The official NMA board

General Category => On The Road => Topic started by: Stingray on March 20, 2022, 08:34:07 AM

Title: Marshall
Post by: Stingray on March 20, 2022, 08:34:07 AM
Does anyone know why Marshall hasn't played for months ???

Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: huwcamden on March 24, 2022, 06:38:33 AM
Yep its a strange one, no word from the band, he's done gigs with his other band, one on the same night NMA played I believe so quite mysterious....the bands recent sets have been better in some ways as obviously have been more full on "rockband" with less emphasis on keyboards, alot of earlier stuff played too..but his stage presence and phenomenal talent are undoubtedly missed...hope all is well with him more importantly anyhow
Title: Where're you at Marshall... where're you at?
Post by: 8 on March 29, 2022, 04:20:14 AM
Does anyone know why Marshall hasn't played for months. ???

Greetings Stingray. :)  Thanks for creating this thread.  We're all wondering the same thing too.

Yep its a strange one, no word from the band, he's done gigs with his other band, one on the same night NMA played I believe so quite mysterious...... but his stage presence and phenomenal talent are undoubtedly missed... hope all is well with him more importantly anyhow

Hey there Huwcamden. :)  Very much appreciated your post and hope Mr. Gill is alright as well.

Just watched some Nottingham vids on YT - what a setlist!
But I wonder - ED back on stage, but no Marshall?
Do I miss some news not using FB?  ???

Hi Lotus. :)  That's what I was thinking also, that I missed something mentioned on other social platforms that I'm not on, like Twitter and Facebook.

Facebook rumour kitchen speaks about "Personal reasons" and band decision.
MG also had a gig with Blackballed last Saturday when NMA had their gig in London.
Make of it what you want!

Hello MaoLee. :)  Was the rumour read on NMA's official FB page, in the comments section or someone else's FB page?  I'm not on FB or Twitter, and so have no inkling whatsoever as to Mr. Gill's mysterious absence.

3.  Was Mr. Gill back with the band?
No.  No mention of him either.  (We're planning to go and see Blackballed soon.)

Hello Fiddlesticks. :)  How soon is the Blackballed gig?  Sometime in April or has it already happened? ???

stage misses Marshall's presence.  I just hope it all becomes clear soon what's happening.....

Hi Bunny. :)  I hope so too.

The above 4 quotes were pulled from other / older threads.

I don't understand the band's silence, though.  Perhaps it's not time to formally inform NMA's fanbase of what's been or is going on?  Not that it's even any of our (=all NMA fans) business.  Whatever their reasons for keeping things under wraps, I hope the front doesn't let this drag out for too long... the not talking about it.  It is the 'elephant in the room', the silence.  Everyone feels it, but no one dares speak of it.  Are things okay?  That's all we really need to know, as fans.

Without coming off as to attack, or be in anyway rude or disrespectful to any soul here, be they in or around the band, are we -- as long time supporters / followers of NMA -- not deserving of some kind of explanation, however tiny, as to Mr. Gill's unusual and prolonged absence?  In due time, of course.  Question is though, it's been 4 months.  The Berlin dates are not that far off now, if one thinks about it.  Will Mr. Gill be participating in those special performances or not?

It's the silence that kills the most.  Just as in other real, close-knit / marital-like, person(s)-to-person(s) situations, it is always the deafening roar of silence that strikes the hardest, cuts the deepest, kills the best part of any kind of meaningful and or worthwhile relationship(s), connection, bond.

I love this band, SO much.  I may be just some lousy nutty fan, but stuff such as an absent band member, matters a whole lot to me.  Powers that be, if at all possible, please address this before the Berlin date happens July 15th.

***This post was not written with intentions of attacking, hurting, pissing-off or offending anyone, anywhere, ever.***
Especially, especially those in and around New Model Army itself.  Please keep this in mind.
If it inadvertently has, I want and need to apologise...
I am genuinely, deeply sorry.
Title: Say it isn't so...
Post by: 8 on April 21, 2022, 08:34:51 AM
Hmmm, :-\ I think wikipedia ( is trying to tell us something. :-[
Title: Re: Say it isn't so...
Post by: Bever on April 21, 2022, 11:33:52 AM
Hmmm, :-\ I think wikipedia ( is trying to tell us something. :-[

That change was done a month ago:

Not sure what authority on the subject user Black Kite has:
Title: Re: Say it isn't so...
Post by: Bever on April 21, 2022, 11:39:58 AM
Hmmm, :-\ I think wikipedia ( is trying to tell us something. :-[

That change was done a month ago:

Not sure what authority on the subject user Black Kite has:

This being said, on his Facebook, it's all Blackballed, no traces of NMA...

