a high paying job and the people i thought were my friends encouraged it, so not only did the meds fail, i got addicted to benzodiazepines, went through multiple, very scary withdrawals that lasted almost a year and when the smoke cleared, i still had all my old problems plus new ones
my cousins sent me to some "doctor" who milked them for money while having me do cognitive tests, i went to her for help with anxiety and depression and she had almost no knowledge of mental disorders, she barely talked to me and her only feedback was to volunteer at a retirement home, sit in a sauna and go swimming, i later found out her specialty is head injuries and pilot evaluations, one day she had me fill out some surveys, she canceled 2 appointments and when i showed up 6 weeks later, she called the cops on me for the answers i gave a month and a half earlier, but none of the questions covered intent or planning
i explained to the cops that i do have suicidal thoughts, but i have no plan or immediate intention, that should've been the end of it, instead i was threatened, i was told i could submit to admitting myself or the cuffs would be thrown on me and i "wouldn't like it", i get transported to a hospital where i'm locked in a cell, they take away my mp3 player, i just have to sit while one interrogator after another comes in looking for holes in my story, like a criminal suspect, i have to tell and retell things over and over while they look for cracks in the story, after 5 hours they let me go, the problem is, i'm 15 miles from home with no money, no phone and no numbers memorized to call
i later found out she isn't even a real doctor, she's a PhD and those are worse than MDs and MDs are worse than therapists, apparently, an affluent person can give a university a nice chunk of change and that gives them the right to lock people up, the way i was treated has me completely scared to share any of my thoughts, for some reason, no one acknowledges the meds didn't work and left me worse off
before meds, i would have fleeting suicidal thoughts, usually based around something stressful, but they would dissipate quickly, after the meds, i think about it every day for no other reason than life is not fun for me and it hurts, there's no help, there's no cure, i have no kids, no friends and no family except for some cousins who have contempt for mental illness
i try to socialize, but people are so negative and if you don't have money, you're worthless, the scariest part is no matter how much i explain, how many details i give, people just refuse to accept it and cannot understand it, treatment-resistant mental disorders are a medically recognized phenomenon, but no one thinks that could apply to me, i'm just some guy who won't work and wants everything for free
i have no use, no value, nothing to offer or contribute by society's standards, i understand this and accept it, so it's hard to understand why my suffering is so important to people, my absence will disrupt nothing, but i'm told it's wrong to end this pain
i haven't been to a concert in 6 years and frankly, life is not worth living without live music
Very sorry to read this. I can relate to it very well. It can happen to anyone.
I wish there was something we could do to help, apart from buying your stuff, which would feel awkward given the emotional attachment you have.
If you put up a fund raiser to buy you a ticket to the 40th show you want to attend, I'm sure you'll get it from people around here.
It sickens me to read this Paul.
I myself work with people in similar situations as I work as a counsellor in a Charity here in the UK.
It's sounds like you have had a bad experience of therapy. Please, let me say not every therapist or modality of therapy is the same. You have been treated disgracefully. I will state that on a professional level, this is totally unethical as possibly mal practice.
I really hope you can find a therapist who can work with you to help you to manage your anxiety and anable you to manage all aspects of your physical and mental health. Pills are not lways the best help (or magic problem solver) but they can work for some alone or in unison with a deep theraputic relationship with your counsellor.
You are not worthless.
You are Family.
Our Family.
We are here.
Very sorry to read this. I can relate to it very well. It can happen to anyone.
I wish there was something we could do to help, apart from buying your stuff, which would feel awkward given the emotional attachment you have.
If you put up a fund raiser to buy you a ticket to the 40th show you want to attend, I'm sure you'll get it from people around here.
thanks for the nice words, i used to think this could never happen to me and as it happens, you don't want to believe it's happening, so you get caught in a vicious circle of denial and that just makes things worse
the picture above was taken 3 months ago, this decision was made a long time ago, this is just the first chance i've had to try to do it, shirts are way too big and i can't play the records
It sickens me to read this Paul.
I myself work with people in similar situations as I work as a counsellor in a Charity here in the UK.
It's sounds like you have had a bad experience of therapy. Please, let me say not every therapist or modality of therapy is the same. You have been treated disgracefully. I will state that on a professional level, this is totally unethical as possibly mal practice.
