The official NMA board

General Category => On The Road => Topic started by: 8 on October 24, 2020, 10:18:23 PM

Title: For the love of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: 8 on October 24, 2020, 10:18:23 PM
Post anything and all that you wish, here to thank EVERYONE involved for making this happen... especially these five terrific men.

Mr. Sullivan,  Mr. Dean,  Mr. White,  Mr. Gill  and  Mr. Monger



Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: fiddlesticks on October 24, 2020, 10:23:15 PM
Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: flodhaest on October 24, 2020, 10:25:28 PM
Amazing setlist and lots of power - just f... brilliant.

Thanks a lot to everyone involved!

Title: For the love of these soldiers = NMA & co.... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: 8 on October 24, 2020, 10:36:32 PM
I have SO much to say... OMG, where to start... where to start.

First off... that was fcukin'

   AWESOME !!!

:D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: Tarsier on October 24, 2020, 11:28:44 PM

8, sometimes there are so many words that there are no words  :) Love you also!  :)
Title: For the love of these soldiers = NMA & co.... the APPLAUSE thread :)
Post by: 8 on October 25, 2020, 12:56:11 AM
That was SO much more and better than I was hoping it would be!  I wish I could have that every night, heheheh!  If you guys ever opt to do this sort of LIVE online streaming thing again, fcukin' count me in.  I'm going to pay-to-view it again tomorrow as well.  I have crap internet speed, and watched the entire show on my laptop, in a 5"x7" frame and STILL, it blew me away!  Yeah, even if there were a few glitches, it was SO  WORTH  IT and every cent, plus so much more!!!  I'm certainly in for a DVD+CD release of the show, if you good folks decide to produce one.  I honestly think you guys ripped yourselves off by charging just a tenner.  I would've paid as much as I do to see Neil Young!  Really.  I'm dead fcukin' serious about that.  Stop questioning and doubting yourselves already, ok?  Okay.  8)

It was SO wonderful to see everyone, especially Mr. Dean & his kit.  It seemed bigger than the one that goes on the road with him, but I might be just imagining it.  Would've been sweet if we had a bit more Mr. White in there, but loved that I could hear his voice pretty clearly.  When you lovely lot (DW, MG, CM & MD) sing back-up together, you blend so well that it's so hard to peg who's who in there, when singing your parts.  That's fantastic, actually.  Never in the entire history of the band, has it been blessed with such great singers, voices.  It was ace to see Mr. Gill playing a Les Paul again, too.  And Mr. Monger, your bass lines and acoustic guitar abilities truly impressed me.  I love that Mr. Monger and Mr. White can play so many different instruments, and so well too.  What a bonus that must be!

Mr. Sullivan, thank you so much for warming up all the in between spaces between the songs.  It's little things like that are the magic, underestimated, often overlooked and underappreciated bits to many, but certainly not the case here, with me.  I treasure those moments.  Also, you made a comment about your voice not doing what you wanted it to do, but I loved the way you ended that particular song.  I wouldn't've changed a thing, the song turned out just as beautiful.

Ms. Denby... the unknown soldier, your artwork was superb intertwined and woven in there, too.  And if the idea was yours, to have all those truly magnificent photos grace our screens during the intermission / break, that was such a brilliant touch.  You all should seriously consider putting together a real photo album, NMA coffee-table type book.  Every single one of those photos was amazing.  I'd certainly love to purchase such a book, if ever one is produced.  It'd be even more so beautiful, if it was interspersed with your art work, not just pieces that have been used for NMA, but just anything you've painted and drawn over the years, would be just gorgeous.

I really want to thank every single person who had a hand in bringing this whole unconventional live gig to fruition.  I hope you all found just as much love and joy in it as much as we all did, as audience members, supporters.  I'm sure it must've been really odd, weird for you guys, like perhaps what actors have to go through when working with green screens.  It really uncovers who the true artists are, as you've each so well confirmed and proven that you are, to us earlier this evening.

This next bit is the weirdest bit, for me to digest.  I swear on my own life that I can't see the future, but sometimes I really frighten myself to death, really.  Never in my wildest dreams or scariest nightmares did I see what was coming when I posted this next bit in  an old thread (  back in January of 2019... but it actually came true.  I just wish it had been under brighter circumstances though than due to covid-19.  But what was made earlier this evening by you wonderful musical soldiers & co., was astonishing, sacred, and an absolutely treasured blessing.

Thank you, each of you, for offering and making something beautiful out of a seriously crap situation due to covid.  Rest warmly this evening,  'soldiers on either side of the burning bridge'...  'cause you've more than earned it and hope to see you all in the flesh, at some point in the (hopefully) not too distant future.  Take care of yourselves and each other.

