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General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Ghosttrain on March 10, 2020, 07:36:44 PM

Title: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 10, 2020, 07:36:44 PM
Well it has finally arrived here in Jersey ,it will be interesting to see how our Government and community in general reacts in an Island that grinds to a halt when 5mm of snow falls....
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on March 11, 2020, 03:52:54 PM
Oh yes, Covid19, impossible to avoid here in Germany, at least on the news. It's spreading, one area is affected quite badly, mostly it's a few cases here and there.

The reactions range from total hysteria/panic, including wild speculations and conspiracy theories (people making what we call in German "Hamsterkäufe" - hamster purchases, buying heaps upon heaps of toilet paper, pasta, rice and canned ravioli) to people being totally cool about it and getting upset and stubborn when they feel their freedom is being restricted. Disinfectant and face masks had been sold out, even doctors' surgeries and hospitals had trouble ordering new supplies - and people even STOLE these things from hospitals...even though it's a well-known fact that this will NOT protect you from catching COVID 19!  >:( Unbelievable... The issue has been sorted out now, I believe, and new supplies are on their way to those who really need them-

Personally, I find both extremes to be very foolish and selfish. I am not overly worried about catching it - but I know a couple of people whose health is already not for the best and who do certainly have good reason to be a concerned.

So, for now, with regard to "restrictions", what we are facing is big events (theatre, concerts, exhibitions and trade fairs) being postponed or cancelled. That is, of course, not good for those who make a living based upon these events and many are quite concerned for their respective companies' survival.

All events with an audience expected to exceed 1000 are to be postponed/cancelled - and that does, of course, include football (soccer) matches. Now THAT is causing quite an uproar here.   :o My goodness, you'd think these people are being forced to sacrifice their first-born or something.
Some of these matches are still on and will be played in empty stadiums, some may be cancelled or postponed, that hasn't happened yet, though.

I have to admit that, at first, I didn't quite get what all the fuss was about - but the issue with this virus is, of course, that there still isn't any vaccine for it that can help protect those with a weak immune system. So it's important to try and contain the virus as best as possible to give people in the health sector time to prepare. Makes sense to me - this certainly isn't the time to be selfish, most of us will have elderly relatives or friends with a weakened immune system - I certainly wouldn't want any of mine to catch that virus and maybe even die, so it goes without saying that I don't mind being a bit more careful.

In April and May there are shows I have tickets for - all this may have blown over by then. Neither of the shows will attract anywhere near 1000 I'll wait and see how this situation develops. If they do get cancelled...fine, I'll live.

Can you imagine how "proud" I felt when I was actually able to buy toilet paper AND kitchen rolls yesterday?!  :D ;D

I do hope this won't get any worse than it already is, I feel especially sorry for all medical staff who, in places like Italy, seem to be far beyond what they can bear...and they still keep fighting. They are heroes, beyond amazing.

I hope you'll all be safe and fine through this!  :-*

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 11, 2020, 04:30:42 PM
I have just watched the local news on TV and the main report was an interview with one of the top men from The CO OP our largest supermarket over here.......unbelievable, he is standing in front of rows of empty shelves wtf,we have one case and already people are panic buying.I realise as an Island we could have different problems to mainland Britain (obv.a majority of our goods are shipped in)  but i think this is a bit over the top.If the weather dies down i may venture into town in the morning,it will be interesting to see what i find (or don't as the case may be)... ::)..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: fiddlesticks on March 11, 2020, 04:46:55 PM
Yes, there was some hint in Australia that production of Chinese manufactured toilet roll could be impacted. Media reports led to panic buying in the UK.
Wait it out - the shops will restock before long and everyone will have more than they need at home.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on March 11, 2020, 09:19:31 PM
I think thr whole thing is being turned into the zombie apocalypse, for no good reason. Of course people have died, and that cant be disregarded. However its a tiny percentage and generally people with poor health. This complete panic is wholly uneccessary. It needs to be managed sensibly and it isnt being.
Steph we have had exactly the same over here. Absolute stupidity.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 12, 2020, 04:54:32 PM
The Mission have just posted on FB that they have had to postpone the rest of their european tour due to what's happening at the moment. That was a huge ******* tour in true Mish stylee with another 45 dates to go.

So lucky to have seen them close to home. Let's hope the dates can be re-scheduled and that the rest of the british dates can go ahead.

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on March 13, 2020, 05:30:03 AM
My partner is off to Spain for a weekend of work she has to go and do for us, and she has just texted from Manchester Airport to say the flight is jam packed with Stag and Hen do's. Doesn't look like people who don't need to travel, but still are, don't really give a monkeys!
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on March 13, 2020, 11:36:26 PM
Just popped into my local tesco to get some bits and bobs. The vultures have stripped it bare. Absolutely stupid and unneccessary imho.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Johnz on March 14, 2020, 08:34:55 AM
Luckily kiwis (unlike ozzies) have not resorted to panic buying yet. As of Monday everyone entering the country will have to self-isolate for two weeks which means that just about all tourists will cancel their travel plans. It's a financial disaster for those of us who rely on tourists for an income but I understand that it's for the best. These are intersting times we live in.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on March 14, 2020, 11:40:31 AM
The shops need to step in and start managing this now. Its wholly unfair that idiots are stockpiling at the expense of everyone else. But hey, it boosts sales. Found it amusing the postman dropped the parcel outside my door after ringing the bell. Amusing but sensible too.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 14, 2020, 12:15:48 PM
Same here in Jersey,have just returned from our largest supermarket no toilet rolls,pasta,rice,tins of beans/tomatoes,sausages.......i could go on,people have gone mad it's crazy,if people had stuck to their normal shopping habits i am sure this would not happen.To make things even worse The CooP  in their wisdom about three years ago decided they no longer needed a warehouse over here,that has proved to be a great decision....also we don't have any of the big supermarkets like Tesco,Asda,Lidl or Aldi only CooP, Waitrose and M& i said a crazy situation and this is only week one over here... ::)... >:(...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on March 16, 2020, 06:46:08 AM
The shops need to step in and start managing this now. Its wholly unfair that idiots are stockpiling at the expense of everyone else. But hey, it boosts sales. Found it amusing the postman dropped the parcel outside my door after ringing the bell. Amusing but sensible too.

Yeah you are right shops need to ration for the idiots who are removing so much product others cannot get any. Selfish sods! Also sellers on Amazon are selling things like anti-bac wipes at a decent price, but the delivery costs are astronomical! I'm all for profit I run a business, but that is subhuman in a time of crisis.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on March 16, 2020, 11:35:21 AM
Did you hear about the schoolboy selling antibac spray at 50p a shot. He was being labelled as an entrepreneur. Imho, he's a black market profiteer and as bad as the hoarders. I really dont get people's tbinking. Unfortunately 6000 people have died globally. That is a shame. But in comparison to a 7 billion population, there will be more people killed in car accidents by the time this has ended. Lets ban cars.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Zwartekster on March 19, 2020, 04:57:30 PM
In Belgium somebody has a factory to make soaps and gels. He sells them at regular price but it get on ebay ...  x10, x20.  :-\
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 21, 2020, 01:20:20 PM
Just returned from Supermarket, at long last they are taking panic buying seriously,limiting and enforcing quantity of items per customer.In the check out aisle we were in a member of CooP staff actually removed packets of toilet rolls and other items from a women's trolley in front of us...there was rice,pasta,beans,on the shelf this week,so it is obv.working.The only down side (for me) i usually buy six bottles of Vin Rouge but as the girl on the till put my wine carrier through she took three bottles out and said it was restricted to three bottles per customer,i think she made a mistake as there was no signage saying it was limited and also because of my hip and knee problems i cannot bend down and a member of staff actually put the wine in my holder...........hey  ho.. ::) at least my liver will be pleased.. ;D..,
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: fiddlesticks on March 21, 2020, 01:57:13 PM
 This really IS a crisis!

Hope you get through it OK Ghosttrain!

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 22, 2020, 11:18:59 AM
Cheers Matey.... :)..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Johnz on March 23, 2020, 06:36:15 AM
Here in NZ all supermarket items are limited to two per person. It has been fairly well behaved so far. They announced the lock-down for Wednesday and things got very busy but still very orderly and respectful without any of the chaotic scenes I have seen from abroad. Just trying to get a few non-food things while I can.

These are strange days. Look after each other and stay healthy!
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on March 23, 2020, 11:34:53 AM
The questions that really need to be asked surround the unacceptable behaviour of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) itself:

1) Why did the CCP ignore reports of the virus well before it became public knowledge?
2) Once evident, why did the CCP target the whistleblowers like Li Wenliang and several others who had amazing courage to defy them?
3) Why did the CCP destroy test samples?
4) Why did the CCP lie to the world about the seriousness of the situation? I don't think anyone can dispute this seriousness.

The only European country that really took serious measures about this was Russia. The only European country which is actually delivering Italy much needed help on all fronts is Russia; the same country which isn't as badly affected, because they had the sense to seal their borders with China and put restrictions in place, both external and internal, without fear of being called racist by fools who know nothing about science and coronaviruses. (Note the plural of the noun here - remember SARS which also originated in China in 2002?)

(By the way, Johnson still allows flights into the UK from China, Iran and Italy...the mind boggles at the stupidity of this man throughout).

There are a hell of a lot of serious questions which need to be asked here.

At this moment in time, I'm not even going to address the vile, disgusting reality of wet markets, the complete lack of sanitation and proper hygiene, and the absolutely fecking revolting business behind wildlife exploitation and wildlife trade which also plays a role in coronaviruses.

If you haven't seen a wet market, look one up on youtube and educate yourself on what's really going on.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) on March 23, 2020, 09:58:35 PM
Do you really believe in that Russia isnt hiding anything? I'm not claiming about that and I dont have a proof but such a giant country has only 438 cases and 1 lost makes a lot of questions in my mind.Such a weird times we live in and lots of disinformation around.I hope it is like that but I really doubt about it anyway.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on March 23, 2020, 11:46:41 PM
Might be a big country, but the population is miniscule by comparison. They enacted stringent measures from the onset, because they did take it more seriously – as you would if you shared a massive border with China where it all started. The number of cases in February was minimal.

Even more stringent measures are in place now since the virus entered from nationals returning from Italy at the beginning of March. Most of the current increase in confirmed cases is down to this. They currently have some of the highest testing numbers in the world right from January, according to the WHO which has also approved of their labs and said they’ve dealt with it better than many others. Confirmed cases are rising, and probably deaths will do likewise. Still, nowhere near the scale seen elsewhere. They're sending many of their top specialists in virology to Italy. 'From Russia with love.'

Japan took similar strict measures and has been very successful. We, on the other hand, have pissed about too long and now come out with shite like a 20,000 death toll might be some sort of good outcome. I wouldn't trust this current government or the opposition to run a bath these days.

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 24, 2020, 11:30:05 AM
Sat at home scared.