I really hope you can find a therapist who can work with you to help you to manage your anxiety and anable you to manage all aspects of your physical and mental health. Pills are not lways the best help (or magic problem solver) but they can work for some alone or in unison with a deep theraputic relationship with your counsellor.
You are not worthless.
You are Family.
Our Family.
We are here.
thank you
i'm kinda beyond the whole therapy thing, or at least at what my resource level provides, i'm at the level where i can show people how to help others, in fact, one girl who gave me a couch for a few years credits me with changing her life "you helped me find a peace i never knew existed", oh the irony
when the meds failed, the doctor pointed the finger at me and said i "wasn't doing anything and expected the meds to do all the work", the problem is, she never set any kind of directions or expectations like that, every person i've talked to that had success with meds says they did nothing and made scant lifestyle changes, i was very angry, so i resolved to do EVERYTHING, i gave up my life, i don't really have a life or do fun things, every day is just one big fight, i haven't sat on my ass feeling sorry for myself, i stay busy all day long and i don't wanna do ANY of it, i just wanna lay down
i've read around 120 books on mental disorders, half written by doctors with clinical experience, i've researched and tried as many things as i could find, kept the things that help and revisit the ones that don't if there's a reason or new angle, i quit smoking and drinking, guard the door to my mind fiercely, exercise, eat very healthy, meditate 3-4 hours a day, avoid negative stimulus, follow a routine, treat sleep time seriously, incantations, mindfulness, stretching, breathing exercises, sunlight, fish oil, vitamin-d, b-complex, being outdoors, i actively seek new things to try, but i think i've run the gamut
it's to the point where each new practitioner i interact with will ask about my lifestyle, i explain it and they never bring it up again, but there's a catch, early on most practitioners encouraged developing a routine, so i did that, my day is full, front to back with activities that lessen the pain or ease my moods, the state psychologist diagnosed me as having OCD, i've read 2 books on OCD and i'm confident i don't have it, i have obsessive thoughts, but it ends there, this lady spent 45 minutes with me asking cookie-cutter questions and this assessment is being taken as gospel
what i told her was "everyone tells you to take it one day at a time, but no one tells you how to get out of that day, i'm taking it one day at a time, but it's like i'm trapped in this day", my routine isn't fixed and rigid, it changes in content and time of day and it's not full of imaginary rituals to stop the thoughts, i know there's no stopping them
the PhD who called the cops on me first diagnosed me as major depressive and general anxiety, then PTSD, then Schizo-Affected, for no other apparent reason than i mentioned my mom said my dad was diagnosed with it, but my mom was a career fuckin liar, every person has a different diagnosis, i've heard several, but no one seems to think it's an issue that there's no consensus, they want me to take meds when they can't agree on the problem
in a cruel irony is, i did have a great therapist for about 6 months in the very beginning, she was around 70, she'd heard it all and her patience and compassion was off the chart, she really understood, the only person i've met so far that does, then one day the clinic left a message saying that "Carol was no longer with the organization", i've googled her name many times looking for any clue, but nothing, there are things she taught me that i still use 6 years later, she was very knowledgable and always had an alternate path if something wasn't working, she never got stuck or caught off guard, like a master chess player, she always asked the right questions and never missed the important questions
i've talked to therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors and PhDs and none of them really seem to understand, i mean, they've definitely memorized a bunch of things, but they have little in the way of effective help, i've had people brag about their schooling and qualifications until i ask them how many people they've cured, i've had people get offended by the things i share in a session, i've had the confidentiality broken, i've felt contempt and judgment, i've been argued with, i've seen boredom and irritation, one doctor asked me what drugs i'd ever tried, then asked when the last time i used them, i told her it was a long time and couldn't remember, so she diagnosed me as being addicted to the drugs i told her i tried, imagine my surprise when the medical expert at my first hearing asked about my substance abuse problems and demanded a current toxicology report
my current therapist is nice, but she just graduated last year and it's a little weird to be talking to someone half your age about this stuff, she has no concept of life without internet and i spent the first 20 some years of my life without the internet, i've never even had a smartphone ever, the clinic is so busy, they can only see me every 2-4 weeks and sometimes they have to cancel for training, other than Carol, i haven't met anyone who i feel is knowledgeable, an equal match and a good fit, the sad reality is, when you have no money, most of the people you have access to, are just working a job