Lots of love, respect and gratitude,

But, I suppose if all else fails, NMA could set up to play in a large crowdless room, with great acoustics, somewhere in Bradford (or wherever), with video cameras set up to record at all interesting angles, and we could pay via paypal or something to get access to view such a concert(s).  Who knows, maybe this is where gigging might end up going / being for some other bands, but I do NOT see this as being the case for NMA/JS... they just love to play live, even if some of them might not like touring bit so much.  :-[

Many of us here are somewhat regular NMA/JS concert goers.  But I know folks that unfortunately see one gig, and that's enough for them... they don't catch the bug, as it were.  And I remember Ms. Denby mentioning that fewer and fewer people are going out to see fresh new talent, which I personally don't understand, like what could possibly be better than watching a cool gig?  ???

Sadly, I have no clue how to help out that band(s) / artist(s)  I love, other than to go see them play live and  ONLY  buy their merchandise  directly  from their own official websites or at their gigs.  I keep trying to brainstorm possible solutions or ways around losing revenue, for them, but I haven't figured anything out yet... primarily because I'm not in the music business, I'm just a regular Joe, y'know?  :-[

Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: Marcin D. on October 25, 2020, 06:56:53 AM
Much obliged! Brilliant! Amazing setlist and intermission photo session.

Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed and participated! G&G as the closing touch ....
Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: dharug on October 25, 2020, 09:21:53 AM
Have to agree with everyone here, definitely one of the best things I've seen during this dreadful year! Loved the performance, loved the sound, loved the video, and felt just as immersed in the music as during a live show! (despite the stream quality ranging from average to catastrophic, but that's neither here nor there...)

Was interesting to see how many people from all over the world tuned in, maybe it could be possible to stream selected live shows for a wider audience in the future?
Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: Guillaume on October 25, 2020, 09:41:20 AM
A BLU RAY/DVD release of this concert would be very welcome!

The piano session was great too!:
Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: cthulhu on October 25, 2020, 12:09:03 PM
This was way better than i had imagined! The sound was so good, so much better than at a live gig for obvious reasons, the camera work was good, a praise to the crew who was filming and mixing the images!!, the graphics and the design and the lights..perfect...touching...moving...and the performance was so live and real, it felt so good to re-visit those beloved songs presented by the best music band ever!!

At first i couldn't take my eyes of the screen and i noticed, that when i'm at a gig i have my eyes more closed, even while dancing than open and i mostly hear the concert than watching them perform and it took a while that i went into that mood that i was totally fulfilled by the music, the song, the instruments, the voices, having my eyes closed in front of my tv and feeling the whole thing...

The second part though was sadly disturbed by connection problems and many songs were kind of destroyed, but i didn't freak out, i kind of had expected that and in overall it was ok. There were more fantastic, beautiful moments than those damn digital errors.

I was very, very moving and the end, justin being kind of very moved too it seemed left a bitter aftertouch for me, because we all don't know what will come and on those gigs, when he said "good luck for the future, we'll see you next year.." this time he couldn't say that...and i cannot stop worrying, that those gatherings, the concerts, so many people very close to each other, sweating and BREATHING, the same air, the life that connects us, flows through us will be a thing of the past..

A BLU RAY/DVD release of this concert would be very welcome!

The piano session was great too!:

Wow, thanks for sharing this, this is very cool and touching!
Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: Shush on October 25, 2020, 04:07:03 PM
Despite my own technical difficulties I manage two songs in to get it performing good and clear on TV with laptop plugged in. As ever, superb, rehearsed to perfection performance. Like all NMA gigs, time just flew by. We sat there looking at each other when they went off for a break, then realized it was actually 9 pm !

Many thanks to the band for doing this. Lets hope things will be back to normal next year  :)

Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: lotus on October 25, 2020, 04:12:19 PM
Yes, it was great to follow
My personal highlights were Turn Away and Dawn (2. part the sound was better)
Better than them ...
Many thanks to NMA and the team in the back for this :) :)

Still hope next year live concerts are possible again ...
Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: Winterwulf on October 25, 2020, 08:50:51 PM
That was a brilliant night, thank you to everyone involved. Wonderful to hear some of those tracks played again, was chuffed that "Red Earth" made it in, likewise "Turn Away" and although we all knew something from the earliest days would get in, who would have guessed it would be "The Cause"?