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) on March 24, 2020, 12:02:29 PM
This is what the head of russian allience doctors union says.Im not sure of course this is true or not but I personally dont trust even official resources in countries like russia,iran,china and my own country
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on March 24, 2020, 01:44:56 PM
There is a lot to suggest that countries which closed their borders and implemented appropriate measures had lesser rates of inflection. No one disputes Japan's success here - only 41 deaths - something quite extraordinary in the context. Even if we look at Ireland, their death rate is very low, simply because they took it seriously and enacted the appropriate measures. I also don't think they were accepting flights from China, Iran and Italy well into a period which common sense would dictate that it was inappropriate to do so.

The WHO seems to be patting Russia on the back, but the same organisation has kept its mouth shut about important measures China failed to do. Most of Russia's current infections stem from returning nationals. To me, that indicates a failure to see how rapid the virus moved from China into Europe. Only time will tell if they experience the same spikes in numbers that western European countries have. The EU failed to sanction border closing and has done nothing for Italy and Spain. The fact Italy begged Russia for help is indicative of the EU's shameful inability to act properly on behalf of its members states. (Yet, did they really find time yesterday to provide Iran with a €20mn aid package, with Italy and Spain left on their knees?)

I'm less interested really in the situation in Russia and more interested in what developed in China, because this is the real crux of the matter here.

The CCP emphatically and repeatedly denied that human transmission was possible, despite the fact that doctors in Wuhan concluded it was an undeniable fact. The same doctors were then designated enemies of the people for going public with their grave warnings of a new SARS-like virus. We've been here before: the CCP also denied that in 2002. In late 2019 this particular coronavirus jumped from an animal species to humans, probably through a Chinese 'wet market'. The Lancet identifies the first "Chinese" coronavirus patient on 1 December last year. Even earlier doctors in Wuhan stated it was spreading between humans at this point.

The CCP's reaction: shut down the whistleblowers and cover everything up:

Dr Li Wenliang (now dead);
Dr Mei Zhongmin (now dead);
Chen Qiushi (missing since 6 February, 2020);
Fang Bin (missing since?); and,
Professor Xu Zhangrun (missing since ?).

It's normal business in China to behave like that, but it really has made them lose face to the outside world. Now you know why Hong Kong continues to fester. Why live under such an authority? We've got a government full of shitehawks who won't even stand by our former colony - because it will 'ruin' our relationship with Beijing and the free-trade deal we so desperately want. Christ, at least the Americans support the Taiwanese who also don't want Beijing.

On Christmas Day last year, large amounts of medical staff in Wuhan had contracted 'viral pneumonia', further evidence of human-to-human transmission. Denied outright by the CCP against clear medical evidence. Denied even by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission on 31 December.

The new year begins with Dr Li and seven others arrested. We know he's dead, but the fate of the others remains unknown. On 1 January the Hubei Provincial Health Commission, on orders from the CCP, orders the termination of any new testing and the destruction of all existing samples. On 2 January some 13,500 people left Wuhan to destinations in the US. An additional 175,000 people left Wuhan to other destinations in China and abroad. Only on 9 January did the CCP announce that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had mapped the genome of the virus. Before that announcement Hong Kong had already warned of a new viral pneumonia which was transmitted human-to-human. By 6 January the New York Times had already identified a Wuhan virus - remember 3 days before the CCP would admit anything.

I could go on and on, but you get the point. Even on 10 January the Wuhan City Health Commission declared there was no proof to support so-called evidence of human transmission, despite evidence from doctors in Wuhan that this was a scientific fact. Political leaders refused to discuss the so-called virus and simply felt the likes of Dr Li were some sort of Western-backed enemies of the state. How bloody intelligent when people in and around Wuhan and beyond knew something was wrong.

The party sat on its arse and fired out slogans and arrested those brave enough to bring the situation to their attention. What they should have done is put their inflated egos away and listened for once. Only now does President Xi wander around, trying to assure (not reassure) our naive, pathetic political leaders that he was always on top of everything and offers help unconditionally. We're so afraid of losing trade links that we keep our mouths shut about it, and almost deny it originated in China for fear of the accusation of racism and the reality of losing trade incomes.

The CCP lied to itself, its own citizens and the world about the Chinese virus/Covid19/2019-nCoV, whatever you want to call it, and the effects of it nationally and internationally. Why should anyone really be surprised about this behaviour? Why should anyone ever trust the words of the CCP?

Only on 23 January did the CCP finally own up to the evidence and establish steps for quarantine in Wuhan. Too bloody late! Millions had already left, because they had a strong premonition of what was really going on, even if Xi and the CCP were in blatant denial. Just in time for the Chinese New Year, when millions go to other cities and abroad to celebrate, so again this 'exodus' and mass movement of people could be covered up for what it really was and understood by people in and around Wuhan and beyond. Subsequently, the virus was well on its way to south-east Asia, Europe, the US and beyond by the middle to end of January.

And this is why we are where we are now.

I remain to be convinced the whole thing wasn't planned in some way or another.

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on March 24, 2020, 04:01:44 PM
Might be a big country, but the population is miniscule by comparison. They enacted stringent measures from the onset, because they did take it more seriously – as you would if you shared a massive border with China where it all started. The number of cases in February was minimal.

Even more stringent measures are in place now since the virus entered from nationals returning from Italy at the beginning of March. Most of the current increase in confirmed cases is down to this. They currently have some of the highest testing numbers in the world right from January, according to the WHO which has also approved of their labs and said they’ve dealt with it better than many others. Confirmed cases are rising, and probably deaths will do likewise. Still, nowhere near the scale seen elsewhere. They're sending many of their top specialists in virology to Italy. 'From Russia with love.'

Japan took similar strict measures and has been very successful. We, on the other hand, have pissed about too long and now come out with shite like a 20,000 death toll might be some sort of good outcome. I wouldn't trust this current government or the opposition to run a bath these days.

That's the problem though isn't it. If you are a despotic country with few freedoms the powers that be can exert control over the populace quickly, as they have been doing probably anyway over time. In a liberal democracy like ours it is much more difficult.

Lest we forget people laid their lives down in wars and protest to give us those freedoms. Now a virus has come about that is much more devastating where you have a populace who are not controlled by autocracy and despotism, telling them to stay indoors or they will be arrested is not only difficult but goes to the core of the very democracy and freedoms people laid down their lives for.

Not fair is it.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on March 24, 2020, 04:05:52 PM

I remain to be convinced the whole thing wasn't planned in some way or another.

I'm surprised that no one has proffered this has something to do with climate change zealots. Seems coincidental that this virus has virtually shut down markets, grounded planes, taken cars off the road, reduced pollution and made society much more parochial and insular. Isolate and divide if you will.  :D
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pol on March 25, 2020, 10:58:20 AM
Hopefully all the NMA family are doing ok . I'm even finding the lockdown tough and I'm a introverted loner at the best of times . The house is looking well clean  , though still have more to do. Built up a supply of games to play other the last cpl of weeks including red dead 2 and the witcher 3 but can only play xbox for a few hours before I've had enough.
Anyway is these troubled times I hope all the family stay safe , stay strong everyone
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 25, 2020, 11:05:53 AM
Guernsey in lock down,Jersey not ?....looks like our idiotic Politicians may let us down again.. >:(..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on March 25, 2020, 12:16:12 PM
Might be a big country, but the population is miniscule by comparison. They enacted stringent measures from the onset, because they did take it more seriously – as you would if you shared a massive border with China where it all started. The number of cases in February was minimal.

Even more stringent measures are in place now since the virus entered from nationals returning from Italy at the beginning of March. Most of the current increase in confirmed cases is down to this. They currently have some of the highest testing numbers in the world right from January, according to the WHO which has also approved of their labs and said they’ve dealt with it better than many others. Confirmed cases are rising, and probably deaths will do likewise. Still, nowhere near the scale seen elsewhere. They're sending many of their top specialists in virology to Italy. 'From Russia with love.'

Japan took similar strict measures and has been very successful. We, on the other hand, have pissed about too long and now come out with shite like a 20,000 death toll might be some sort of good outcome. I wouldn't trust this current government or the opposition to run a bath these days.

That's the problem though isn't it. If you are a despotic country with few freedoms the powers that be can exert control over the populace quickly, as they have been doing probably anyway over time. In a liberal democracy like ours it is much more difficult.

Lest we forget people laid their lives down in wars and protest to give us those freedoms. Now a virus has come about that is much more devastating where you have a populace who are not controlled by autocracy and despotism, telling them to stay indoors or they will be arrested is not only difficult but goes to the core of the very democracy and freedoms people laid down their lives for.

Not fair is it.

No, it isn't at all. The reality is though that it's a necessary 'evil' at this moment in time.

Going back to statistics about this particular virus, there's an amazing piece in The Hong Kong Economic Journal about the massive collapse in mobile phone accounts in China in January and February only - a staggering 14 million mobile users have disappeared from the network. (

To me, what this would seem to suggest is a higher death toll than official statistics claim. It could also suggest a large number of people have also gone 'missing' (see references in previous posts). Undoubtedly, it indicates the undesired effect of the CCP's behaviour on their own economy.

I don't trust a single word from Xi's mouth about any of this. I reckon their death toll is many many times more than official statistics would suggest. The reality is that we'll never know: they'll cover ever angle of it up.

I also echo what Pol and Ghosttrain said. Our politicians are absolutely pathetic in dealing with this. They never took it seriously from the start; they have no real plan of action. Italy has to beg Russia for help, because the EU can't even co-ordinate help to its own member states.

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Johnz on March 26, 2020, 08:47:17 AM

Going back to statistics about this particular virus, there's an amazing piece in The Hong Kong Economic Journal about the massive collapse in mobile phone accounts in China in January and February only - a staggering 14 million mobile users have disappeared from the network. (

To me, what this would seem to suggest is a higher death toll than official statistics claim. It could also suggest a large number of people have also gone 'missing' (see references in previous posts). Undoubtedly, it indicates the undesired effect of the CCP's behaviour on their own economy.

I don't trust a single word from Xi's mouth about any of this. I reckon their death toll is many many times more than official statistics would suggest. The reality is that we'll never know: they'll cover ever angle of it up.

To be clear, nowhere in that article does it actually suggest that the drop in mobile phone accounts is in any way linked to a higher than reported death toll (The article concludes that the most likely reason is that people are giving up some of their multiple phone accounts due to the recession caused by the pandemic). So this is purely speculation on your part and not in any way supported by the link you provided (which most people won't bother to read but they will retain your bit of unfounded opinion). These are uncertain times full of misleading information distributed by people with their own questionable agendas. Please don't add to that.