Title: Please, say it isn't so...
Post by: 8 on April 21, 2022, 04:13:39 PM
Hmmm, :-\ I think wikipedia ( is trying to tell us something. :-[

That change was done a month ago:
Not sure what authority on the subject user Black Kite has:

Greetings Bever. :)

Not sure whether we've ever conversed on here before, just wish it had been for happier reason(s) though.

Thanks for jumping in here, with all that you did.  I have no idea who Black Kite is either.  I failed to realise that NMA's wikipedia page had been updated in March.  It is often said that one can't and shouldn't believe everything one reads, right? Ohhh... I think I'd be fooling myself if I didn't, in this case. :-[

This being said, on his Facebook, it's all Blackballed, no traces of  NMA...

Seriously, no traces whatsoever, of NMA?  Not even an old post, gig-blip / word, or photo?  Man, :-\ this sounds even more serious than I'd originally thought.  Does this mean NMA's going to be looking for a new keyboard player at some point, seeing as how Mr. White's naturally moved to electric guitar?  Or is NMA downsizing, going to be a four piece from here forward?  So many questions.  Awh, fcuk... I really, really, really want to believe it's all a heap of lies.  ugh.  ugh.  ugh. :-[

Hope we'll find out soon, whether there's any truth to all of this, via official word from either NMA's team :-\ or Mr. Gill himself.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bunny on April 21, 2022, 09:56:32 PM
Well I find that a bit disappointing if that is the case. Not that he's not in the band, because people move on in all walks of life (although I do think he is phenomenal presence).

Im more disappointed, no-one has felt the need to say anything, if it is true. Unless its a huge fall out and everyone is blanking the other but even so its a bit of a let down, that we arent told. Bugger the politics, just say and we can all accept it and move.
Please...I still loves ya come what may  :)
Title: Re: Please, say it isn't so...
Post by: Bever on April 22, 2022, 06:18:53 AM

Seriously, no traces whatsoever, of NMA?  Not even an old post, gig-blip / word, or photo?  Man, :-\ this sounds even more serious than I'd originally thought.  Does this mean NMA's going to be looking for a new keyboard player at some point, seeing as how Mr. White's naturally moved to electric guitar?  Or is NMA downsizing, going to be a four piece from here forward?  So many questions.  Awh, fcuk... I really, really, really want to believe it's all a heap of lies.  ugh.  ugh.  ugh. :-[

Hope we'll find out soon, whether there's any truth to all of this, via official word from either NMA's team :-\ or Mr. Gill himself.

Hi to you too 8 ;)

When I say no traces, I mean in his bio. It just says: Singer/Guitarist at Blackballed. His last NMA related post dates back to September 2nd 2020.

I wish the band would just make a statement.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: fiddlesticks on April 22, 2022, 11:13:26 PM
Billy Connolly used to say "if you haven't heard a good rumour before lunchtime you should start one".

His life advice was always sage, he also said "never make eye contact while eating a banana".

Only joking. Give it some time, it'll become clear when everyone is ready.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Shush on April 23, 2022, 10:58:33 AM
I would like to think there has been no announcement as there is nothing really to tell. It may just be the case that Marsh is having a temporary break from the band for a few months, a sabbatical.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bever on April 24, 2022, 08:32:02 AM
I would like to think there has been no announcement as there is nothing really to tell. It may just be the case that Marsh is having a temporary break from the band for a few months, a sabbatical.

I'm sorry, but I disagree. When a member of a band is not present for several gigs, the least you can do is mention it. When Simon Gallup was replaced by his son for a few gigs, the band communicated that it was for personal reasons and that he'd be back.