It really would be great to have it released on DVD, to watch at leisure without the pixellation and drop-outs, so here's hoping!
Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: Red on October 26, 2020, 06:50:42 AM
Unfortunately I had to miss it due to working away and also out on track so couldn't even get a sneaky view but will be watching on Wednesday night

Thankfully I haven't yet seen any spoilers apart from someone posting the set list

Judging by the reactions I've seen I can't wait
Title: Re: For the love of the of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: Guillaume on October 27, 2020, 02:15:47 PM
Title: For the love of these soldiers = NMA & co.... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: 8 on October 27, 2020, 07:08:35 PM
Well, it was 'four o'clock...' (actually, more like 4:38am 8)) 'in the morning, and still'  I could  'not sleep.  Turning over turning round, twisting in' my 'sweat'.  After having been up all night, last night, trying to write a letter, then giving up on it halfway through and putting it away ('cause I suck at writing anything).  Anyway, I decided to go to (  and paid my way back in to re-stream NMA's 40th Anniversary Global Gathering.  I knew I wasn't going to get any shut-eye, so why bother trying, it was almost 5am.

I must say, the entire performance left me quite emotional by the end.  It was even more-so deeply touching, profoundly moving the second time 'round.  See, it was 3pm in the afternoon here, when I watched the original stream.  Even with the shades down, it'd been too bright outside my window, to really soak it in, like it was being filmed... in the dark, like it was meant to be taken in, mood-wise.  Not only that, I didn't realise how much I actually missed during the original stream due to refreshing the page every so often, which seemed to happen every time Mr. Sullivan was just about to part his beautiful lips to speak to everyone who tuned in.  And those moving words of love, warmth, truth, insight, light, hope and wisdom, in between the songs, he so kindly and generously offered, shared, were among some of the most tender, genuinely sweetest. best moments of the evening. :'(

I'm not going to say anymore about the beautiful gig.  Reason being, I want everyone who wasn't able to view it then, right through to the to end of this Wednesday, to not run into too many spoilers.  I want them to have a fair chance.  However, be warned though, come 12am UK time Thursday onward, at some point 'round then or in the days shortly thereafter, I very much intend to return to further post in-depth thoughts and details about the wonderful show, experience, etc..  There's so much more that I wish to say and ask, here, on these boards pertaining to the whole treasured event, etc..  So please, don't get mad at me then, all ye gentlefolk?

I'm going to stream it a third time, again tonight.  It's the very least I can do.  Plus, it's another chance to see NMA!  Whoa!!  Who would pass that up?  Not even in my wildest dreams can I see them in action every night.  It's crazy!  embarrassed soft lol, what the heck am I saying!  I'm the one that's crazy!  Ahhh, but completely harmless though. :)

Title: For the love of these soldiers = NMA & co.... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: 8 on October 27, 2020, 11:31:33 PM
I'd like to express further thanks to NMA & co. for making the live stream available to view, via purchase, for a few more weeks!  This is such wonderful news!  I'm assuming a few means 3 or more weeks.  I wasn't able to get clarity on ( website.  Also, I seriously appreciate the behind-the-scenes photos accompanying these incredible updates on the official .org site.  I don't understand a lot of what I'm seeing, yet still, geeking out and over all of it like some fool in love.  THANK YOU!  As NMA fans we never get to see the mechanics of what it takes to build up a terrific and truly engaging show.  It's a bit like being back in school again.  Terribly fascinating and exciting!  Well, it certainly is to me.  I so love these tiny glimpses.  Thank you so very, very much for that bit of insight... makes the entire experience even more rewarding, special.  :)

Title: For the love of these soldiers = NMA... the APPLAUSE thread. :)
Post by: 8 on October 31, 2020, 12:56:07 AM

Ok, I just got all choked-up, teary-eyed, emotional, thanks to NMA & co. and the countless beautiful people of this magnificent forum - (which I 100% feel and believe, is a direct reflection of the truly wonderful people in and around this most amazing band = NMA & co.).  I just saw the latest update on the NMA .org  home page (  And was elated to see that gorgeous photo of the empty room with all your gear, laid out and prepped to be played, in it!  lol, don't laugh at me already, well... not for this post anyway... I love ALL of this.  I really, really I do!


I never realised that you guys used pedals in a live situation.  Maybe that's because I'm too fcukin' short to see them resting by the foot of the mic stands, when I come to see you all play, in-person.  I can tell they're used on the records, but didn't realise that you do, or at least Dean does when you guys play live.  I say this because the pedals I'm noticing are by Dean's Evolution keyboard, but then there are a few where Justin was positioned as well.  Was Justin using pedals too?  Not sure if Marshall was using any, but I think think I see a rack or whatever you'd actually properly call it, in the near distance, to the right, just past Dean's keyboard.  Who was using those ones, Ceri?  After inserting these fantastic photos, looks as though Ceri did in fact use pedals.  So one question has been answered.