Admittedly, I wouldn't put it past the Chinese government to play down the threat of the pandemic but I am surprised that you believe that Russia would not resort to the same tactics. And while the number of reported cases remains low, they have reported a sharp increase in lung infections. Apparently, these are not cases of the corona virus. Make of that what you will, but it doesn't bestow a great deal of confidence in the accuracy of the reporting of Russian corona virus cases. Here is the link:
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on March 26, 2020, 12:50:01 PM
In reply to Johnz.

When I said, ‘To me, what this would seem to suggest’, I should have clarified ‘this’ as the drop in mobile phone users/accounts. It is what I meant, but I should have been clearer.

I’ve made use of modal verbs (would and could) which clearly don’t state anything definitive. This is additionally reinforced by the use of ‘suggest’, because that is what it is, and ‘to me’ to reflect this is my interpretation and/or opinion(s). I write in such a manner for these reasons.

I think it’s hardly an example of ‘misleading information’ on the basis of some ‘questionable agenda’. What I said here was not stated as fact, but when it was you had no issue with it. So, what exactly is this ‘questionable agenda’ then? My central criticism throughout is of Xi and the CCP and their collective, abhorrent behaviour. I note you haven’t taken issue with that or the connection between ‘wet markets’ and coronaviruses. This is really central to my argument, isn’t it?

I’ve read widely on the issue, probably more than the average person at this stage, and I certainly don’t claim to know everything. I also have some personal experience which offers a first-hand insight, having recently been in Jiangxi, the next province to Hubei (Wuhan), in late October and November last year. I saw a 'wet' market in Nanchang; I'll refrain from comments here. What I can definitely say is one can’t function in China without a mobile phone (as a tracking device and form of ID, to pay for goods and services etc…). The very next day after I arrived I was presented with a Chinese SIM card, because 'this makes life so much easier for you'. The government tracks everything you do, and they know exactly where you are and where you are going at all times. Using facial recognition and mobile phone tracking, I wasn’t even able to gain access to certain buildings or even leave the one I lived in without having my mobile, literally in my hand, and showing my face into a screen before I left. Personally, I found the overwhelming ‘Orwellian’ edge to everything about everyday life quite unsettling, as I imagine many here would. Consequently, I find it almost impossible to believe that the authorities somehow don't know what's going on, especially with what happened in neighbouring Wuhan in December of last year. 

Such a massive collapse in mobile phone users/accounts would seem to suggest (again note the choice of language) the death toll is higher than official figures, and that a number of people have gone missing. I actually provided proof of the latter, small though it is. This decline is also down to the economic effects of the CCP’s behaviour - which I stated in no uncertain terms. I don’t believe you refuted this. The higher than official death toll isn’t a proven fact yet, and it may never be unless the CCP come clean, but I would confidently suggest that it is much higher. However, I’d be more than glad to be proven wrong here. 

Your assertion I believe Russia would not resort to the same tactics concerning data manipulation remains unclear. Earlier I stated Russia is not really what this is all about. I support closing borders as soon as possible - hence the example. I also upheld Japan and Ireland as good examples of this. There is no dispute about this. However, I also said the WHO ‘seems to be patting Russia on the back’, but ‘only time will tell if they experience the same spikes in numbers…’ I’m critical of their failure to apply the same border closures throughout. There is now an official increase in confirmed cases. It may well be inaccurate, but they could also refute that increase. As I understand, that increase in confirmed cases is due to returning nationals from abroad. Perhaps there’s more to it. There is the argument of increases in pneumonia and the connection to the coronavirus, but there is also disagreement about this in the Reuters article you presented. Therefore, it’s not really offering any concrete evidence, is it? It’s an interesting and important read, nonetheless, the subject of which deserves attention.

Are we getting the full number of infected cases and even deaths in Russia…Iran…Italy…Spain…the USA and the UK? Most likely we aren’t (at present) for a number of reasons beyond this post.

Herein lies the difference: the virus didn’t originate in these countries. China has a vested interest, and a clear 'questionable agenda' in downplaying these numbers for that reason, and that reason alone, not to mention a number of others. I could see a plausible reason to suggest Russia and Iran would or could downplay numbers.

**There is now talk in the UK that we are 'fiddling' the death figures amid concerns for 'family consent'. What largely seems to be true now is that data collection is not uniform in many countries. Could Boris Johnson really be doing this, keeping criticism of the CCP off the table and still keeping the borders open for incoming flights from China, when the rest of us are all in lockdown, to get his much valued free-trade deal? Any quarantine measures in place? Just a thought... 

Again, it’s what has happened/is happening in China that is of fundamental importance here. I think any defence of the CCP would be a ‘questionable agenda’. They did it with SARS in 2002; they’re doing it again in 2019-2020.

Out of interest, do you think if the same thing had happened in Hong Kong or Taiwan that they would have behaved in this manner?

Unfortunately, this is a repeat of SARS, but on a greater, far more worrying scale.

I sincerely hope we learn from this one for a change. If we are to do so, we have to be able to question everything about it. The CCP clearly doesn't want anyone in China or the outside world to do that. That was evident from even before it was officially recognised. 

** Added to original post in light of new information.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 26, 2020, 02:34:38 PM
We have had our first death here in Jersey,surely we must lock down now ?....  >:(...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: cthulhu on March 26, 2020, 09:42:43 PM

One thing you haven't mentioned or considered is a central fault of observation for your theory. in china millions of people have at least two sim cards. that's because millions of workers are wandering workers, outside or inside of china. there are more than 1,6 billion sim card contracts in china, so that is much more than the overall population. so with a very rectricted travel possibility many of those owners of more than one card had no use for one of those cards to avoid roaming costs or couldn't use it anymore under quarantine. like having one card for your carphone, sitting with family members at home and its cheaper to cancel one contract while havein several mobile phones at hand.
this loosing of sim card contracts is a sign of a recession more than a sign of vanished and dead people.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Johnz on March 27, 2020, 11:10:32 AM

China's handling of the situation was certainly not ideal but they are not alone in this. Besides, Russia's track-record is just as bad when it comes to suppressing information that might be damaging to the regime. True, China should have been more open about this from the start but we have known about the virus for 3 months now and most countries outside of SE Asia have only started to react in the last 3 weeks. A costly mistake that may cost tens of thousands of lives.

Personally, I am pondering the long-term implications of this pandemic. I am slowly starting to realize that life or society as we know it may be severely altered by these events. Questions I am pondering include:

Will this make us more caring of the weak and less fortunate or more accepting of life's inequalities?
Who will pay for this? The rich or the poor?
Economically, what exactly is the problem? The people, money, goods, raw materials infra-structure etc., everything will still be there. It will be a question of organizing it in new ways but what will that look like?

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 27, 2020, 11:39:46 AM
Boris Johnson tests positive....Just heard on the news Matt Hancock also positive..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on March 27, 2020, 02:07:22 PM
We have had our first death here in Jersey,surely we must lock down now ?....  >:(...

Who knows what is best? Sweden are going for Herd Immunity at the moment.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on March 27, 2020, 02:11:19 PM

One thing you haven't mentioned or considered is a central fault of observation for your theory. in china millions of people have at least two sim cards. that's because millions of workers are wandering workers, outside or inside of china. there are more than 1,6 billion sim card contracts in china, so that is much more than the overall population. so with a very rectricted travel possibility many of those owners of more than one card had no use for one of those cards to avoid roaming costs or couldn't use it anymore under quarantine. like having one card for your carphone, sitting with family members at home and its cheaper to cancel one contract while havein several mobile phones at hand.
this loosing of sim card contracts is a sign of a recession more than a sign of vanished and dead people.

Well, I was one of those people with a Chinese SIM card where it will simply look like I don’t exist now. In fact, I myself could be considered one of the disappeared/missing etc… However, I don’t think it’s that easy to cancel your phone in China, given its fundamental importance to everyday life there. At this exact moment, you need to have a green code on your phone to indicate you are in good health, in order to access a number of things. No phone, no life. Population is 1.4bn. Now new estimates say 20-21mn accounts are gone.

One thing for certain is what I said about the ‘undesired effect of the CCP’s behaviour on their own economy’.  I’d also extend the effect to the world economy.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on March 27, 2020, 02:15:14 PM

China's handling of the situation was certainly not ideal but they are not alone in this. Besides, Russia's track-record is just as bad when it comes to suppressing information that might be damaging to the regime. True, China should have been more open about this from the start but we have known about the virus for 3 months now and most countries outside of SE Asia have only started to react in the last 3 weeks. A costly mistake that may cost tens of thousands of lives.

Personally, I am pondering the long-term implications of this pandemic. I am slowly starting to realize that life or society as we know it may be severely altered by these events. Questions I am pondering include:

Will this make us more caring of the weak and less fortunate or more accepting of life's inequalities?
Who will pay for this? The rich or the poor?
Economically, what exactly is the problem? The people, money, goods, raw materials infra-structure etc., everything will still be there. It will be a question of organizing it in new ways but what will that look like?

The way in which China handled the situation was nothing short of criminal at best. I’m very critical of the terribly slow, inadequate response of countries caught in the aftermath, particularly my own. However, the real reason we are where we are now is because of the ignorant, unquestionable dictates to doctors in Wuhan. 

I asked a rhetorical question about what would’ve happened if the same coronavirus had appeared in Taiwan or Hong Kong. I say rhetorical, because we both know the answer is that it wouldn’t have happened. Why? That’s also a rhetorical question.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on March 27, 2020, 02:22:37 PM
Personally, I am pondering the long-term implications of this pandemic. I am slowly starting to realize that life or society as we know it may be severely altered by these events. Questions I am pondering include:

Will this make us more caring of the weak and less fortunate or more accepting of life's inequalities?
Who will pay for this? The rich or the poor?
Economically, what exactly is the problem? The people, money, goods, raw materials infra-structure etc., everything will still be there. It will be a question of organizing it in new ways but what will that look like?

Exceptionally good questions!

My guesses are we will be more accepting of life's inequalities. Not because we are evil, but because life is unequal. People seem to be dying at many ages now, whether they have underlying issues or not. I do hope it makes us a bit more caring as the populace of this planet, but I suspect after this there will be some serious legwork required in all areas to clear up the shitstorm we are going through. Just look at the record number of Americans unemployed.

I think one thing we might learn is that the cessation of activities has been good for the planet and think on that!

Who will pay for this? That is an easy one; everyone. Who will that impact on the most? I think you can answer that one easily yourselves.

Third question, yes SOME. not all of it will still be there (infrastructure, projects on pause etc). I suspect most of it will just be revved up again. Certainly that is my plan.

All my staff are currently on furlough, and I can't thank the government enough for stepping in to help with that, while me and my partner/business partner (they are the same) are using this two months to plan that restart of our activities. Though she is currently sunning herself in our garden  ::) as we needed time to chill and get our tactical heads on.

As everyone was in trouble when it all stopped this week, so did everything around us including the offices we rent, other contractors, our rivals etc. I suspect it was the same for most. So it was weird in that it is almost like everything stopped at once, meaning everything is where we left it ready to go in June. The big problem for us and everyone else will be......will we be back in June?