Did we need to know what the serious personal situation was then? Hell no, we have no business with that. But I think fans deserve an update. That's all I'm saying.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Shush on April 24, 2022, 10:25:39 PM
Well, at the end of the day they are not very forthcoming, and IMO never have been. That said, I see they have posted on the home page that Michael will be missing the next gig for medical reasons which is sad to hear. I wonder if it is again his knees which he has had long term problems with.

Get well soon Michael  ;)
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Karsten on May 10, 2022, 11:07:56 AM
Bad news if you ask me! Sounds not like friendly parting, otherwise I cannot see any reason why the band would not inform us! Still I wish they gave us confirmation about Marshall leaving the band, I don´t expect any explanation though (as this is of course not our business).

Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Marcin D. on May 31, 2022, 09:26:56 PM
The picture of the band published in the social media along with the announcement of the autumn Rotterdam gig confirms that NMA means Justin, Ceri, Michael and Dean. Unfortunately Marshall is missing. I guess we should take it as it comes.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bunny on June 15, 2022, 04:36:13 PM
Yeah. Just had the email about it. Shame. Genuinely its a shame, because I loved his playing and presence but we know now at least. Theyre more than capable with 4!!! On the flip side, I dont think Marshall will play in a band with that much pull either.

Onwards and upwards.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 15, 2022, 04:49:05 PM
What a great shame.......have no idea of the content of e.mail...I had a great chat with him at A New Day Festival and got his setlist..It was the the last Festival i went to (mainly health issues/Covid cancellations of Festivals/Gigs)...So as NMA headlined the Festival it was the last (and best) act i may ever see........''What A Wonderful Way To Go''.. 8)..

I wish him all the very best for his future and his musical career.......
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bunny on June 15, 2022, 04:58:53 PM
Yes I agree. Can only wish him well. Ill never forget I caught his gaze in Nottingham and I had a grin that said so many positive things...and he got understood it too.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bever on July 26, 2022, 06:08:07 AM
Wow. It now goes so far that if you hint at the Marshall situation on the NMA fan page, your post is removed and you are unable to post again.

( (

I was posting because it was said that posts mentioning Marshall were being removed. My post was not even about Marshall, I was merely stating that by franticly removing all these posts, they were creating their own Streaisandeffect. That was all.

( (
image hoster (

Censorship, eerie...

Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bever on July 26, 2022, 06:11:22 AM
With some kind words from the group admin to boot. Apparently I was a dick:

Don't be a dick. It's the only thing you need to remember.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Valstar on July 26, 2022, 11:36:03 AM
NMA is not creating any effect, they don’t manage the FB page you mention, as the title says « unofficial NMA »  :)
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bever on July 26, 2022, 02:16:06 PM
NMA is not creating any effect, they don’t manage the FB page you mention, as the title says « unofficial NMA »  :)

It was said on the same page that it was requested by the band. For what it's worth.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Johnz on July 26, 2022, 03:13:57 PM
Maybe because yours was the fifth post about the same topic in as many days?

Cut the admins some slack. They do have lives and they have explained the situation sufficiently. The page is also not associated with the band. The band has decided not to provide an explanation. They probably have their reasons and it might mean that the situation remains unresolved. 

I just put all this flurry down to post-Berlin passion running a bit high.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: New Model Army on July 26, 2022, 03:19:25 PM
No, the band have NOT requested that the speculation about Marshall is taken down from the Unofficial FB group. People are entitled to their own opinions. The band will probably make a minimal statement in the near future, although the photographs and recent shows do make the situation pretty clear.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bever on July 26, 2022, 04:49:24 PM
No, the band have NOT requested that the speculation about Marshall is taken down from the Unofficial FB group. People are entitled to their own opinions. The band will probably make a minimal statement in the near future, although the photographs and recent shows do make the situation pretty clear.

Thanks for the update. I think that is al people are asking. A small statement, without even going into details. Something along the lines of "personal reasons", "artistic differences" or "bad body odor io the touring bus". Just a conformation and closure.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Magnus on August 18, 2022, 06:43:43 PM
Saw NMA in London in december, was a bit of a disappointment for me that Marshall was not there. The sound was flat and when Dean was not on the guitar, it felt empty on stage.
Watched the stream from Wacken today. Great setlist, great show and all. But i sure miss Marshall.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Valstar on August 19, 2022, 11:15:38 AM
I liked Marshall, what he brought on stage AND on the albums. BUT, I liked Nelson, Dave Bloomberg, Rob (liked Moose or Stuart but never saw them live with the band). So I will see for the future, but I really LOVED the Wacken video, the only thing was the guitar on Angry Planet, that sounded really poor and beyond the rest of the music, when it’s really needed upfront in this song (and the violin was not sufficient to bring the power needed).