After having a wonderful moment gazing at the gear photos, I now, don't think I was imagining it, but Michael's kit there, in that shot is bigger than the one that goes on the road with him, when you guys come here, to do gigs in North America.  Correct?  In that shot of Michael's kit in the "Thank you" section of the (above in red) latest update, I noticed a rather curious looking piece.  It's the greyish round, black-rimmed disc shaped piece.  It's situated just below the high-hat, to the left, looks like a pad-type thing of some sort or other.  Anyone can tell me what that piece is and does?  It doesn't look acoustic to me... but I'm a dick about this kind of stuff, so I honestly haven't a clue.  If you happen to know, I'd so love to be enlightened.


While I was watching the incredible performance, (so far, seen it 3 times now, and intend to keep pay-to-view streaming it as many times as I can, before the chance is gone forever)  I noticed these pinkish either rubber band or nylon cable ties secured to the drum head? of Michael's snare drum.  What do those pink ties or whatever they are, do.  What is there function?  And that thing, lol, (boy, am I dumb-fcuk or what, lol, sorry this stuff, the mechanics of it all, genuinely thrills and excites me to no end.  I hope everyone reading this post will forgive my ignorance, naiveté and perhaps humour me)... anyway, yes that thing or large square piece of equipment - that almost looks like a hard case or some kind of amp or something - plugged into the electrical, that was resting by Michael's left as he sat playing, which blared the number 244 in a bluish coloured light... what is that piece?  A monitor of some sort?  What's it regulating?  What's its function, purpose?  What does it do?


While watching the 40th Anniversary gig stream, I was convinced that Michael's kit was set on top of a riser.  However, having a better look at this amazing rehearsal photo, it looks like he was actually on the venue's stage, while the rest of the guys were where, under normal circumstances, the audience would be found.  Is this correct?  So cool seeing all these photos!  Lovin' this!!  All of it!

I never realised Michael wearing an ear piece before, well, at club-level gigs here in Canada.  Normally I barely get to see him, 'cause he's naturally set too far back and I'm a real shorty, lol.  Well, I know Michael doesn't play to a click track, so what would he be hearing through his ear piece then?  Would it be his own voice as he sings or something like that, to maybe stay in tune or something?  Justin was wearing one as well, but only them two guys were.  lol, I certainly don't believe someone was whispering sweet nothings in their ears, during the performance... so what was the function or purpose of the ear pieces?  Were they the way they getting cues from the guy playing director or something like that?

Marshall was playing another guitar that looked like it might've also been some kind of a Gibson during "Orange Tree Roads".  I've never seen him play that one before.  Anyone, able to tell me more about that guitar?  That was the only song where he used that particular guitar.  Was Marshall using pedals at all, too?  I still can't tell, even with all these inserted photos.  I would love to know.



Though I'm still talking about gear, I'm going to swerve a bit off-topic, but only for a quick moment here...  Was any of that stolen gear from the Walsall gig back in 2012 ever recovered?  I wasn't here back then (was going though some personal shit, and was off here for 7 years or so).  Anyway, Viv had posted...

We only ever found one guitar (the black Gibson SG), nothing else sadly.

Is this still true, that no other gear was found?  How about Dean's laptop, that was stolen from his place, containing the making-of the NMA album "High" on it...Was the laptop ever found?  If the answer is no, that it was never found, then somebody, anybody, please I beg you, tell me where and how incredible, spooky youtuber  "Kimmo - Finland"  has this  ultra-rare piece  of  NMA footage (  From what I imagine, that very clip would've been from that exact same NMA making-of "High" video recorded material, that was still on Dean's laptop, and only there, I believe, because it hadn't been saved, backed-up elsewhere.

Ok, if there is absolutely anyone here reading this post, with a nice chunk of time on their hands and a genuinely gracious, kind heart and open willingness to enlighten an annoying simpleton = me, by answering any or all of the dozens of questions I've asked anywhere in this very post, then please, jump in and make my day? ??? You don't have to be any of the guys in or around NMA, (well, unless anyone from NMA or connected to them in some capacity wishes to humour and enlighten me, then great, but I'm positive they've all got a million better things to do then answer my "Stupid Questions", warm lol.)  I would SO, be utterly grateful, to absolutely anyone who answers.  I don't really care who answers, but would so dearly love and appreciate answers.

I genuinely love this kind of stuff.  I love music.  I love NMA.  I love the great people on this forum, both old and new... you're ALL wonderful.  :):'(:)  (those are rather emotional happy tears, by the way)

Cheers!  :)