Anyway enough of my wibbling on this. In the end none of us know where we will be in two months really.

As my long gone Dad used to say as a top Construction person; "what worries me is I don't know what I don't know"!

Exactly.  :)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Johnz on March 28, 2020, 10:10:16 AM

Exceptionally good questions!

My guesses are we will be more accepting of life's inequalities. Not because we are evil, but because life is unequal. People seem to be dying at many ages now, whether they have underlying issues or not. I do hope it makes us a bit more caring as the populace of this planet, but I suspect after this there will be some serious legwork required in all areas to clear up the shitstorm we are going through. Just look at the record number of Americans unemployed.

I think one thing we might learn is that the cessation of activities has been good for the planet and think on that!

Who will pay for this? That is an easy one; everyone. Who will that impact on the most? I think you can answer that one easily yourselves.

Third question, yes SOME. not all of it will still be there (infrastructure, projects on pause etc). I suspect most of it will just be revved up again. Certainly that is my plan.

All my staff are currently on furlough, and I can't thank the government enough for stepping in to help with that, while me and my partner/business partner (they are the same) are using this two months to plan that restart of our activities. Though she is currently sunning herself in our garden  ::) as we needed time to chill and get our tactical heads on.

As everyone was in trouble when it all stopped this week, so did everything around us including the offices we rent, other contractors, our rivals etc. I suspect it was the same for most. So it was weird in that it is almost like everything stopped at once, meaning everything is where we left it ready to go in June. The big problem for us and everyone else will be......will we be back in June?

Anyway enough of my wibbling on this. In the end none of us know where we will be in two months really.

As my long gone Dad used to say as a top Construction person; "what worries me is I don't know what I don't know"!

Exactly.  :)

Yes, the whole world is practically on hold. It's such a strange situation. I run a little tourism venture in New Zealand so that has just headed south. I may just be able to avoid bankruptcy but I can't see the business being able to survive.  So I already know that for me personally, this is will be a complete new beginning but there will be countless others in the same situation.

I'm lucky that the government is very supportive at this stage.  Many people in other countries are not so fortunate.

I somehow don't think we can just carry on where we left off. On the bright side, there is tremendous potential for positive change but unfortunately history would suggest otherwise.

I guess, like most people I'm stuck at home wondering what exactly this all means.

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on March 29, 2020, 03:08:44 PM

Yes, the whole world is practically on hold. It's such a strange situation. I run a little tourism venture in New Zealand so that has just headed south. I may just be able to avoid bankruptcy but I can't see the business being able to survive.  So I already know that for me personally, this is will be a complete new beginning but there will be countless others in the same situation.

I'm lucky that the government is very supportive at this stage.  Many people in other countries are not so fortunate.

I somehow don't think we can just carry on where we left off. On the bright side, there is tremendous potential for positive change but unfortunately history would suggest otherwise.

I guess, like most people I'm stuck at home wondering what exactly this all means.

I do hope you are not "going South"! How much is the NZ Government giving support or monies to help you bridge the gap? Seeing as it is government that has shut us all down, they need to help. To be fair the UK government are......though how quick that cash comes will be the issue. And I say that as a politically right of centre person. Did you have to lay staff off, or is it just you?
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 29, 2020, 07:53:57 PM
Txt. message sent out tonight at 7.00 ,listen to wireless  or visit at 8.00 for latest Covid update second person has died in Jersey,and they now know infections not spread by people who have returned to the,as of midnight tonight Jersey is in lock down.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Johnz on March 30, 2020, 06:01:23 AM
I do hope you are not "going South"! How much is the NZ Government giving support or monies to help you bridge the gap? Seeing as it is government that has shut us all down, they need to help. To be fair the UK government are......though how quick that cash comes will be the issue. And I say that as a politically right of centre person. Did you have to lay staff off, or is it just you?

Thanks for your concern ldopas. There is some government help here in NZ but it will only be for the short to medium term (weeks to months). It will bridge the effects of the lockdown but won't help to overcome the longterm implications for travel and tourism. Once travel restrictions are lifted, most people are unlikely to have the money or inclination to go to far-awy places. NZ tourism relies almost entirely on international visitors. I only have two staff who are thankfully being looked after by the state. But from what I can see the tourism industry will take a huge hit (well it already has but this is just the beginning)

I try to be philosphical about it. Less travel and tourism will be good for the planet. NZ like many other places will have to reinvent itself and look at alternative ways to get back on its feet again. So there is plenty of potential for new ideas it's just a question of adapting Here's hoping!

I hope you're going to be ok. I guess the construction work will still be there at least to some extent. NZ was a bit slow to look after the self-employed but they have sorted that out now. Will you be able to keep all your staff employed?

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 30, 2020, 07:54:03 AM
It would seem Jersey is not in lock down....Construction sites,Builders Merchants still open ?...I have just received txt. saying stay one seems to know what's happening...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Johnz on March 30, 2020, 09:02:57 AM
It would seem Jersey is not in lock down....Construction sites,Builders Merchants still open ?...I have just received txt. saying stay one seems to know what's happening...

What exactly are your lock down conditions? They seem to vary greatly. Here in NZ all non-essential work has stopped. You can go food shopping and on short walks in your local area to get some excercise. The latter is a contentious issue as many people seem to apply their own interpretations to the term local. Looks like the authorities will clamp down harder in the coming days. Meanwhile, everybody is going nuts reporting everyone who appears to brake the rules. I'm equally irritated by the rule breakers and those that denounce them. Basically, everyone is sitting at home being confused and somewhat irritated. A small price to pay for the wellbeing of everyone.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 30, 2020, 10:10:48 AM
Food shops and Chemists open,ok to go shopping for food and to exercise but only to stay out for max.2 hours.All non essential workers to stay home, and only travel if urgent....the traffic outside my flat this morning is as busy as ever,i live above a builders merchant which is operating as normal,though some staff did'nt arrive for work this morning due to the confused messages sent out by our Government in an emergency broadcast last night,and as i said Construction sites are open......i,like the few people i have spoken to this morning are totally confused... ::)..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Johnz on March 30, 2020, 10:29:20 AM
There was a bit of confusion here too but it seems mostly ok now. We're one week into the lock down now. The general message is to stay at home so that seems to getting through to most people now.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on March 30, 2020, 12:34:53 PM
Confusion...that seems to be the new normal.

Germany is not in a lockdown as such...we call it "Kontaktverbot", some sort of "no-contact provision". You are ok to leave the house to go shopping, to the doctor, to work and are even encouraged to go for walks (normal for me as I have to walk my dogs anyway). There are no time- or geographical restrictions, either, you just have to be on your own or with max 1 other person...unless it's all people from your own household or your core family (even if they do not live in the same household). All pubs, bars, restaurants and shops are closed, only pharmacys, banks, gorcery stores or places offering take-away (which many restaurants have now switched to in the hopes of keeping business going a little bit at least) are allowed to be open. So it's pretty much the same as in many other places, just with a different name. Panic buying is definitely an issue here as well...toilet paper, kitchen paper, flour, yeast...pasta and rice are making a comeback, mind you.  ;)

It seems people are following the rules, so far, so good, and many are unusually friendly, greeting each other when, normally, they wouldn't even look at you.

My company doesn't offer the option to work from home so life, for me, feels almost normal, but I do worry about people who are struggling right now, with their businesses closed. And, even though it may seem unimportant under the circumstances, but along with others volunteering for "our" dog rescue, which has its own shelter close to Rome, I am worried about the dogs there, more get abandoned and the shelter is overflowing, only 3 people looking after the dogs there - and they are already beyond exhausted, worrying every day whether they will still be allowed to go the shelter and hoping that they will still be able to buy food - usually there are 3 vans loaded with food and other donations travelling from Germany to Italy - and on the way back they are taking some of the dogs to their new homes over here. It didn't happen in March, obviously, and might not happen again any time soon. I know, people are suffering and dying, so this may seem trivial - but we are responsible for these dogs...and we want to fight with the few over there fighting for them.  :'(

It's really hard to tell what's real and what is not - so much information we have to try and make sense of.

I hope you will all get through this safely, take good care everyone!  :-*
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Simon73 on April 02, 2020, 08:31:40 PM
I am I  Berlin still we can go out thanks God even if too many people dont give a shit and others are scared and walk along the walls when u pass by. but having lots of good time with my daugther at home from school. we do homeworks, go out at parks to play where there is no one around, do yoga, play music. work out in the bedroom.............etc. have not bought any tickets for the 40 years show had no idea where i woud have been in Juy in Berlin becasuse that was corresponding to my daughter s summer holidays then all this shit happened. of they play <berlin and even close to my place is fucked up of i don t have a ticket. with all the times i travelled to see them, met lots of you everywhere etc. absurd........i could have see the band i follow since and 18 just spending the money for the ticket and that is it.
let s hope the situation will get better.
my family and friends in Italy are going crazy
unbelievable as economy work music life suddenly stops because of a ******* virus.................
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Simon73 on April 04, 2020, 12:05:37 AM
I have just watched the local news on TV and the main report was an interview with one of the top men from The CO OP our largest supermarket over here.......unbelievable, he is standing in front of rows of empty shelves wtf,we have one case and already people are panic buying.I realise as an Island we could have different problems to mainland Britain (obv.a majority of our goods are shipped in)  but i think this is a bit over the top.If the weather dies down i may venture into town in the morning,it will be interesting to see what i find (or don't as the case may be)... ::)..

yes u are right. the situation in Italy is unbelivable.............something like 700 , 800 or 900 dead in a day! I am Italian living in Berlin since many years but my parents and lots of my family members are there almost all in the North between Turin and Milan. Insane,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this virus is a ******* killer. few sympoms and a few hours later u are attached to a respiratory thing ventilator whatever is called.
unbelivable as everything can stop for a bloody virus. economy, jobs, lives, bars, concerts, may be nature s revenge on us all..................
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on April 05, 2020, 06:06:08 PM
Ok. I know these are difficult times, but the constant negative bombardment in the media Im finding very draining. Yes we all need to stick to rules, but websites are filled with death, numbers of dead, whether we wear masks or not etc. My job puts me into potential contact with people who may be ill and I cant let my guard down for a second. God help anyone with mental health issues at this time because its starting to wear me out. I still think the numbers game per population will be tiny. Scant consolation if youre one of the unfortunate ones, but do we need this being bombarded at us?
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on April 05, 2020, 09:18:08 PM
Boris Johnson admitted to hospital ...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on April 05, 2020, 10:10:18 PM
Ok. Im not a Royalist in any way shape or form. However we have a monarchy and it has been that way since I was born. For all its faults, I do beleive as a figurehead the Queen has been impeccable. Her speech, while its no doubt been scripted, is needed for the country as a whole, as it was during the war, because our way of life is under attack.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ron B on April 05, 2020, 10:58:48 PM

Just wanted to give you a heads up from across the pond in the US. We have heard that Boris Johnson has been admitted to the Hospital. As much as I could say a lot of things good about that I will refrain and leave that to you people because you have to deal with him .Our Fearless wannabe leader Donald uses most of his press briefings to bring up unproven cures not demanding that governors give mandatory stay at home orders. Some states did that like NY, Calif, who have smart we will tell the truth governors that are for their people did order stay at home except for essential services. of course bashing his Democratic opponents when he once claimed that this was fake news and we only had 15 cases at the time and it will soon be down to Zero in a few weeks . well at the time I am writing this in the USA we have 335,524 cases with going close to 10,000 deaths. having moved to Texas recently that state has just ordered a SAH but because I work at what they consider a essential work place my company is exempt and I do have to work not from home. Anyway just wanted to see how the family is doing now that this virus has hit worldwide. Hope people stay safe. be well we the people can get thru this. 8)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on April 05, 2020, 11:32:59 PM
Ron B. I always appreciate your thoughts and your taste and knowledge in music is phenomenal. I dont like Trump and I think he's fudging through it like the idiot he is. Not a huge fan of BoJo either. Having said that politics are wholly insignificant at the minute. He's a human being at the end of the day. We can sort the who did what at the end of it all. I hope, as everyone else, recovers.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: jc on April 06, 2020, 09:51:12 AM
Stay safe Ron, and indeed everybody.


Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on April 06, 2020, 12:01:23 PM
Johnson and Trump have made mistakes and criticism thereof is justified. However, I certainly wish nothing less than a full recovery for Johnson.

Nonetheless, the real blame for this situation we're in lies with the Chinese Communist Party and their deplorable behaviour, dating back decades. That has already been detailed earlier in this thread.

Recently, it is emerging just how significant the behaviour of the WHO and its Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has been in all of this debacle. Seemingly, as Minister of Health in Ethiopia, he was involved in alleged cover-ups of three possible cholera epidemics. Despite the obvious in China's clumsy attempt to cover up its own severe failings in dealing with this current coronavirus, Tedros has praised their containment measures, a 'new standard for outbreak control'. He wouldn't know how to criticise Xi's behaviour, and it isn't, seemingly, part of his job description as WHO Director General. Strange that, isn't it?

The Director General failed, in January, to declare that the current coronavirus constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. He also stated that there was no need to address global travel restrictions in light of the evidence. (Perhaps Johnson and Trump paid attention to this, and it formed part of their own thinking.) At any rate, it's obvious this remains a crucial factor in the rapid spread of coronavirus - it simply wasn't properly addressed and that's because the CCP never wants any examination herein of what is transpiring. I suggest Tedros was getting a significant backhander from Xi to keep his mouth shut and turn a blind eye to what the evidence really suggested. We'll address the possibility of 40,000+ deaths in China later.

Yet there's more...Tedros also refused to address Taiwan's pertinent warnings about the coronavirus at the beginning, knowing full well that Xi, WHO and UN don't want any focus whatsoever on Taiwan, itself excluded from WHO and removed from UN. Then again, Tedros did want Robert Mugabe as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador, and he couldn't possible understand why people objected to that. And...what exactly did Mugabe do for Zimbabwe's health system that was so great he would eventually die in a hospital in Singapore by his own choice? An even greater joke is that Communist China has been appointed to the UN Human Rights Council. Absolutely unreal.

At this stage, any possible credibility of international organisations, like WHO and UN, is minimal at best. They are also victims of the coronavirus, but they actively chose this path for themselves. 
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on April 06, 2020, 03:50:57 PM

J. We have heard that Boris Johnson has been admitted to the Hospital. As much as I could say a lot of things good about that

Say a lot good about someone contracting a killer virus because we don't support his politics? Is that the level we are sinking to? Maybe you didn't mean it like that.

I wish everyone who gets it a quick recovery, many won't recover sadly.

And when they recover we can start to have a go at them again. That is my view.

Lets not forget our humanity shall we?
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on April 06, 2020, 03:57:24 PM
Johnson and Trump have made mistakes and criticism thereof is justified. However, I certainly wish nothing less than a full recovery for Johnson.

Nonetheless, the real blame for this situation we're in lies with the Chinese Communist Party and their deplorable behaviour, dating back decades. That has already been detailed earlier in this thread.

Amen brother! Chinese animal husbandry and its part in the virus passing from animal to human might be a topic for further discussion as well!
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on April 06, 2020, 08:04:15 PM
Boris Johnson in Intensive Care...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on April 07, 2020, 01:53:19 PM
Johnson and Trump have made mistakes and criticism thereof is justified. However, I certainly wish nothing less than a full recovery for Johnson.

Nonetheless, the real blame for this situation we're in lies with the Chinese Communist Party and their deplorable behaviour, dating back decades. That has already been detailed earlier in this thread.

Amen brother! Chinese animal husbandry and its part in the virus passing from animal to human might be a topic for further discussion as well!


I remember having a fantastic English teacher when I was a teenager. She had us read 'The Plague' by Albert Camus as our one book 'in translation'; in other words, not part of "real" English literature. Published in 1947, it told the story of a virus which was transmitted from animals to humans with great efficiency and a devastating effect. I clearly recall her saying that it would only be a matter of time before such a thing did happen. I remembered that book yet again when Killing Joke wrote 'The Virus' five years ago. Ah, memories...

More on 'The Plague' (

Boris Johnson in Intensive Care...

Quite a concern that so many in government have got it.

Another concern is the number of people wanting him to die and infect Trump. Pathetic displays from the usual old corners. 
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on April 08, 2020, 06:50:46 PM
I would urge anyone to look at the BBC Documentary on the flu epidemic in 1918. It is currently up on iPlayer and I suspect it was shot before this outbreak as their is speculation about what might happen if it occurred again.

The language they use, the spread, the mode of spread, some of the tactics sound very much like right now. And 50 to 100 million died, they don't know the right number. That virus mutated, so lets hope this one does not!

What stopped it.........herd immunity.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: lotus on April 16, 2020, 05:26:37 PM
Mr. Ray and Ghosttrain,
you are one of the posters here nearly each day and stopped one week ago -
are you ok?
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ManxPat on April 16, 2020, 06:43:09 PM
Aye I hope those mentioned above are alright :-/... Like Ghostrain I live on a small Island although the weather here is not as good as Jersey's. The first couple of weeks after procedures were put in place ( we were roughly 2 weeks behind the rest of UK ) were crazy..panic buying so empty shelves..ghost town-like streets etc etc. It seems to have calmed down a fair bit now or maybe we are all just getting used to it? There does seem an inordinate amount of people who have taken up jogging or cycling doesn't there?! I really feel for older folk who may have already been fairly isolated and are now completely cut off from friends and loved ones. Wouldn't it be nice if Internet providers donated tablets and free broadband en masse to those who need them. Huge respect to all care givers at this time. Be well folks! x
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on April 16, 2020, 07:31:42 PM
Hi lotus and ManxPat thanks for your concern...the reason i have not posted is i am showing symptoms of Covid 19,it started last Friday, i have been feeling really poorly and am self isolating and resting.I am awaiting testing,but we have only just got testing avail.over here recently...........thanks once again,and hope you and everyone else is safe. :)..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: lotus on April 16, 2020, 07:59:21 PM
Hi Gosttrain,
I check the dates of the place (county) I life  and some other places and the islands Guersey and Journsey each day
Here we have less than 100 of 200.000 (if that`s no fake, because I can`t a number of tested persons !), but  the dates of the place you life are growing and more persons died (none here?)
I`m an oldie and a member of a risk group with health problems, too

Let`s have a good feelings for the future
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on April 30, 2020, 10:46:10 AM
I have just read on BBC News site that a Church in London is selling Covid 19 cure kits,after a probe into the kits they have renamed it as Divine Cleansing Oil,a bottle of oil plus some red yarn costs £91.00 a bottle they say they have sold nearly 2,000 so far.... :o...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 07, 2020, 01:18:40 PM
I've got it.
The short of it is.. I've been diagnosed with a new heart condition and Covid -19 as a Brucie Bonus.

My older son found me unconcious on the bathroom floor early tuesdays morning and called 999.-he didn't know I'd already fainted earlier on in the night but I'm thankful for his quick reaction and cool head taking charge of the situation.

I was in the GWH until early evening yesterday and they released me to protect the hospital from the virus.

All in total isolation now for 14days.

Younger son is delighted he doesn't have to go to work now.


I thought I had been quite careful but the worrying thing is that the GWH think I could have contracted the Covid while I was at The Horton for my cancer check up in March- that is not very reasuring news.

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on May 07, 2020, 02:14:08 PM
Hope all goes well WW, with both your issues. Im sure everyone here send you their thoughts and love. I really think all this talk of ending lockdown is premature. I get that we need people at work, but this thing hasnt gone away. The media hasnt helped this whole thing, speculating about what is going to happen, when no-one knows.
It just shows though, hospitals are supposed to be the pinnacle of hygiene. If they cant get it right, it makes it harder for the rest of us.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Johnz on May 07, 2020, 05:49:16 PM
Really sorry to hear that WW. I hope you're well looked after.

All the best.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on May 07, 2020, 06:27:46 PM
So sorry to hear this ,i really feel for experience compared to yours is nothing,and i know how bad i's hoping for a speedy recovery....take care,thoughts and prayers go out to you..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Shush on May 07, 2020, 08:39:48 PM
Bloody hell Wezzy. How much more do you have to endure. You've gone through worse than this in recent years and you will beat this. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: jc on May 07, 2020, 09:54:50 PM
Get well soon Michelle x


Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 08, 2020, 07:26:14 PM
Hope all goes well WW, with both your issues. Im sure everyone here send you their thoughts and love. I really think all this talk of ending lockdown is premature. I get that we need people at work, but this thing hasnt gone away. The media hasnt helped this whole thing, speculating about what is going to happen, when no-one knows.
It just shows though, hospitals are supposed to be the pinnacle of hygiene. If they cant get it right, it makes it harder for the rest of us.

Thanks Bunny
 Yeah, people need to work but they don't need to die in the process of some fat cat protecting their profits.
Seeing the virus in hospital shows me we are nowhere near having this under "control".

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 08, 2020, 07:27:15 PM
Really sorry to hear that WW. I hope you're well looked after.

All the best.

Thanks Johnz, I'm not alone with this.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 08, 2020, 07:28:13 PM
So sorry to hear this ,i really feel for experience compared to yours is nothing,and i know how bad i's hoping for a speedy recovery....take care,thoughts and prayers go out to you..

Thanks Ghosttrain.
You look after yourself to mate.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 08, 2020, 07:30:10 PM
Bloody hell Wezzy. How much more do you have to endure. You've gone through worse than this in recent years and you will beat this. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.