So, I liked Marshal, but I like what I saw there.

I will be more than happy to have the same lineup (with violin 😁) for the winter gigs !

(I used the word « like » a lot, most of the time it could have been « love » but I wanted to look not to much like a fanboy 😉)
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bunny on August 19, 2022, 04:33:05 PM
Yeah. The band will cope. I loved Nelson, but Ceri has fit like a hand in glove. I loved Dave Blombergs guitar parts. Never saw him live but can appreciate it.
Ive said before, Dean is more than capable. I will miss Marshall cos I loved the "axe man" pose, but this is just another evolution. The music is still the same after all. I think the uncertainty was the issue, but we know now. Just need proper closure. We are family after all.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Shush on August 20, 2022, 04:01:56 PM
Well, if we are family, maybe it's time Mam un Dad tell us what's happend to uncle Marshall !
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bunny on August 21, 2022, 04:59:02 PM
Well, if we are family, maybe it's time Mam un Dad tell us what's happend to uncle Marshall !

Is he a real uncle? Or a pretend one that knows Mom?  ;)....Hello mate. Long time no speak!!
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bunny on September 22, 2022, 04:30:45 PM
So for anyone who doesnt receive the newsletter.....
"Now we head into the Autumn with an even more busy schedule, that will take us all around Europe. For personal reasons on all sides, Marshall Gill is no longer with us, but of course we would like to thank him for all his contributions to the band over many years and wish him well with Blackballed and all his other projects"
Thats followed to Links to Blackballed sites.

Shame but a fair and reasonable press release.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: fiddlesticks on September 23, 2022, 11:42:20 AM
Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Shush on September 26, 2022, 12:24:51 AM
Thanks for the update Bunny. I confess, I am very curious as to what those personal reasons were, but at the same time acknowledge, it's none of my business.

Thanks for everything Marshall ! - you have carved your name deep on the wall of NMA legends.
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Red on September 26, 2022, 08:50:28 PM
Thanks for the update Bunny. I confess, I am very curious as to what those personal reasons were, but at the same time acknowledge, it's none of my business.

Thanks for everything Marshall ! - you have carved your name deep on the wall of NMA legends.

So deep it's come out the other side :)

He will be/is missed massively but as we all know the line up always changes I just didn't expect this

As for the personal reasons, yep, that's it, personal whatever rumours and specualtion there is/was we need to respect it

Always had time for Marshall and spent many an hour with him when I've toured with Blackballed.

Looking forward to seeing him on Thursday when they support Stiff Little Fingers at Holmfirth Picturedrome
Title: Marshall Gill...
Post by: 8 on September 30, 2022, 11:49:27 PM
Thanks for everything Marshall ! - you have carved your name deep on the wall of NMA legends.

Beautifully put, Shush.

He certainly has. :'(

Thanks for the update as well, Bunny.

Take care and best wishes Mr. Gill... always. :'(
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Simon73 on October 12, 2022, 08:21:05 PM
too busy with his other band and wants to spend time doing his own thing. basically......
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Simon73 on November 25, 2022, 10:28:41 PM
still not telling not informing just one band member disappearing is to me no good
not for the band and not for the people who follow the band
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Valstar on November 26, 2022, 06:13:48 AM
They told, more is not of our concern, and Marshall also posted a FB message about it (message that in my opinion proves that NMA were right with a simple statement, when you read the comments on Marshall post and how people express opinions without knowing the whole story, as usual).

In short : we don't "deserve" any more than what was said by the band, IMO
Title: Re: Marshall
Post by: Bunny on November 29, 2022, 10:02:18 PM
Quite agree. Whatever the internal politics or personal wants of the band are none of our business. Im as gutted as anyone, but there is no one member bigger than the band, and he isnt the first to leave.

Lets not forget there are 4 very talented musicians still pumping out a good tune or two.