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General Category => On The Road => Topic started by: fiddlesticks on October 25, 2020, 12:31:45 PM

Title: Vengeance - alternative second verse?
Post by: fiddlesticks on October 25, 2020, 12:31:45 PM
I had a feeling Vengeance might make an appearance last night. Somehow, though, I'd never realised it had an alternative second verse.
Nothing wrong with that, just wondered what the story was behind it?
Title: Re: Vengeance - alternative second verse?
Post by: 8 on October 25, 2020, 01:14:11 PM
I had a feeling Vengeance might make an appearance last night.  Somehow, though, I'd never realised it had an alternative second verse.
Nothing wrong with that, just wondered what the story was behind it?

Same here, about the not knowing about the alternate second verse.  Anyone able to recollect or post the actual alternate verse, here in this thread?  ???
Title: Re: Vengeance - alternative second verse?
Post by: Ragamuffin on October 25, 2020, 01:27:22 PM
Loading up the barrels at the warehouse gates
Men in overalls on double rates
Put the stuff in the river and away for a beer
Don't worry too much, they don't live around here
And the poison seeps into every pore
Every child's eyes, every innocent's sore
Everybody knows behind the closed doors
Kick down the doors, kick down the doors

I remember when they first performed this years ago. It prompted a thread on an early version of this noticeboard of new verses for Vengeance. There were some pretty good ones.
Title: Re: Vengeance - alternative second verse?
Post by: 8 on October 25, 2020, 01:50:59 PM
"Loading up the barrels at the warehouse gates
Men in overalls on double rates
Put the stuff in the river and away for a beer
Don't worry too much, they don't live around here
And the poison seeps into every pore
Every child's eyes, every innocent's sore
Everybody knows behind the closed doors
Kick down the doors, kick down the doors"

I remember when they first performed this years ago.  It prompted a thread on an early version of this noticeboard of new verses for Vengeance.  There were some pretty good ones.

Immensely appreciated!  Seriously, cheers for taking the time to post the verse, and so good to see you still floating around these parts, Ragamuffin.  :)
Title: Re: Vengeance - alternative second verse?
Post by: lotus on October 25, 2020, 01:59:37 PM
And here is a useful link to another alternative second verse  ;)
and some more informations about lyrics, concerts  .....
Title: Re: Vengeance - alternative second verse?
Post by: lotus on October 25, 2020, 02:00:08 PM
Title: Re: Vengeance - alternative second verse?
Post by: 8 on October 25, 2020, 02:21:08 PM
And here is a useful link to another alternative second verse  ;)
and some more informations about lyrics, concerts...

Red Sky Coven version of second verse:

'A girl walks home through a quiet street
Just got off the train, her mum waits at home
The man in the shadow, he sees his chance
Grabs her by the hand and bops her lip
She heads away, screaming, paralyzed with fear
Another court case later, while the lawyers drone
He shouts  "Just look at her in that mini skirt
Man, she asked for it, she wanted it
You can't blame me" '

Whoa, lotus!  I didn't know of this one either!  Thank you!  :)  I wonder if there's a recording of the RSC version of  Vengeance  out there somewhere.  By the way, whatever happened to the recordings that would've made up the  Red Sky Coven Volume 4  CD?  They said there would be one, but it has yet to be compiled and released.  Anyone know anything about the happenings pertaining to RSC Vol.4 ?  ???