Thanks Shush.
Crazy shit innit?
I must have been a total c*nt in my past life eh?!
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 08, 2020, 07:33:29 PM
Get well soon Michelle x



Thanks Jack.
I'll do my best !
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Shush on May 09, 2020, 12:09:14 AM
Bloody hell Wezzy. How much more do you have to endure. You've gone through worse than this in recent years and you will beat this. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.

Thanks Shush.
Crazy shit innit?
I must have been a total c*nt in my past life eh?!

To me you have been a star in this un. Sod the past. Best to you for now and the future   :)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pol on May 12, 2020, 12:16:03 AM
Get well soon Michelle.

Ok a question for anyone living in England.  What do you think about boris's decision to go the stay alert message,  telling people to go back to work when Scotland,  Wales and northern Ireland have said stay to home .
A total open question,  trying not to be too political tho that's difficult. 
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on May 12, 2020, 08:12:20 AM
I think it all comes down to money. We cant keep paying for people not to work. Ive had to work through it so far and if you can adapt how you work, then you do. In theory, as long as people are distancing, its possible, in the same way you can still shop. It relies on companies putting strategies in place and employees working with it. Work from home whereever possible is till the message, and there's no reason offices should all flood back. That said, what happened in London yesterday was idiocy, where the tubes were jammed. I guess its a case of waiting to see what happens.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: fiddlesticks on May 12, 2020, 11:32:48 AM
They're easing the lockdown in England only.

I'm thinking of moving to Wales before the relatives turn up  ;D

We're going to have to get back to normal at some point though. With sensible measures in place, and working from home where possible, it shouldn't be too difficult.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on May 12, 2020, 12:05:53 PM
The Lock Down also being eased in Jersey......going too far in my and a lot of other peoples view...we seem to have a lid on it here 25 deaths so far,and not a new one for quite a while and yet our Government think it's a good idea to open more shops,pubs selling food and relaxing restrictions on building sites.....i fear this is a very bad decision as it seems in several countries where they have eased up they are getting increased numbers of infections...Time will tell..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on May 12, 2020, 02:30:27 PM
I've got it.
The short of it is.. I've been diagnosed with a new heart condition and Covid -19 as a Brucie Bonus.

:o Dear me, so sorry to hear this - you really have so much to deal with. *hugs*
So glad your son reacted so quickly, well done!

Wishing you - and everyone else who is dealing with COVID19 or anything else - all the best for a speedy recovery!  :-*

Things here in Germany - well, I am almost tempted that we are getting back to normal, which is obviously not true.
But so many of the measures, which weren't all that strict to begin with, are being eased now. That's a good thing, don't get me wrong. But it seems that many people indeed seem to interpret this as "hey, this is over" - and that is certainly not the case.  ::) We'll see where this leads us - guess we have to try at some point, right?
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 12, 2020, 07:31:35 PM
Get well soon Michelle.

Ok a question for anyone living in England.  What do you think about boris's decision to go the stay alert message,  telling people to go back to work when Scotland,  Wales and northern Ireland have said stay to home .
A total open question,  trying not to be too political tho that's difficult.

Thanks Pol.

not going back to work in the near future.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 12, 2020, 07:32:30 PM
I've got it.
The short of it is.. I've been diagnosed with a new heart condition and Covid -19 as a Brucie Bonus.

:o Dear me, so sorry to hear this - you really have so much to deal with. *hugs*
So glad your son reacted so quickly, well done!

Wishing you - and everyone else who is dealing with COVID19 or anything else - all the best for a speedy recovery!  :-*

Things here in Germany - well, I am almost tempted that we are getting back to normal, which is obviously not true.
But so many of the measures, which weren't all that strict to begin with, are being eased now. That's a good thing, don't get me wrong. But it seems that many people indeed seem to interpret this as "hey, this is over" - and that is certainly not the case.  ::) We'll see where this leads us - guess we have to try at some point, right?

Thanks Stephanie.
Getting better everyday.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on May 13, 2020, 02:09:37 PM
Get well soon Michelle.

Ok a question for anyone living in England.  What do you think about boris's decision to go the stay alert message,  telling people to go back to work when Scotland,  Wales and northern Ireland have said stay to home .
A total open question,  trying not to be too political tho that's difficult.

We have to start getting back to work at some stage. £300 billion of the economy is gone and if that continues we will not have money for public services like the NHS, unemployment will create health both physical and mental and many other issues that will make COVID 19 look like a cakewalk. But we need to do it carefully.

I appreciate your phrase about not trying to be political Pol. And you are right it is hard. The usual suspects have popped up to try and muddy the waters. Sturgeon your end three weeks ago was bleating on about needing a roadmap out of the lockdown and the SNP (I read it and thought it sensible btw) produced a very short idea document. They did this because the UK government flatly refused time and time again to discuss a way out of lockdown. Now the UK government is trying to chart a way out...lo and behold...Sturgeon want to keep the lock down. Interesting think you not?  :)

No one knows whether it is right or wrong, but we will pretty soon see. There is an element of common sense to this, but as others have said here, not everyone has common sense sadly!

I'm reopening our business on the 1st June and am currently writing and putting in place procedures and protections for employees and the public.

The other thing that pisses me off is the people who say what the government is not clear or confused. Well I'm currently working through the 62 page "Working Safely during COVID-19 Guidance for employers, employees and the self employed"...and it is pretty damn detailed. More detailed than many of the current regulations!!!!!

There are documents for individuals and other sectors. So I'm fed up hearing how confusing it is by media people trying to make political points.

And I cannot tell you how much money we've spent on anti-bacterial gels and PPE from all over including China. I think I should give bloody Matt Hancock some lessons here.  ;)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pol on May 14, 2020, 12:13:01 AM
I believe Scotland is a cpl of weeks behind England in curve,  I'm all for things slowly gearing up,  The Scottish parliament only has so much power.  Personally I would have liked to smaller businesses and shops opening up first and activities that done safely allowed first,  ie fishing,  golf etc. Masks compulsory on busy public transport
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: dilla on May 14, 2020, 10:30:41 AM
Here in N.W.Wales,we've been relatively lucky,but yesterday our county ,Gwynedd had more new cases than anywhere in Wales.Welsh government is obviously worried that relaxing lockdown will bring hoards of tourists to rural areas.As everywhere else,some people are abiding by lockdown rules while others are simply ignoring them.Police told a friend that 90% of calls were from people reporting neighbours who had visitors,bbq's etc.Any strange car in town(everyone knows each other)is reported to police. :-[.As a so called vulnerable person I've been advised to stay in for 12 weeks.,however I think common sense and personnal responsibility must be the way ahead.Yesterday we were told we could go fishing(which I live for..after NMA of course ;D)so I am going, ensuring safe distancing.Beaches are quiet.Doubt I'll ever go to a gig again unless they find a vaccine :'( but think I've been lucky to see NMA so many times over the years.As Wales is still officially closed it will be interesting to see how english tourist areas like Devon and the Lake District cope with Boris' easing of lockdown rules.Stay safe everyone
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: lotus on June 03, 2020, 04:47:16 PM
Hello Ghosttrain and Wessexy Witch,

good to read your postings here - you are fine and have recovered without to heavy problems now?

Some other often posters here stooped writing - I hope, they are only bored and still well ...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 04, 2020, 08:26:24 AM
Hi lotus,yes i am fine thanks....and i too was wondering why there are not many posts,as you say hopefully from boredom and not anything else.....
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pol on June 05, 2020, 10:42:27 AM
If anyone is wondering,  I'm good,  using the lockdown to lose weight and get a bit fitter,  been out walking most days approx 5/6  miles sometimes more , have cut out all the crap from my diet n have lost about 20 pounds or 8kg ? .
See today that bald men are prone to the virus . Everything still a bit behind in Scotland,  hopefully phase 2 will go ahead after the 18th . Missing family and friends and of course the gigs .
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 05, 2020, 10:52:32 AM
Good to hear you are fine Pol,maybe a few others we have'nt heard from for a while could just post to let us know they are o.k.?..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: fiddlesticks on June 05, 2020, 12:57:08 PM
All ok here. Just downloaded the Where I Am stems from the main site (thanks NMA!) : not sure whether to do a techno remix or a family singalong with it.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 05, 2020, 03:50:08 PM
Glad to hear you are o.k.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: witch on June 06, 2020, 06:39:42 PM
Get well very soon
All the best for you
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: ldopas on June 10, 2020, 10:13:43 AM
Hi lotus,yes i am fine thanks....and i too was wondering why there are not many posts,as you say hopefully from boredom and not anything else.....

Not many posts hopefully because I'm hoping that people are getting back to work.

As you can see from my earlier posts in this thread, the uncertainty and the misery of lockdown's early where days for me, where my partner and I had to shut our construction business down in the lockdown. Well logistically shut it down, as she is my life partner as well we continued doing stuff from our home.

We started it up three weeks ago with all the guideline rules in place and it is massively busy I'm glad to say. It seems everyone wants construction. So much so we are hiring more people in the next month and we are having to turn work down. Hope it continues, fingers crossed touch wood etc. And I'm proud to say we lost not one person, 2 of them we have set them up in their homes with IT equipment as they need to shield.

Sad thing is the three business parks we operate from are only about 1 quarter full of the companies that were here, most have still not started back. We have a £300 billion hole to fill folks!!! Taxes to pay to keep the NHS going. Lets mobilise!  :)

Plus I'm fed up of being told by this limp government that they are talking about it while we watch rioters on the streets, discussions about statues while people are dying in a pandemic, idiots gathering on beeches and government ministers of both parties not obeying their own guidelines.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 11, 2020, 02:44:54 PM
What kind of construction do you do ?
Where are you based?
What areas do you cover?

If it's useful, I can spread the word amongst my friends (face to face and interwap) to get you some customers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on July 21, 2020, 11:58:04 PM
Just wanted to express my joy for being properly back at work after four months! So here I am at work, quiet night, productively browsing memes and this forum :)
When the lockdown started in CZ somewhere in mid-March, I've succesfully done...pretty much nothing. First few weeks of lockdown were interesting... Stuck at home with limited options what to do. Got bored with cleaning after first week :D It didn't help much that I'm a bit ''technologically challenged'': I don't have internet at home and I'm still using old stupid-phone. Just books, radio and old laptop full of music keeping me company :) But I'm a lucky one as I still got paid. I got paid to sit at home, scratching my arse. Gotta count one's blessings! :)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 12, 2020, 06:48:06 PM
More clarity from Bumbling Boris again today..... ::)...

A full scale lock down only a matter of time (imho).....?.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on October 23, 2020, 03:10:49 PM
Covid, covid... Where to start?

Maybe someone has noticed I haven't visited the forum for a while... Not because I'm ill or anything, but, I still do not have the internet at home and now the situation seems to be that I also do not have a job anymore :'(

I've been working in the same hostel for over seven years and truly love my job (minus the two years when I had to manage the place ;D). It's obvious and not hard to guess that the travel industry is one of the most hard-hit during this pandemic. The result being, they closed the hostel two weeks ago. Past two weeks I've been scratching my arse at home. Except of course now... I came to empty reception to use computer  ;D

Although I should not complain too much... As the new lock-down measures started yesterday, my boss called and told that as the government is now going to pay 100% of our wages, it seems better to keep people in the payroll still. And there's a minuscule chance that they'll re-open the place on March, I'm waiting for any updates on that but not with high hopes. Also, as I happen to have permanent contract, the labour laws are on my side which means that when they'll kick me out, the company has to pay me quite a few more months after that - I can count myself being incredibly lucky  :o  :)

But I am complaining because I love(d) my job.  :'(

I wanted to open a new topic but well, the covid topic is perfectly suitable for this... As I'm curious, I wanted to ask from all of you:

Is your job essential, and how has this pandemic affected your jobs?
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 23, 2020, 04:19:56 PM
Sorry to hear your news....hope it all works out well in the end.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on October 31, 2020, 10:04:53 PM
Well im isolating as of today as someone I was on a course with tested positive. Test booked for tomorrow. Happy days.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on November 01, 2020, 08:00:20 AM
Good luck with your test...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on November 01, 2020, 12:11:44 PM
Cheers dude. For anyone who doesnt know you have to swab your tonsils, gag repeatedly, the shove the same swab up your hooter. Such fun :D
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on November 01, 2020, 01:09:23 PM
Exactly how my best friend described it when she had her test....
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: lotus on November 01, 2020, 01:17:12 PM
Good luck with the test from here, too
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pol on November 16, 2020, 08:14:17 AM
Does anyone else believe its the big reset , the new industrial revolution,  it's their new normal,  the more you dig into it the more it makes sense. Destroy capitalism with extreme socialism. You'll own nothing but you'll be happy!
Or have I become a tinfoil hatter ?
Do a bit of research before you answer  , feel free to knock me
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on November 16, 2020, 01:59:06 PM
No sorry Pol, I dont. I know someone who works at the local hospital who tells me that its creaking. I also know someone who is very ill with it.

The question I keep asking and am waiting for an answer for. How is it that countries, Islamic, Hindu, Christian, Jewish as well as Communist, Capitalist, left or right wing, countries that would go to war at the drop of a hat, have all colluded to create a disease that is killing thousands as well as plunging themselves into debt trying to control its spread. Ive yet to get an amswer to it. Slight aside to your question I know...but thats for the tin foil hatters blaming Bill Gates....who mainly seem to be American right wingers.

IF any government beleived China had started this deliberately, then the trade embargo would cost them billions and it would be out there already. Or they do know and its being dealt with in corridors of power. No way any western government would fund millions of people without an income, or tax contributions.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pol on November 16, 2020, 08:16:08 PM
I'm not saying its not real or was deliberate,  think there using it as an excuse.

From Facebook

Follow the breadcrumbs...

Justin Trudeau (Canadian PM) - "In order to move forward we must Build Back Better" in an address to the United Nations.

Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand PM) - "To move forward we will Build Back Better" in her opening speech after winning the 2020 election.

Joe Biden's election slogan - "Build Back Better"

Boris Johnson 2019 election slogan - "Build Back Better"

Now, go to google, and search for WEF Great Reset (World Economic Forum coined "Build Back Better" with the UN in 2018), and everything falls into place.

The reset is no longer the territory of tin foil hat conspiracy theorists.  It's real.  It's happening.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on November 17, 2020, 07:08:12 AM
Google Build Back Better....its being used by everyone and everything. From wikipedia Bill Clinton first coined it when in office. Get where youre coming from with WEF, but its an organisation thats been in situ 40 years. I cant honestly say my life is affected by a Swiss "lets keep even more money" organisation tbh, and if the goal is to destroy Capitalism, why is it run by capitalists??

Interesting debate though.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pumpkin on February 10, 2021, 07:57:10 PM
So...nearly a year on now...and still unsolved. Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ron B on February 11, 2021, 06:52:05 AM

Well at least this time we have a Leader here in the States that is not pushing it aside or thinking that it will just go away. Plus now their are at least 3 Vaccines that have come to market 2 actually But Johnson & Johnson should be going on soon.  Other than that it seems that Social Distancing is ebb & flow some take it serious others don't. I will say that I have had to wear a PPE mask at work and Have been since late March It's uncomfortable at times as my nose gets runny so I have to have a box of tissues handy with me . Every place whether it is  Gas Station or a 7/11 every Supermarket, Fast food place or restaurant  every Business I have seen requires you to have a Mask on. Just got my Taxes Done last Saturday and they require you to have one otherwise no service. I Only get my meals there drive Thru's or order online and pick up or have delivery . Just have to deal with it till it let's up some . 8)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Master Ray on February 19, 2021, 09:28:49 PM

Anyone had their vaccination yet (or an invitation to one)?

Got mine in a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on February 20, 2021, 08:56:05 AM
I am expecting mine soon,they are still doing 65 to 70 age group....i fall in the next group 60 to 65.....
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pol on February 20, 2021, 09:51:52 PM
Mate got his , said he was ill for a cpl of days after,  fever and tiredness. He is about 30 n into fitness ( high risk group for anyone wondering)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on February 22, 2021, 04:05:36 PM
Aint had mine but I reckon at. Mearly 51 Ive got a month or so to go. I think the whole thing has messed my mental health up, fretting and worrying and being super careful. Be glad when we get life back. I dont think Boris has done an awful job. Some mistakes yes, but the media reporting has been disgraceful. Im all up for free press, but their has to be responsibility/accountability.

Hopefully, Nottingham this year  ;)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: D.R. Quinch on February 26, 2021, 03:55:22 PM
My jab next Tuesday. :)
Ive had the lurg once in October and "maybe" in March?

The March one had the loss of taste (before that was a symptom to watch) and a general feeling of offness.
The October was test certified two weeks of flue like crapness.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on February 26, 2021, 04:47:00 PM
The 60 to 65 age group starting now.,so will try and book my appointment on Monday..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Master Ray on February 26, 2021, 10:23:47 PM

Had my jab this morning!  So far I haven't grown a second head or died or anything...  ;)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on February 27, 2021, 07:05:41 AM

Had my jab this morning!  So far I haven't grown a second head or died or anything...  ;)
But you could drink two beers at once if you did!!
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: lotus on February 28, 2021, 08:05:42 PM
I`m not old enough (80+), not ill enough and since 2018 no special job - have to wait `till autumn?
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 01, 2021, 08:22:07 AM
My first jab booked for this coming Friday.....
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on March 06, 2021, 05:08:56 PM
I had my first jab yesterday.........everything fine, did'nt even feel the needle go in.........sore arm last night and today though..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on March 09, 2021, 06:04:26 PM
I had the Oxford jab last night (8th) so far no ill effects. Staff at the centre reckon theyre doing 1000 a day.
My gut tells me we wont get anywhere near normal til early next year. The media are pushing thing prematurwly.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on March 10, 2021, 06:56:55 PM
I have no idea how's it going on in here, I guess they managed to eff up pretty much everything... Anyhow, two of my friends already had their first jabs as they are teachers... That's something, at least.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on March 26, 2021, 01:32:54 AM
Wasn't sure whether to post this to ''What film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW?'' or here... But I think this topic suits better...  :) (
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Master Ray on March 26, 2021, 10:01:26 PM
Wasn't sure whether to post this to ''What film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW?'' or here... But I think this topic suits better...  :) (

Ha, watched it a couple of nights ago.  I've fallen out of touch with South Park for the main part over the last few years, but it's nice to see how they can still piss people off!  In a badly animated show about dumb kids, no less!  I must catch up on some of the latter day episodes...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on March 29, 2021, 10:32:48 PM
Wasn't sure whether to post this to ''What film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW?'' or here... But I think this topic suits better...  :) (

Ha, watched it a couple of nights ago.  I've fallen out of touch with South Park for the main part over the last few years, but it's nice to see how they can still piss people off!  In a badly animated show about dumb kids, no less!  I must catch up on some of the latter day episodes...

Totally! I find them genius, at least in the dark arts of pissing people off... That's some equality: piss on everyone ;D But they do have some seriously brilliant episodes.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Pol on April 01, 2021, 06:20:02 PM
Vaccine on Monday
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 08, 2021, 10:46:49 AM
I had mine back in Feb.
It was the Peizer one.
Was back in work within an hour.
Few side effects but nothing like having the actual virus.

Hope everyone is well.

Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on April 28, 2021, 12:34:49 PM
Just received txt.second jab this Saturday 01/05/21 @ 14.20.........
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: fiddlesticks on April 28, 2021, 01:45:36 PM
First AZ jab day before yesterday.
Not grown another head yet, or had any strange compulsion to buy Microsoft products.  ;D
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Master Ray on July 04, 2021, 07:48:27 PM

Double vaxxed and feeling bulletproof!   ;D
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on July 05, 2021, 05:14:37 PM
Got the first jab today... Feeling a bit thirsty, of course, if someone tells you not to have beer for next three days that's exactly what you want to do... Still using Windows 7. All fine  :)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on July 06, 2021, 07:18:45 PM
So.... "As you were" says Boris. I really hope this pays off. We're all sick of Covid but I hope lots more dont get sick from Covid. Be very strange, after 18 months, to find normal again. I cannot work out why, on set dates, kids dont have to isolatr after contact etc. Its begging to run rife. I suppose it'll either weaken it or make it more deadly as it fights against the vaccine.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on July 09, 2021, 10:02:27 AM
Bunny, you're guinea pigs. Good luck - we're watching...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on July 09, 2021, 12:04:27 PM
I have been double vaxed for a while and i certainly don't feel bullet proof........nearly all restrictions lifted over here, expecting up to 2,000 fans to watch England match on big screen on Sunday........Total Andrew Marr story.... >:(...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on July 09, 2021, 05:15:11 PM
I have just watched local news, England football final event would seem common sense has prevailed.....5 weeks ago we had 4 cases todays figure is 987..
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Master Ray on July 09, 2021, 09:41:12 PM
Bunny, you're guinea pigs. Good luck - we're watching...

Pah, guinea pigs!  What nonsense! Paranoid conspiracy BS!  Had both vaccines, feeling fine and ready for anything and, I have to say, that second head I've grown recently is coming in really handy with multi-tasking....
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on July 10, 2021, 09:26:15 AM
Bunny, you're guinea pigs. Good luck - we're watching...

Pah, guinea pigs!  What nonsense! Paranoid conspiracy BS!  Had both vaccines, feeling fine and ready for anything and, I have to say, that second head I've grown recently is coming in really handy with multi-tasking....

Well I did not mean it in conspiracy -sense...

But hey, that's how guinea pigs work - everybody wishes they will be ok :) We will be watching.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Master Ray on July 23, 2021, 10:05:21 PM

Interesting but worrying... I'm double-vaxxed.  Still wearing a mask in public places simply because I'm worried about potentially vulnerable folks.  But still was feeling OK with the whole thing.

But... I have two friends who have caught COVID, one of whom is now in the hospital and the other is still at home but feeling terrible.  And they're also both double-vaxxed and took every precaution going, masks and otherwise.

This shit is a long way from being over.  I was looking forwards to going back to gigs but I wouldn't be surprised if we're back in lockdown within a month or two.   :-[
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on November 18, 2021, 01:55:37 AM
Oh, the irony... As much as I've been rolling in dodgy pogo pits in small gigs and festivals, still out of all places I got covid from Damn delta variants. Just got the PCR test back positive. Feeling fine but went to get the test as I lost my sense of smell on Tuesday. So isolation it is, in my tiny flat... Feeling a bit restless at the moment. What can you do. Listening music, playing bass, reading books, mast.....ering the art of how to kill time all by yourself... Going to measure my sanity levels by the same standard as always - by talking to my houseplants. As long as they don't answer back I'm fine.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: jc on November 18, 2021, 08:58:41 AM
Wishing you a speedy recovery and timely release for good behaviour from Covid Jail.


Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on November 18, 2021, 10:58:46 AM
Get well soon...........i am off this afternoon to get my booster jab they also mentioned a flu jab when i made my maybe both we shall see..

Covid booster and Flu jab received......
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bunny on November 20, 2021, 02:10:11 PM
Got my booster today. The first two did nothing to affect me so hopefully this won't!!!
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on November 23, 2021, 11:25:31 AM
Wishing you a speedy recovery and timely release for good behaviour from Covid Jail.


Oh dear!!!! Stay sane andd I hope this will pass without any further symptoms!  :-\

I am with Master Ray, this does not look as if it is going to be over soon. Figures here in Germany are rising like mad - new measures will be introduced tomorrow, I bleive, I do wonder what they are going to be. The mood amongst people is dark, to put it mildly, and there is this huge rift in the population. I am not liking this one bit!  :-[ In part, I do blame our politicians for their lousy ways of communicating, I know ever so many people are just scared and confused and don't know who to believe. Things have been super chaotic and I really don't get why things were done certain ways, despite scientists voicing their concerns and giving advice.
Well, I do know why, actually: the elections - no-one wanted to be any less popular than most of them already were. That's shameful.

It also amazes me - and not in a good way - how futile it is to appeal to people's common sense, to rely on them following recommendations, taking responsibility for not onyl their own well-being but also for that of those around them.

Let's see what's still to come...

Hope you guys will all stay healthy!!!
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Bever on November 23, 2021, 11:48:37 AM
I am with Master Ray, this does not look as if it is going to be over soon. Figures here in Germany are rising like mad - new measures will be introduced tomorrow, I bleive, I do wonder what they are going to be. The mood amongst people is dark, to put it mildly, and there is this huge rift in the population. I am not liking this one bit!  :-

It seems to be the case in a lot of European countries. Figures rising here was well. Mainly non-vaccinated people. New measures were announced last week (had my first ever gig with face mask two days ago), but we all feel it won't be enough. We hope we can visit family during Christmas and New Year. We couldn't last year. And I hope the Cologne shows will go through this year. But I'm not keeping my hopes up...

As for the split in the population: it is worrying. And it is turning violent. Mainly right wing protests, fueled by international right wing social media campaigns.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on November 23, 2021, 12:15:46 PM
And I hope the Cologne shows will go through this year. But I'm not keeping my hopes up...
Yeah, my feelings exactly - I don't quite see how they are going to handle this, to be honest, we are talking a couple thousand people there, no seating (which I would actually hate, mind you!  :o )...guess we will have to wait and see. I keep checking the venue's and promoter's websites.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on November 24, 2021, 05:06:53 AM
And I hope the Cologne shows will go through this year. But I'm not keeping my hopes up...
Yeah, my feelings exactly - I don't quite see how they are going to handle this, to be honest, we are talking a couple thousand people there, no seating (which I would actually hate, mind you!  :o )...guess we will have to wait and see. I keep checking the venue's and promoter's websites.

Yes... I also truly wish those gigs will happen... Getting increasingly pessimistic though.

What it comes to my covid, I'm glad to be double-vaxxed as I have next to no symptoms, even my sense of smell is returning already! :) And if I'm dead-honest now, and this is a bit embarrassing to admit, but this time I've actually enjoyed being in quarantine.. I guess I was in a need of a holiday. It's not a holiday of course - thanks to that fact I don't need to feel guilty about doing... absolutely nothing ;D Haven't heard an alarm clock for a week now... woke up at eleven last night, currently thinking how to spend the rest of this 'evening' :)

Thank you all for wishing me well :)

Such a shame that the situation is worsening all around.. Stay safe everybody! And the German sector here - keep us updated, and hoping to see you in Cologne! :)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on November 24, 2021, 09:48:09 AM
Such a shame that the situation is worsening all around.. Stay safe everybody! And the German sector here - keep us updated, and hoping to see you in Cologne! :)
Will do...Rockpalast has announced yesterday that they will be streaming both shows live - they seem to be pretty optimistic. So maybe...just maybe... ;)

Very happy to hear you are feeling ok - and I hear you about "enjoying" quarantine. The idea of not having to feel guilty about sleeping in and  reading...aahhh, bliss. But I would have to walk my dogs, this might be a big problem, so I guess it wouldn't be all this good for me. :D
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on November 24, 2021, 12:50:32 PM
Such a shame that the situation is worsening all around.. Stay safe everybody! And the German sector here - keep us updated, and hoping to see you in Cologne! :)
Will do...Rockpalast has announced yesterday that they will be streaming both shows live - they seem to be pretty optimistic. So maybe...just maybe... ;)

Very happy to hear you are feeling ok - and I hear you about "enjoying" quarantine. The idea of not having to feel guilty about sleeping in and  reading...aahhh, bliss. But I would have to walk my dogs, this might be a big problem, so I guess it wouldn't be all this good for me. :D

Aaaww come on, you have DOGS!! Dogs are like, the best creatures on earth!  :D I have multiple allergies so no dogs or cats... :( But I do have a plethora of houseplants, they're awesome! Although my friend, when he heard about my quarantine, said my houseplants are probably traumatized by constant company of Me, as they probably remember previous lockdowns  ;D They're still alive and well though :)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on November 25, 2021, 07:21:29 AM
  :D I have multiple allergies so no dogs or cats... :( But I do have a plethora of houseplants, they're awesome!
Oh, I am afraid our place would be your own personal nightmare  ;D At least with regards to the allergies.
5 dogs, short haired, long-haired, from ages 3 1/2 to almost 16...and then there are 4 rabbits and 6 guinea pigs - yep, all of them in the house - but with very strict safety measures regarding the separation of dogs and rodents.  :P
It IS awesome...and messy...but mostly awesome.  :)

I guess plants are probably a bit less messy - but I do see your friend's point.  ;D Plants are supposed to be super sensitive, or so I have been told (mine seem quite tough, actually) - so who knows if maybe they'd prefer a bit more privacy?  ;) Sounds as if you're all getting along just fine, though.  8) And plants ARE awesome!
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on December 02, 2021, 05:59:39 AM
Finally received the test result at five o'clock this morning - I'm back to my negative self! I just phoned my doctor and he gave me even better news; I can go back to work -tomorrow- as he can terminate the sick leave only starting the next day... what a pity! ;D So I opened a beer, and after finishing this one I'm planning to celebrate further by going back to sleep.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: jc on December 02, 2021, 06:21:49 AM
Glad to hear you are now allowed to leave COVID jail, enjoy your day of freedom.


Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on December 02, 2021, 07:51:07 AM
Finally received the test result at five o'clock this morning - I'm back to my negative self! I just phoned my doctor and he gave me even better news; I can go back to work -tomorrow- as he can terminate the sick leave only starting the next day... what a pity! ;D So I opened a beer, and after finishing this one I'm planning to celebrate further by going back to sleep.
;) Now this is what I call good news- very happy for you! :-)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Simon73 on December 03, 2021, 10:28:00 PM
we are now at the fourth wave in Germany, so bad that they are sending patients in Italy (my native country) too, similar to what was happening (on the other way around) last year. But last year with no vaccines I got no covid nor they got it most of the school kids of my daughter s class. Now in the last 3 weeks the class has been decimated by positive cases. My daughter got it, my wife, her mother who came to help while I was abroad for work..and myself as soon as I came back or almost. I came back to a flat where there were 3 positive persons. I mean.......with all my strength and efforts it was impossible to avoid.
The first week was no fun, the week end the worse. The second week was no good but ok. Now I am negative (and all the others family members too) I just still have my throat inflamed and f up but not sure it is the covid or only this also probable the weather cold etc. cold and wind. that s what one gets in berli n usually.
<now no idea but new variants are appearing............I do not see the end of this thing as far as now.
for sure it changed a lot for me. life in general. what before was normal to do now it is no more: seeing friends and going out going to gigs bars etc. i also have lost a bit of interest in all this no idea.
Beside a new model army gig. with a normal health situation..................I always go crazy during a new model gig.
I hope it will happen again soon.
I need that.
best to all
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Tarsier on December 04, 2021, 07:22:27 AM
Simon, sorry to hear you've had such a bad time.. Wishing all the best to you and your family!
And yes, going nuts in gigs is essential to mental health... we need it... Let's hope for the best, the sooner the better :)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Simon73 on December 15, 2021, 08:01:19 PM
Hi all
I got covid, my daughter first from school then my wife then her mother who came to help while I was abroad for work then myself when I came back for sure. We are all good now but the thing is in December 2021 we have more cases in the class of my daughter (Berlin) than ever before. And the new bloody variants etc. unbelievable. a nightmare. and I need a New Model Army gig. old school one.
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on December 16, 2021, 04:02:44 PM
Omicron has arrived here in Jersey...........will be interesting to see how our Government Of Clowns deal with it. ::)...masks at present not mandatory...
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on December 23, 2021, 09:04:19 AM
Hi all
I got covid, my daughter first from school then my wife then her mother who came to help while I was abroad for work then myself when I came back for sure. We are all good now but the thing is in December 2021 we have more cases in the class of my daughter (Berlin) than ever before. And the new bloody variants etc. unbelievable. a nightmare. and I need a New Model Army gig. old school one.
:o Oh...that sucks big time!!!! I hope things have started to look up again?!
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Stephanie on December 23, 2021, 09:18:13 AM
Omicron has arrived here in Jersey...........will be interesting to see how our Government Of Clowns deal with it. ::)...masks at present not mandatory...
Doesn't sound too promising... :o

Fingers crossed, stay safe :-)
Title: Re: Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Post by: Ghosttrain on December 23, 2021, 10:49:58 AM
No surge in cases (yet)?....i think New Year/Jan./Feb. may be different....time will tell..

Happy Christmas to you all.. :)..